America’s Eulogy

Doctor pictureWhile I am by no means willing to give up on America! While “doctors” like me known as patriots continue to fight for the life of this nation, while we continue to try to infuse her with life saving blood known as sacrifice and liberty, while we search our “medical books” known as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, there is still a chance she may die. There is a chance Lady Liberty won’t live to see another generation raised under her guiding light. So as a “doctor” I have to make that long, pitiful, sorrowful walk down to the waiting room, where the “family” known as Americans,  is waiting and tell them, “She might not make it people. You might want to get her affairs in order.”  Should America die this would be my eulogy.

America was actually born July 2, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennyslyvania. Constitution imagesShe had many a father-George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and many a mother too-Betsy Ross, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. Each of them helping to form her in younger years.  She came into this world, a bloody mess, others laying down their lives so she could live.  She was so highly prized that another “mother”- England- who is commonly known as the motherland, tried to keep her for herself.  However, England lost and had to relinquish custody of her beloved America.

Man_throwing_moneyAmerica grew up and became prosperous in her life.  People adored her. She accomplished much in the name of science, arts, industry and education. Her children known simply as Americans were the smartest, the wealthiest, the most productive and the most God fearing people on the planet.  One of her sons gave us the Bill of Rights-his name was Patrick Henry. One of her daughters would become an astronaut, her name is Mae Jamison. She bled and cried out for the freedom of her Black children and she won that! She believed what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal.  She was unrelenting, she wouldn’t give up until all her children were free.

LiberalsYet the more children she had, the more prosperous they became, the more they forgot their mother.  Then one day, it happened-a great evil befell her.  Liberalism invaded her body. Liberalism is insidious, it gets into the blood of its host and destroys it from the inside out. America didn’t even know how it caught this bug.  Liberalism used America’s love for freedom, truth and justice and corrupted it. Her courts refused to rule by constitutional standards and began politicizing all its decisions. Her Congress once of great moral fiber, began to deteriorate and become incompetent and corrupt.  Her Presidents who would never think of breaching the Constitution would do so before breakfast most days.

medicationsShe tried to fight off the liberalism, but they were strong and were not letting go. Even when given medicine-conservatism-it never lasted long enough to make a difference. Liberalism kept coming back.  It overtook her until every value she held was smashed. They all but eliminated religious liberty,  leaving  just enough churches open to make it seem like we had religious liberty when the truth is, it got muzzled by LBJ. Free speech turned into hate speech and every constitutional protection was whittled away. She watched in horror as her children fought for the right to kill her other children.  It was called abortion though in truth its name is genocide. She became anguished as perverse sexual practices were revered. She felt hopeless as she saw marriage being torn apart.  What was happening? She became confused and pretty soon she didn’t recognize herself at all.  Then on November 4, 2008 she was hit hard. The liberals had secured the Presidency and both Houses.  Even the courts were becoming more liberal.  With the election of Obama, Pelosi leading the House and Sotomayor being confirmed to the Court, the liberals had a tight stranglehold on her.  Though she was able to raise her level of conservatism, it was too late-she was dead.  America though once rich, would leave behind a trillion dollar deficit, illiteracy, government waste and the continued oppression of her people through “government aid” otherwise known as socialism.  She was a great lady, may she rest in peace.

Cali’s Garage Sale

Arnold Schwarzenegger[In her best announcer voice] Everything must go people! That’s right-one day, tons of sales! We are selling our jobs overseas, good education and pretty much our souls. So come one, come all-you are sure to get a heck of a deal!

While that may not be what they are really selling-at least on Craigslist or ebay-California is having a garage sale to generate funds for the state. Has it really come to this, are we really so bad off as the eighth largest economy in the world (not in America but in the world!) that we need to sell our dirty laundry on ebay. And I do mean dirty laundry-they are selling old prison uniforms. And who exactly is going to buy old prison uniforms anyway? Maybe an ex con who is all misty eyed about the good ol’ days in Folsom or San Quentin. San Quentin-Death Row-East BlockThey are selling cars, laptop computers, everything that they can get their hands on.  While it might be a clever idea and a way to eliminate some of the waste and clutter California has collected, [California must be the “Pack Rat State” because I, myself am a huge packrat, hate to throw anything away.  I also have many a friends with the same affliction. Maybe it is something in our water that makes us hold onto everything for dear life. ] it is not even going to make a dent in the deficit we have accumulated as well. At the present time, it is being projected we have a deficit of $26 billion.

Cal WorthingtonObvious ly the Governator has run out of ideas.  He has become a joke of a governor and a business man. He has become of the Cal Worthington of statesmen. For the three of you who don’t live or who have never lived in Southern California, Cal Worthington is a used car salesman. He owns a  lot called Worthington Ford. He had television commercials about standing on his head to make you a deal and he had a “dog” Spot who was usually a monkey, elephant, lion or some other wild animal. Actually as a child, I loved his commercials they made me laugh and brought a smile to my face. He is still selling his cars today.  The difference between Cal Worthington and most politicians is that Cal Worthington would honestly give you a good deal.

The idea for the garage sale came from one of his Twitter followers (ah yes, the brilliance of Twitter!) 

