Why Marco Rubio for President?

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio speaks at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. on Thursday.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio speaks at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. on Thursday.

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a Jindal girl. He is my favorite conservative politician and though I would love to see him as President, I don’t think he has the pull at this time to gain the Presidency. Though he would make a fantastic vice president. That being said I do think Marco Rubio does have the necessary pull among mainstream America to pull in a successful Presidential race. That is if The GOP listens to its constituents (which it usually doesn’t.).

You might be asking yourself why you should vote for Marco Rubio? What can he give you that some other Republican nominee can’t? I will go through why he is better than some of the other candidates and his voting record, so you can get a better look at why Marco Rubio should be our next President.

  1. Trump vs. Rubio

Trump has burst onto the Republican scene as the candidate to beat. He obviously has a lot of ideas that people agree with, especially when it comes to amnesty and immigration. However, having a few good ideas is not enough to make you a good President. Every President since FDR has come in with “good” ideas on how to improve America. Yet we have had far more mediocre and bad presidents than we have had good or great ones. So good ideas alone cannot make a Presidency. Even Obama came in saying he was going to make the government more transparent. That every bill would be posted for at least 48 hours before any vote was taken (and when is that exactly happening Obama?!) and instead we got the Fast and Furious, hidden emails from Hilary and conservatives being threatened by the IRS. So much for that transparency.

Rubio, on the other hand, doesn’t just talk a good game about what is going to do he has a record that shows you what he Immigration-Services_1will do. He has consistently shown himself to be a fiscal conservative and not bowing down to every interest group that comes down the pike. He co-sponsored the bill to get the Keystone XL Pipeline going. He is also for making our country much more secure by doing E-verify, strengthening the border. etc. This is a quote from Marco Rubio regarding illegal immigration:

We also understand it is so special, unique, some people are willing to risk their lives to come here illegally. As compassionate people, we understand that reality and our heart breaks at the stories of what people are having to go through to come. But we also understand the United States of America is a sovereign country. Every single sovereign country on the planet, every single one, tries to or does control its borders and who comes into the country and who leaves. Every country in the world does that. The United States of America should not be any different.

At the end of the day, that is what this issue is about. It is that we have a sovereign right to protect our border and we have a crisis on the southern border of the United States. For many different reasons, people have chosen to cross that border illegally, consistently, for the 20 or 30 years, and the results are obvious to all of us. That is why border security is such an important part of this bill and this measure.

Rubio has shown himself to have strong character, yes he does want to fix illegal immigration in this country, but he doesn’t need to create the sort of crazed melee that Trump has. If all you want to do is change immigration then Trump is your guy but if you want to change America. If you want to make it better for everyone then you need to take a closer look at Marco Rubio.

  • 2 Carson vs. Rubio

Ben CarsonI like Ben Carson. He seems to be a nice, intelligent man. But that doesn’t make him Presidential material. Long gone are the days when a President was nothing more than a mere caretaker and didn’t really need that much political savvy in which to successfully do his job. Today a president is not just a mere figurehead as he was back in the early days of our country. Ben might one day make a great President but just not now.

On the other hand, Marco Rubio has the same character and foresightedness that draws people to Ben Carson and also has a substantial record of standing with conservative values when it comes time to voting. Some people say we need Rubio more in the legislator bracket than we do as a President because he can more effectively get bills passed as a Senator than he could as a President.That is not entirely false, he has shown himself to be both consistent and effective as a legislator and even his colleagues think highly of him. Michelle Bachmann at Politicon, when questioned about Rubio, said he was the most articulate of all the candidates. And while she thought his position on amnesty (she seemed to think he was for it) would hurt him, she also thought overall he would make a good president. (Unfortunately, I didn’t spot the outlet to plug in my computer until after she had talked about Rubio, but it was being filmed so I am sure you can find her comments somewhere.) So I am certain that as president Rubio would be able to use those strong connections he has already forged to help get bills passed, whereas Ben would have to start from scratch.

