Why I Should Go to the RNC!

I have been invited to go to the RNC and I would love to go but it would mean paying my own way. So I am trying to raise some funds so I can head to Ohio and cause some mischief. These are the following reasons I should go:

    1. Dr. Shamsa and me at my UCLA graduationBecause I am Black and we all know Blacks should get everything they want. If they don’t it means you are racist and your kin were slavemasters. And let’s face it how many Black Republicans are there, like five? I and my other four Black Republicans will be the toast of the town, well as long there are no other minorities in attendance, otherwise, we will just have to hang out with each other singing Smokey Robinson songs and talking about the good ol’ days when our men pulled up their pants.

GOP pic2. It will give me a chance to talk to the people in power and tell them your concerns… and mine. Okay, let’s be honestly probably mostly mine but I won’t completely forget you. You give me some good questions and I will try to make sure they get asked. However if your question is, “Why you are such a scumbag, Senator Ryan?” Probably not going to ask that. Also, if it takes me ten minutes to ask your question, probably not going to get asked. But this is your chance to have someone speak for you!

3. Because I live in California and living here is like living in the La Brea Tar Pits, the more you try to remove yourself from the muck, the more it pulls you back in. Even if it is just for a day I would like to see how the normal folk live. It would be nice to eat a hamburger without being given the stink eye by some tofu-loving vegan.  I mean I am not asking for much, just a day away from Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, etc, is that really asking for all that much? Help save a constitutional conservative’s sanity, send her to Ohio.

4. Because we are constitutionalists/conservatives and we support each other. Oh, liberals think they are so generous, but they have nothing on us! When we give, we give from our hearts. We give because we believe in a person’s cause! We give because we know it is the right thing to do! And the Right always does the RIGHT thing, that is why we are called the Right!

5. You always wanted to sponsor one of those African kids but thought it was too expensive. Well think of me as your “African kid” except this is a one time deal. You don’t have to pay monthly fees. I won’t send pictures of my village and won’t make you feel guilty about that iPhone you have and grass hut I have. Nope, no sad depressing pictures of and my bloated body as I die from starvation. Instead, you get to send me to Ohio, to talk about our first world problems with our first world leaders. Isn’t that much better? Not only that but I am not asking for 30 bucks a month, I am asking for a one-time donation of five dollars….or more (no one will stop you from sending 10, 20  or if you want to that 30 dollars!) that will help send your mouthpiece to Ohio!

So for all these reasons you should send me to Ohio, why wouldn’t you? Here is how to do it, go to this site and donate: https://www.gofundme.com/SendmetoRNC


“Whig”in Out: The Demise of the Republican Party

Ask the average person do you know about the Whig Party and you will get a blank stare. They don’t know about it because it doesn’t exist anymore. That’s another thing the average person doesn’t understand political parties are not forever nor were they meant to be. In fact, our founding fathers though the very ideas of parties were repugnant and a barrier to the democratic republic they built.



George Washington

In George Washington’s Farewell Address he warned his fellow Americans about the dangers of political parties. He said, “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.” He claimed the partisanship would lead to inter-political conflict, divide the nation, and give rise to cases of tyranny.

First Party System

This is ironic given by the time he gave this speech he did belong to a political party, the Federalists, though he did not initially belong to any party when he became President. A whole encyclopedia could be done on the party system in this country, starting off with the First Party system, where we find the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans to the Second Party system where we find The Whigs, Free Soilers, Know Nothings, Democrats, and Republicans.

James Madison

4th President-James Madison

While James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, also warned of the downfall of factions, it nonetheless didn’t stop them from growing. “All civilized societies would be divided into different sects, factions, and interests, …of rich and poor, debtors and creditors, … the inhabitants of this district or that district, the followers of this political leader or that political leader, the disciples of this religious sect or that religious sect. In all cases where a majority are united by a common interest or passion, the rights of the minority are in danger.”  His political party? The Democratic-Republicans.

Political parties

These facts are important to know because with the nomination of Donald Trump to the Republican party and the mass dissatisfaction he has brought with him, it won’t be long until the third party takes off in this country.

The Whigs-Who Were They?

