Election 2012: The Most Important Issue Award Goes To….

This is an official blog entry for the YourLocalSecurity.com Blogging Scholarship. If selected, I’ll receive $1000 towards my college expenses in 2012. This scholarship is sponsored by YourLocalSecurity.com

Abortion. That’s right, the most important election issue this cycle is abortion. Readers of my blog will most assuredly go, “Okay, we get it, you are anti-abortion, can you talk about something else already?”  However, abortion continues to top the headlines. This past week we had Rick Perry, a Republican contender for the Presidency, say that he has “transformed” his view on abortion. After watching a pro-life movie in which a woman conceived of rape speaks, he is now saying he is 100% pro-life.  There was also a couple who did an abortion at home and when they couldn’t quite fully kill their child they put the remains under the Christmas tree in a gift box. http://www.fox8.com/news/nationworld/ktla-aborted-fetus,0,250932.story

Much to the chagrin of the fiscal conservatives and zealous pro-choice liberals the issue of abortion is not going away and will have a defining impact on this upcoming election. Especially with Personhood Amendments appearing on ballots throughout the nation, the question of abortion can no longer be ignored. The abortion issue is to this election what slavery was to the 1860 campaign trail. It is now coming to the forefront of our nation’s consciousness. Its importance cannot be  understated because we are talking about human lives here. Regardless of what the pro-choicers would like you to believe the biological debate of when life begins  was settled in the 19th century. The anti-personhood argument is philosophical, political and theological in nature, not scientific therefore has no rational basis to seek a denial of human rights and protection under the law.

With this issue not going away, how could one successfully resolve it? One way is already being done, states are proposing their own Personhood Amendments that would become effective when Roe v. Wade gets overturned. In fact, South Dakota is the only state not to have any abortion clinics within its territory. So we see that it can be done. Education of basic fetalogy and the current stage of the baby have had a profound effect on women obtaining abortions afterwards. Continuing to educate women along with allowing them to see the ultrasound if they so desire, give women all the accurate information they need to make a better choice. Finally, extending the 14th amendment to include the unborn would be the easiest way to make sure that the unborn are given the rights they deserve without having to pass a new amendment which would be time consuming and may not pass the ratification process.

You  may wonder why I did not pick an easy answer like the economy as the most important issue, well because the elimination of 50 million human beings takes precedence but also because it does have a profound effect on the economy. By annihilating 50 million potential workers, we have created the economic dire straits we find ourselves in now. The only addition to the population and henceforth workers has been through immigration-legal and Free screensaverotherwise. We are below replacement levels and we are hemorrhaging not only in the moral sense but in the economic sense as well. Therefore, it is imperative we correct this situation or else we will find ourselves on the road to extinction. At that point the economy won’t mean very much will it?