Those are the two big candidates that Rubio is going up against. Now we will look at some other reasons why Rubio should be President:

Finances:money picture

Marco already has a quite the cash flow. According to the Federal Election Committee Rubio has $8,920,928 in individual contributions. He has received no money from the GOP and as for PACs he has only taken in $204,200. So what does this tell us? It tells us that he is not beholden to PACs to get his message out. Nor to the Republican Party. It is individual people and businesses that are putting their money behind Rubio. The people behind Rubio come from all walks of life, business owners, retirees, homemakers, salespersons, etc. They all have one thing in common, they all believe in Marco Rubio and many have contributed one more than one occasion because of that belief.  That is the kind of President we need. One that everyone can believe in.


Cecile Richards

Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood

When I talked to a potential voter about Rubio, he told me that his being pro-life was going to hurt him. I told him he was wrong, that more than ever people are fast becoming pro-life and with Cecile Richards and Planned Parenthood being brought forth before Congress in order to decide whether or not to defund them, more people are starting to see the truth behind abortion and they are not liking it. According to Vote Smart Rubio has a 100 percent pro-life record. In fact, when it comes to organizations like NARAL, he has received a 0 percent rating. NARAL is the largest abortion advocacy group in America. The difference between NARAL and Planned Parenthood is that Planned Parenthood does abortions, while NARAL just advocates for them to remain legal.  Gallup recently did a poll and said more people are pro-choice than pro-life, but obviously people at Gallup are apparently idiots and cannot read their own poll. Because it read that 39 percent said abortion should be legal in a few cases (rape, incest, life of mother) and 19 percent said it should be illegal in all cases, now maybe they are doing that Common Core math but in real mathematics 36+19=55. Fifty-five percent means MOST Americans are pro-life. How did they arrive at this conclusion that more Americans are pro-choice? Because when asked 50 percent described themselves as pro-choice even though they really weren’t. Gallup took that self-described nonsense and ran with it. Yet as we can see Rubio’s strong pro-life ethic will serve him well in his Presidency.

Fiscal conservatism

Instead of typing a long dialogue, I decided to simply demonstrate Rubio’s conservative vs. liberal slant:

Fiscally Conservative

2014 Americans for Prosperity – Lifetime Score 100%
2014 Americans for Prosperity – Positions (Jan. 7, 2014) 100%
2014 Americans for Prosperity – Lifetime Score (June 23, 2014) 100%
2014 Americans for Prosperity – Positions (June 23, 2014) 100%
2014 Competitive Enterprise Institute – Positions 88
2014 Heritage Action for America – Positions (113th Congress) 82%
2014 Heritage Action for America – Positions (Jan. 9, 2014) 87%
2013-2014 National Tax Limitation Committee – Positions 100%
2013 Competitive Enterprise Institute – Workplace Choice (August, 2013) 100%
2013 FreedomWorks – Positions 95%
2013 National Taxpayers Union – Positions 87%
2013 Republican Liberty Caucus – Economic Liberties Score 95%
2013 Republican Liberty Caucus – Personal Liberties 90%
2013 Republican Liberty Caucus – Liberty Index 93%
2013 The Club for Growth – Positions (lifetime) 93%
2013 The Club for Growth – Positions 91%
2012 FreedomWorks – Positions 85%
2012 National Journal – Senate Conservative (Economic) 87%
2012 National Taxpayers Union – Positions on Tax and Spending 84%
2011-2012 Americans for Prosperity – Lifetime score 100%
2011-2012 Americans for Prosperity – Positions 100%
2011-2012 Heritage Action for America – Positions 96%
2011-2012 National Tax Limitation Committee – Positions 88%
2011 FreedomWorks – Positions 94%
2011 National Journal – Conservative on Economic Policy Score 75%
2011 National Taxpayers Union – Positions on Tax and Spending 91%
2011 The Club for Growth – Positions 97

Fiscally Liberal

2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Crucial Votes 2%
2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Overall Positions 9%
2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Crucial Votes Lifetime Score 3%
2013-2014 Progressive Punch – Lifetime Score 7%
2012 National Journal – Senate Liberal (Economic) 12%
2012 NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby – Positions 8%
2011 National Journal – Liberal on Economic Policy Score 25%

So as you can see Marco Rubio has the character, the ability and the fiscal common sense needed to become the next President of the United States and if we are to reclaim our glory, let’s hope he does.