In the textbook, Created Equal: The Social and Political History of the United States it states: “The Whigs, a coalition anti-Jackson forces, sought to craft an economic program that would appeal to the largest number of voters. Less concerned with the purity of their ideas than with success at the ballot box, the Whigs saw their policies as means to winning elections and not necessarily as ends in themselves.” (pg. 390)

Does that sound like any party you know? More concerned with success at the ballot box than the purity of ideas. Obviously, that idea didn’t work.According to the same textbook, “The choices offered by the whigs and Democrats failed to represent what many groups saw as their pressing political and economic interest. Many Americans  turned to violence to advance or defend their causes.” (ibid)

Again does this sound like the Republican party? Failing to represent what many saw as their pressing political and economic interest? The Republican party consistently ignores their base and focuses on “winnable” issues, this sort of neglect is what led people to leave the Whig party and join the Republican party in the first place, but they have seemed to have forgotten their history.

What the Whigs Became

The Whig Party lasted 20 years, from 1834-1854. From the Whigs, we had four presidents-William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore. From the book, The Missouri Compromise and its Aftermath we are told: “On its face, this would seem to suggest that the strict constructionist viewpoint represented the consistent and scrupulous position claimed by its adherents, founded purely on traditional Whig distrust of power and unfettered government tendency towards consolidation and corruption.” 

Therefore, the party that was started to fight corruption in a short 20 years became corrupt itself. Whatever their problems with “Old Hickory” at the beginning of their regime, would not be enough to save it at the end when the other parties started forming.The Whigs had real power in their heyday and I am sure many told them, it was futile to have these other parties because they were not going to beat the Whig party, but that didn’t stop them from trying. Today, people say the same thing, the Democrats and Republicans are just too strong, a third party will never work. Well, there hasn’t been enough upset people to make it work, but today there are.

The Encyclopaedia Brittanica states: “In 1840 they abandoned the sectional approach to nominate the military hero William Henry Harrison. The subsequent contest was devoid of issues, Harrison winning on the basis of incessant electioneering by his supporters in the “log cabin” campaign.”  

Whig Party

As you can see the issues became less and less important as time went by, and because of this,  people became violently opposed to the Whig Party and that is where the Republican Party finds itself today.


The Republican Party has a great and long history. It was the party responsible for ending slavery, segregation and has been a beacon hope and equality but it has stopped caring about those things and has become corrupt. It has become the Whigs where it cares more about its image and electioneering than it does about its base voters.

In my political science classes at UCLA, it was often discussed,  that politicians seek to bring in the independent voters because they know they base will never leave them. They are wrong, though! I always knew they were wrong. You cannot disregard the base and expect them to stick around. The Whigs have proved that and now the Republican party is proving them once again. The base can only take so much before they let you know in no uncertain terms that you have lost them and you have lost them for good. If the Christian base leaves the Republican party, it will never recover and no amount of “independent” voters are going to change it. Because “independent” voters make their decisions by polls not morals and the minute it becomes problematic to be a Republican they are out.

The Republicans have “Whig”ed out and now it won’t be long until they are part of the ash heap of history.


Images sources: 

James Madison-The White House

Why Marco Rubio for President?

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio speaks at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. on Thursday.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio speaks at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. on Thursday.

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a Jindal girl. He is my favorite conservative politician and though I would love to see him as President, I don’t think he has the pull at this time to gain the Presidency. Though he would make a fantastic vice president. That being said I do think Marco Rubio does have the necessary pull among mainstream America to pull in a successful Presidential race. That is if The GOP listens to its constituents (which it usually doesn’t.).

You might be asking yourself why you should vote for Marco Rubio? What can he give you that some other Republican nominee can’t? I will go through why he is better than some of the other candidates and his voting record, so you can get a better look at why Marco Rubio should be our next President.

  1. Trump vs. Rubio

Trump has burst onto the Republican scene as the candidate to beat. He obviously has a lot of ideas that people agree with, especially when it comes to amnesty and immigration. However, having a few good ideas is not enough to make you a good President. Every President since FDR has come in with “good” ideas on how to improve America. Yet we have had far more mediocre and bad presidents than we have had good or great ones. So good ideas alone cannot make a Presidency. Even Obama came in saying he was going to make the government more transparent. That every bill would be posted for at least 48 hours before any vote was taken (and when is that exactly happening Obama?!) and instead we got the Fast and Furious, hidden emails from Hilary and conservatives being threatened by the IRS. So much for that transparency.

Rubio, on the other hand, doesn’t just talk a good game about what is going to do he has a record that shows you what he Immigration-Services_1will do. He has consistently shown himself to be a fiscal conservative and not bowing down to every interest group that comes down the pike. He co-sponsored the bill to get the Keystone XL Pipeline going. He is also for making our country much more secure by doing E-verify, strengthening the border. etc. This is a quote from Marco Rubio regarding illegal immigration:

We also understand it is so special, unique, some people are willing to risk their lives to come here illegally. As compassionate people, we understand that reality and our heart breaks at the stories of what people are having to go through to come. But we also understand the United States of America is a sovereign country. Every single sovereign country on the planet, every single one, tries to or does control its borders and who comes into the country and who leaves. Every country in the world does that. The United States of America should not be any different.

At the end of the day, that is what this issue is about. It is that we have a sovereign right to protect our border and we have a crisis on the southern border of the United States. For many different reasons, people have chosen to cross that border illegally, consistently, for the 20 or 30 years, and the results are obvious to all of us. That is why border security is such an important part of this bill and this measure.

Rubio has shown himself to have strong character, yes he does want to fix illegal immigration in this country, but he doesn’t need to create the sort of crazed melee that Trump has. If all you want to do is change immigration then Trump is your guy but if you want to change America. If you want to make it better for everyone then you need to take a closer look at Marco Rubio.

  • 2 Carson vs. Rubio

Ben CarsonI like Ben Carson. He seems to be a nice, intelligent man. But that doesn’t make him Presidential material. Long gone are the days when a President was nothing more than a mere caretaker and didn’t really need that much political savvy in which to successfully do his job. Today a president is not just a mere figurehead as he was back in the early days of our country. Ben might one day make a great President but just not now.

On the other hand, Marco Rubio has the same character and foresightedness that draws people to Ben Carson and also has a substantial record of standing with conservative values when it comes time to voting. Some people say we need Rubio more in the legislator bracket than we do as a President because he can more effectively get bills passed as a Senator than he could as a President.That is not entirely false, he has shown himself to be both consistent and effective as a legislator and even his colleagues think highly of him. Michelle Bachmann at Politicon, when questioned about Rubio, said he was the most articulate of all the candidates. And while she thought his position on amnesty (she seemed to think he was for it) would hurt him, she also thought overall he would make a good president. (Unfortunately, I didn’t spot the outlet to plug in my computer until after she had talked about Rubio, but it was being filmed so I am sure you can find her comments somewhere.) So I am certain that as president Rubio would be able to use those strong connections he has already forged to help get bills passed, whereas Ben would have to start from scratch.

Those are the two big candidates that Rubio is going up against. Now we will look at some other reasons why Rubio should be President:

Finances:money picture

Marco already has a quite the cash flow. According to the Federal Election Committee Rubio has $8,920,928 in individual contributions. He has received no money from the GOP and as for PACs he has only taken in $204,200. So what does this tell us? It tells us that he is not beholden to PACs to get his message out. Nor to the Republican Party. It is individual people and businesses that are putting their money behind Rubio. The people behind Rubio come from all walks of life, business owners, retirees, homemakers, salespersons, etc. They all have one thing in common, they all believe in Marco Rubio and many have contributed one more than one occasion because of that belief.  That is the kind of President we need. One that everyone can believe in.


Cecile Richards

Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood

When I talked to a potential voter about Rubio, he told me that his being pro-life was going to hurt him. I told him he was wrong, that more than ever people are fast becoming pro-life and with Cecile Richards and Planned Parenthood being brought forth before Congress in order to decide whether or not to defund them, more people are starting to see the truth behind abortion and they are not liking it. According to Vote Smart Rubio has a 100 percent pro-life record. In fact, when it comes to organizations like NARAL, he has received a 0 percent rating. NARAL is the largest abortion advocacy group in America. The difference between NARAL and Planned Parenthood is that Planned Parenthood does abortions, while NARAL just advocates for them to remain legal.  Gallup recently did a poll and said more people are pro-choice than pro-life, but obviously people at Gallup are apparently idiots and cannot read their own poll. Because it read that 39 percent said abortion should be legal in a few cases (rape, incest, life of mother) and 19 percent said it should be illegal in all cases, now maybe they are doing that Common Core math but in real mathematics 36+19=55. Fifty-five percent means MOST Americans are pro-life. How did they arrive at this conclusion that more Americans are pro-choice? Because when asked 50 percent described themselves as pro-choice even though they really weren’t. Gallup took that self-described nonsense and ran with it. Yet as we can see Rubio’s strong pro-life ethic will serve him well in his Presidency.

Fiscal conservatism

Instead of typing a long dialogue, I decided to simply demonstrate Rubio’s conservative vs. liberal slant:

Fiscally Conservative

2014 Americans for Prosperity – Lifetime Score 100%
2014 Americans for Prosperity – Positions (Jan. 7, 2014) 100%
2014 Americans for Prosperity – Lifetime Score (June 23, 2014) 100%
2014 Americans for Prosperity – Positions (June 23, 2014) 100%
2014 Competitive Enterprise Institute – Positions 88
2014 Heritage Action for America – Positions (113th Congress) 82%
2014 Heritage Action for America – Positions (Jan. 9, 2014) 87%
2013-2014 National Tax Limitation Committee – Positions 100%
2013 Competitive Enterprise Institute – Workplace Choice (August, 2013) 100%
2013 FreedomWorks – Positions 95%
2013 National Taxpayers Union – Positions 87%
2013 Republican Liberty Caucus – Economic Liberties Score 95%
2013 Republican Liberty Caucus – Personal Liberties 90%
2013 Republican Liberty Caucus – Liberty Index 93%
2013 The Club for Growth – Positions (lifetime) 93%
2013 The Club for Growth – Positions 91%
2012 FreedomWorks – Positions 85%
2012 National Journal – Senate Conservative (Economic) 87%
2012 National Taxpayers Union – Positions on Tax and Spending 84%
2011-2012 Americans for Prosperity – Lifetime score 100%
2011-2012 Americans for Prosperity – Positions 100%
2011-2012 Heritage Action for America – Positions 96%
2011-2012 National Tax Limitation Committee – Positions 88%
2011 FreedomWorks – Positions 94%
2011 National Journal – Conservative on Economic Policy Score 75%
2011 National Taxpayers Union – Positions on Tax and Spending 91%
2011 The Club for Growth – Positions 97

Fiscally Liberal

2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Crucial Votes 2%
2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Overall Positions 9%
2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Crucial Votes Lifetime Score 3%
2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Lifetime Score 7%
2012 National Journal – Senate Liberal (Economic) 12%
2012 NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby – Positions 8%
2011 National Journal – Liberal on Economic Policy Score 25%

So as you can see Marco Rubio has the character, the ability and the fiscal common sense needed to become the next President of the United States and if we are to reclaim our glory, let’s hope he does.

Third Parties-Are They Viable?

There are plenty of “third party” parties out there. You have the Constitution Party, American Independent Party, The Green Party, Libertarian Party

(which to me is the Democratic Party on steroids.), The Peace and Freedom Party and the list goes on.  However, when you ask most people about the third party candidates, you often hear one familiar refrain-“voting for a third party is a waste of a vote because a third party can never win.”

Good thing no one told Abraham Lincoln that back in 1860, when he was running on a third party ticket, the newly formed Republican Party for the Presidency.  Maybe they did but he just didnt’ listen. Maybe he had more faith in his party, more faith in his capabilities as a lawyer, a Congressman and future president and definitely more faith in the American people not to get sidetracked by Whigs telling him he didn’t stand a chance!

The Republican Party went from a lowly third party to being not only a major party but giving us the most Presidents out of any party! There are some really good parties out there, all it takes is stop the defeatist attitude that voting for a third party always means certain death and start searching out parties that truly reflect your values. If you are a crazed communist bent on world domination and global socialism. Then maybe the Democratic Party is for you after all.  For the rest of us, it is time we fight the two party system and start electing people that are truly “representative” of us and our beliefs.

Are third parties viable? Only if we make them viable. Only if we stop thinking we have to take this broken system and continue using it. Of course, third parties will continue to lose if we don’t back them. But as the Republican Party has shown us, third parties are not doomed to be third parties forever and it is time that the American people to show the politicians who really is in charge! It is through times of adversity that greatness is revealed, not success. In order to gain back our liberties, we need to stand against the Whigs and Democrats of today!

I think since the days of Lincoln, slavery and Confederacy has there never been so great a need for a third party in this country.  Status quo has never achieved anything worthwhile, so it is time we revolt against it and show these modern politicians what “We the People” really means! The more  people are willing to leave the failing two parties, the more they will have to work to retain our vote. Don’t think it is time they start working for us again people?

Colin Powell Hires Illegal Immigrants

Colin Powell, Secretary of State.

Image via Wikipedia

I have never liked Colin Powell but I like him less as a conservative than I ever did as a liberal. It is this kind of weak-kneed liberal hogwash why we are in the mess we are in. It is disgraceful that liberals are always trying to paint criminals as the victims while completely ignoring the real victims of this mass invasion of our country.

While he talks about the need to protect our borders you can’t do that by letting everyone in. If anyone should understand this it is an Army General and the former Secretary of State for crying out loud. He goes on to say he is not happy to see the direction the Republican Party is going in.  Neither are we, Mr. Powell! People like you are calling yourself Republicans when in truth you are nothing but a traitorous liberal.

I was talking to my son as we were walking to his school and we started talking about immigration and he said and I quote “You just can’t let everyone into the country Mommy. What about the bad guys and the people who are sick!” HE WAS IN KINDERGARTEN WHEN UTTERED THOSE WORDS!!!

So you mean to tell me a 5 year old understands immigration in its most basic form and a four star general does not? Are you friggin’ kidding me with this. Granted my son is highly intelligent, more so than even most of the adults I know but come on people, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that in order to protect our borders you can’t let just anyone in. With the murder of Arizona rancher, Robert Krantz who was killed by an illegal invader a few months back, it is time we get serious about illegals!

As for Colin, if he is knowingly hiring illegals he should be brought up on charges for hiring people he knows are breaking the law. As a military man he is supposed to be about law and order. If a four star general is getting away with this what is stop anyone from doing the same. Until people like him are jailed or fined heavily, this will keep happening. And Colin there is no illegals working in my house and I resent you saying so!

Any way you look at this statement by Colin it does  not spell good news.

1) He is knowingly hiring people he knows are in this country illegally. As such he is betraying his own country and turning his back on her citizens by hiring these people.

2) He is just assuming every Hispanic guy who is fixing his house is here illegally when they could very well be legal residents or citizens.

So he is either complicit in a crime or he is straight up racist. Either way does not bode well for him.  Colin,  if this is how you are going to treat your country then please jump ship and go over to the rest of the America haters in the Democratic party.

Scott Brown Wins but Will America?

Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley yesterday in a special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat. Evenwith Obama and the Kennedys behind her she could still only garner 47% of the voters support.  Scott received 52%-and while hardly a landslide, it is a pretty significant indicator that the arrogance and elitism of the Democratic party will not be tolerated any longer. More than anything, it was Coakley’s snobbery that did her in. Incidents like this did not certainly help her.

Asked about why she was not spending more time with voters, Coakley jabbed at Brown for having greeted hockey fans who attended a special outdoor game between the Boston Bruins and the Philadelphia Flyers.

“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?” she said.

Such one-on-one interaction with voters is the lifeblood of this state’s politics, and mocking the idea of braving the cold at Boston’s iconic baseball stadium seemed bizarre given the tens of thousands of voters who did just that to see the game.


I know because Obama recovered from his clinging to guns and religion gaffe that you thought you too could get away with such mocking of the voting population but hate to break it to you Coakley he is always going to get away with stuff you never will be, so don’t even try it. I guess she learned that lesson a bit too late.

But now that Scott Brown has been elected what does that mean for the GOP? Will he betray his conservative base that got him elected?  Will they seat him before the vote for health care comes up.  Michael Steele of the Republican National Convention said on Good Morning America, the Democrats are trying to put off seating him.  They want to wait at least three weeks..for what? When Roland Burris was going to fill the Obama seat it was done in a matter of days. Never mind that the whole process had been tainted by Rod Blagojevitch who was accused of trying to sell the seat to Jesse Jackson Jr and Roland Burris. While Roland denied it, he also allowed himself to be seated among all this controversy. It was truly stupid in my opinion.  Yet Roland had not been picked by the people but was appointed by the Senate, so why is it  when the people speak, it is going to take three weeks?

So now comes the hard part. Winning the election was the easy part, getting him into the Senate is going to be a whole lot harder.  They know  Scott will be fundamental in shooting down the health care bill and they can’t allow that to happen.  When Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe was interviewed by Good Morning America he had this to say:

“We won the House and Senate in 2006, we won the White House in 2008. … People sent the unmistakable message they wanted change. We have to deliver on that,” former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said on “GMA.”

“The Republicans have chosen their path: They are doing the bidding of insurance companies, just as they’re going to do with big banks as it relates to financial reform. We have a good health care plan, and we need to pass that,” Plouffe said.


The incredulous and arrogance of that statement is astounding. Basically, it was a very nice way of giving everyone who has legitimate beefs with the healthcare bill the finger. As a parent I know there are times when you have to do something that is for the good of your child whether or not they agree with it.  However, we are not children and to treat the voting public like children is beyond insulting. He also went on to say they were going to pass it in its current form, no compromises. So much for bipartisanship.

So Scott Brown won, but we have yet to see if that will be a good thing for America or will be just another RINO, only time will tell. And for the health of our country, let’s hope he is not a RINO in pachyderm clothing and Lord help us if he is.

The Rise of the Black Conservative

Being a Black conservative can be a lonely experience. You are told you are a sell out to your people. You are called a self-loathing Black person while the actual self-loathers seem to make their way unscathed. And sometimes it seems like you are the only Black person out there that feels this way then something happens-you start hearing about others.  The Star Parkers, the Larry Elders and Thomas Sowells and you go, “Oh my goodness! I am not the only one! I am not alone.”  But even as high profile as those people are, they are still overshadowed by the Jesse Jacksons, the Al Sharptons and the entire NBA!

But with the advent of Twitter, You Tube and other social networks like A Black Conservative DigestBlack conservatives are finding their own voice and creating their own media.  Two up and coming Black conservative voices to watch out for are Another Black Conservative and Conservative Like No Other. Both of them are on Blogspot and both of them are strong conservatives who unapologetically take on the liberal establishment.  Conservative Like No Other is a deeply devoted Christian woman who uses her blog to not only disspell the lies of the Left but to give glory to Jesus Christ.  She is not the kind of person to passively accept things, I know this because when she joined ABCD she set up three groups and made several comments on various posts.  That tells me she is not one to sit on the sidelines but to get involved and make a difference.

Another Black Conservative is also very much a man who wants to change things and when he read my story on there he responded with concern and compassion.  When I read their blogs,  I had to invite them to join. They are both intelligent and speak with conviction. They represent the best the Black conservative movement has to offer and there are others like them out there. From Zo of MachoSauce Productions who has made dozens of videos depicting his conservative stance to Ron Miller, another ABCD member, Blacks are no longer bowing down the liberal establishment and are fighting back. Ron has run for office even knowing he faced greater opposition then most Black politicians running.  He talks about his trepidation in going to Black churches to get his message out on ABCD-must read for any Black conservative entering the political foray.

So what will become of the rising Black conservative movement? Will we see a re-emergence of Black conservatism like we did with the Civil Rights movement.  (If you don’t think the Civil Rights movement was conservative then think again.  It was a God-based movement, based on obtaining access to the political process and economic empowerment.  Sounds conservative to me!)  If Conservative Like No Other and Another Black Conservative are any indication, the Black conservative is  going to have some staying power.

Blacks started out Republican and now are returning to their roots, while others are going for much more substantially conservative parties like the American Indpendent Party and the Constitutiton Party. When those parties take off and become true third parties-it will be because the Black conservative made it so.  Don’t look the Black conservative to be loyal to the Republican party if they can’t be loyal to the platform. We are used to be the outsiders and so we have no problem jumping ship and joining a party that more closely matches our values. If we can leave the Democrats high and dry, we can leave anyone else.

We will not be ignored anymore! We are here and we will not sit in the back of the bus any longer! God bless all those Black conservatives who know the sting of alienation, well you are not alone any longer.  And we stand by those who stand for freedom.




Please check out their sites and check out their pages on ABCD at: http://bit.ly/ABCD

Roland Burris Being Asked To Resign

burrisJim Durkin is asking Roland Burris to resign his seat due to contradictory statements made during Rod Blagojevitch’s impeachment hearing.  He also wants him investigated for perjury.  Gov. Pat Quinn is also calling for an explanation as well.

In an Associated Press article, Rupa Shenoy writes: “Sen. Roland Burris admitted in a document released Saturday that former Gov. Rod Blagojevitch’s brother asked him for campaign fundraising help before the governor appointed Burris to the Senate. The disclosure is at odds with Burris’ testimony in January when an Illinois House impeachment committee specifically asked if he had ever spoken to Robert Blagojevich or other aides to the now-deposed governor about the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.” (Associated Press. “Illinois GOP Leaderships Calls On Sen. Burris to Resign”.  Rupa Shenoy. February 16, 2009)

It has always been my contention that Roland Burris if he had any moral fiber at all should not have even entertained the notion of accepting the seat that had been the cause of scandal.  If he had any integrity, he would’ve told them to keep the seat and put it where the sun don’t shine or at the very least waited until another official who had the power to seat him offered it to him.  By allowing himself to be associated with Blagojevitch and then to possibly perjure himself he has done more to tarnish his reputation and the U.S. Senate then had he been wise to refuse the offer from the onset.

The B.O. presidency continues t be plagued by these type of scandal. There hasn’t been one day during his short tenure that someone hasn’t been caught doing something underhanded.  So much for that transparent presidency he told us about huh? Of course, I knew better because I could already see through him. It is just too bad the rest of America couldn’t.  So now we must find yet another Senator for the great state of Illinois. Will these troubles never cease?

Judd Gregg Withdraws His Nomination

.Judd Gregg  of New Hampshire has withdrawn his nomination for the Commerce Secretary in the Obama administration, saying he made a mistake accepting in the first place due to the “irresolvable conflicts” with B.O’.s policies. Which translated into English means, “I’m sorry, my bad, you see my neurons just recently started firing and common sense kicked in and I remembered I am a Republican not some spend it all while you got it Democrat!”

You will often hear people say that partianship is a bad thing, that we need to reach out to those “across the aisle.” I say, reaching out only gets your hand cut off. It is time we stop trying to mend fences and start mending our country. I don’t want Republicans that get along with Democrats and when I was a brain dead Dem-I didn’t want them cozying up with the Republicans. It is time we stop trying to make friends with the Dems and start taking down their agenda.  While bipartisanship is fine outside the walls of Congress, it doesn’t work well inside because we don’t elect  people to represent the other guy’s interest but our own!

It seems to me that Judd Gregg is starting to realize that. And I commend him for realizing that joining Obama’s team does not make him a team player  but means he will have to check his own personal values and those who voted him in office at the door. It is time for more Republicans to stand up to the bully that is B.O. and let him know he may have won the election but he didn’t win the mandate and there still are many who are opposed to his reckless spending and other more important values.

It seems like B.O. can’t keep a Cabinet member because when they are not being denied appointment due to failure to pay taxes or some other sin, they are withdrawing on their own accord.  All this should tell you who B.O. is as a man but only if you are paying attention.

Judd Gregg  withdraws his nomination for  Commerce Secretary

Stimulus Passes by One Vote!

me-in-red-checkered-blouse1See people one vote does make a difference.  They needed 60 to pass the stimulus plan and got 61.  About 36 Republicans voted against it.  Well it is good to see at least 36 Republicans still have a pair and were able to stand up to B.O’s threat that if you didn’t vote for the stimulus package you hated America and wanted everyone to starve. Of course, I want to know what three didn’t even bother to vote at all. Not that three votes our way would’ve mattered they would still have the sixty one needed to pass it.

This whole concept that throwing money at problems somehow solves them is ridiculous. If that were true I wouldn’t have a problem in the world. No one is better at throwing money around than me. I am the Queen of Mismanaged Money.  And yet I have money problems….hmmm I wonder why that is!  Heck, I have always said if you wanted some inexperienced Black person to waste your money you should’ve voted for me! LOLman_throwing_money.

I wasn’t surprised to hear it passed the House, what I was surprised by was the narrow margin that it passed and that the Republicans actually listened to the people in office and not some Michael J. Fox type, spin doctor.  (Where is Alex P. Keaton when you need him?)

So where will this stimulus package lead us? Will it create more jobs? Will it bring us greater prosperity? And if it does at cost?  The New Deal supposedly brought greater prosperity but it also created a generation of me’s.  A generation who is patronized and told they need the government to take care of them.  It is also created the mindset that you are entitled to other people’s money. That you don’t ever need to grow up because you can move back in with Mom and Dad and they will take care of  you even when you are forty! That adult responsibility is something to be shunned.  Is this the greater promise FDR envisioned when he created the New Deal nearly eighty years ago? I think not.

But here we go again,  same liberalism, different president.  FDR was the great hope then but his policies gave us a weaker nation not a stronger one. B.O’s policies, especially in regards to us being part of  a global community, won’t leave us a nation at all and will bankrupt us morally and fiscally.  But such is the way of liberalism.

Why I Hate Twitter

There was an article today that says that Republicans Twitter more than Democrats.  Almost double the amount of Republicans  Twitter than Democrats. For those of you who are not familiar with Twitter. It is a very annoying little site that asks one question-What are you doing? That is supposed to connect people and spark conversations. Now how you are supposed to do all this in 140 characters or less,  I have no idea.  Anyway, I am gettting ahead of myself.  Here are my reasons I hate Twitter.

1) It  doesn’t do anything! With WordPress you have your blog, you can add videos, pictures,  text.  It can be long or short.  You can pick your background.  You are in control.  With Twitter, they are in control. They tell how long your answer to that annoying question can be. It doesn’t allow you to delete the junk you don’t want. It is a place where spam goes to get resurrected!

2) It only allows you 140 characters. Oh please, even when I barely write anything to my video posts, it is still more than 140 characters.  I don’t talk much in real life, all my conversations come out in my writing and you want me to keep it to 140 characters, are friggin’ kidding me?

3) It doesn’t allow your personality to come out. The choices of background are very limited. You have a picture that is so small that even if you were an atom, you would still have to squint to see it.  You get one sentence about yourself.  And a link for your blog.

4) You have all these followers supposedly following your updates but none of them are talking to YOU!!!!  Then why are you following me then if you are not going to talk to me? You have a bunch of messages that make absolutely no sense.  What if I just came up to you and just said, “Jason thinks the longitudal study of  Pfizer Pharmecuticals is….” and just stopped. Well first you want to know who the heck is Jason and why I am talking to about longitudal studies to you. Well imagine every conversation is like that and you have Twitter.  People are always “tweeting” part of conversations that have nothing to do with you. Well if you are not talking to me, don’t put it on my page! Put on the page that the person is responding to! I don’t want to know about all your conversations, just the conversations concerning me! If you are not talking to me, I really don’t care! But once you click them as a friend you get a minutae of conversations on your page that have absolutely nothing to do with anything you are talking about.  Now say I piqued your interest enough to want to know about those studies I was referring to good luck finding the thread that started it! It is nothing but chaos. Besides  if I wanted to be ignored with a billion people talking around me, I have my life for that, I certainly don’t need Twitter.

All in all, Twitter is mess.  Far superior network sites are Yahoo Groups, where if you miss part of the conversation you can go back and start from the beginning.  LDS Link Up, where you have forums, email and chat to keep in touch.  Reunion.com, where they do ask questions and you can pick which questions you want to answer or do a general entry.  Even Smart Girl Politics is vastly superior to Twitter.  But then again a horse using its hoof to tap out an answer is superior to Twitter. Because you can understand the horse.

Michael Steele 1st Black RNC National Chairman

Michael Steele has been named the first Black to be named a national RNC Chairman.   While I think  it is great that Michael has been elected for this position, I still don’t know enough about him to really endorse his candidacy.  Is  he pro-life? For me, there is really no question I need answered beyond that.  But to be pro life means you can’t be for killing children in certain instances.   For often you get the rape/incest argument to aborting a child. Like somehow it is the child’s fault that his father is a whackjob rapist.  You can’ t be for killing the life of a child to “save the mother’s life.” Which is nothing but a smokescreen anyway. As a doctor you try to save both lives, if the child should die during your attempt to save both, that is a tragedy. But you don’t deliberately take its life because it is easier for you to do so. Basically, to call yourself pro-life you have to stand for life with no exceptions.  Anything else is Pro-choice Lite.

Next thing that is of vital importance is illegal immigration. Where does he stand on amnesty?  To me, amnesty is an insult to every immigrant that followed the rules and entered this country legally. It says if you break the law long enough, you will eventually be rewarded. Now I am no Girl Scout and back in the day I found myself on the wrong side of the law, but I never got rewarded for it. And I am certainly not going to justify my behavior by trying to make it seem noble or good.  I was wrong then and these people are wrong now.

I wonder about Michael’s positions because Yahoo said he was the most moderate of all conservatives. And there is nothing more dangerous than a moderate.  Moderates are not peacemakers as they like to think they are, they are cowards.  They are opportunists whose own opinions are based on polls and not on convictions and therefore will only stand what is right as long as it is fashionable to do so.  Heck, if enough voters  starting telling Obama abortion and gay marriage were immoral and wrong,  he would be the most conservative president we have ever  had, just because it would behoove him to be so.   So I am really hoping  Yahoo is wrong and that Michael is not a moderate.

So until I know more, I will simply say, “Congratulations Michael.  Let’s lead this country back to the values it was founded on.  God bless you and may your leadership help Blacks return to the party that once freed us from slavery. May it now free us from the scourge of socialism which threatens our very liberty.  And one more thing Michael to keep in mind. We are the party of the mighty and majestic elephant, that means we never forget. LOL. So Good luck. “