After signing the order to reduce the state’s 40,000 government vehicles by 15 percent, Schwarzenegger posted a video message thanking his Twitter followers for their budget-balancing ideas, including one follower’s suggestion to autograph state-owned vehicles being put up for auction.

“You come up with the great ideas. Why not just sign the cars since you’re a celebrity governor? Sign the cars and sell it for more money,” the governor said in the video where he was seen sitting at his desk in the state Capitol admiring a 2-foot-long folding knife before addressing viewers. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do.” [Judy Lin, Associated Press Writer,  Friday, August 28, 2009]

Garage SaleFrom there it grew into a full-fledged “garage sale.”  And even if every citizen, illegal alien and unborn fetus showed up, gave the state all their money at which point I got about 5 bucks to get to school for the next 3 days, it wouldn’t end the deficit and it sure wouldn’t end the reckless spending that politicians have become famous for.

When did our government stop being about the governance of its people and turn into the annoyance of its people. With its constant striving to take over every area of our lives from industry, healthcare and education, we are left with very few liberties left. [Side note: A liberty by the way is what the government is supposed to stay out of,  a right is what the government is supposed to enforce. Of course, with liberties and rights, the two can intertwine and get sticky but that is the general take on the two.] It seems like such nonsense like this garage sale is not just limited to California. After all, Cash for Clunkers is basically the same thing-Congress going Worthington Ford on the nation!

One person referred to Cash for Clunkers as abortion for autos. Since after you turn in your vehicle they have to destroy it and cannot resell it. Yet here we are reselling SUVs and other vehicles that Cash for Clunkers is trying to destroy.  The whole thing is turning into some very bad game show and if it wasn’t our future on the line, I might have a good laugh at all this. It just shows how truly far we have fallen. As a state and as a nation.

P.S. Thank you liberals for all your inanely insipid ideas and turning this country into a vast wasteland! You have done a bang up job destroying America!

All Ning Sites Are Down?

Ning's logoSo I go to check my Ning site, “A Black Conservative Digest” and it can’t be found. I go to Ning-nothing. I go to Smart Girls Politics, also down. I go to NO WE WON’T! want to guess if that was up? Nah, it was down too. So I am wondering, if Obama’s cyber czar who we know nothing about has decided we just don’t need Ning!

I mean Obama couldn’t been to happy with Gallup today when he read Obama readingthat Americans are more conservative in all fifty states than liberal. Maybe he thought too many of us were getting together sharing ideas, forming plans, educating each other and that just has to stop. Maybe it is just my computer and for whatever reason it is not picking up Ning sites. Or maybe it is just Ning acting a bit whacky. There are plenty of reasons not one Ning site is working but come on you liberals have conspiracy theories coming out the wazoo, this is mine.

Then again I went to and that didn’t come up. No 1984 for me.  I went to Online Literature and was told that site might harm my computer? Really? A Literature site-we all know how devious those literary people are! Ah man, I just unplugged my internet and plugged it back in, now my site is working. Just as I was working on a good conspiracy theory. Dang it! Well there are plenty of computer mishaps just waiting to happen and I am sure Obama will be responsible for at least a couple of them, I just have to wait and be patient.  I hate it when truth messes up a perfect good plot, but what are you going to do right?

1984-The Movie

1984-Reagan was re-elected president. My father had been killed by a drunk driver and I was locked up.  It was my own Orwellian nightmare. George was right, 1984 was going to be one sucky year!

That being said I will review the movie after I watch it all. Hope you enjoy it!

We the People Health Care

As we debate the health care “crisis” in this country, we hear all kinds of solutions. We should have the government take over. You mean the same government that just ended dental benefits for adults on Medi-Cal. You mean the same gov’t that  forces me to jump through hoops after all this time to get my meds. The same meds I have been on for the last 25 years no less. You want that gov’t to run it? No thank you!

Well we can let the private sector run it. You meant the same private sector that refuses to cover me because I am epileptic. You mean the same private sector that in 1992 charged nearly nine hundred dollars for one MRI? That private sector? NO Thanks!

We the People has come up with a good solution! Let the people form a coalition and create their own non-profit health care system. A system where I won’t be denied coverage because of my pre-existing condition. A system that respects my privacy, keeps the government out of it and where one won’t be gorged with high premiums.

Check it out and if you think it sounds good sign up at

Jeane Robertson’s Comedy

In recent years most comedy has been vulgar and demeaning. No matter if it was a man or a woman, you could be certain to hear the most vile and crass things ever uttered out of the mouths of a comedians.  As a stand up comedian myself, I have often wanted to do my comedy in a place where “clean” comics worked. No such luck. Through the years we have occasionally gotten a Bill Cosby, a Steve Martin and my favorite a Jeff Cesario (he was big on Comic Strip Live back in the day-see if you can find any of his clips, he is a riot!) but such talents were few and far between. Enter Jeane Robertson.  Jeane Robertson is a breath of fresh air. She is not a twenty something, cheerleader/airhead whose only life experience is being a rock n roll groupie. She is a classy, elegant woman and wife who speaks to her audience with respect. We need mor Jeane Robertsons.

Everything I Know About Government, I Learned in a Girls’ Group Home

DenaLeichnitzAmosFrom the time I was seventeen until I was kicked out at eighteen, I lived in a girls’ group home and some of the governmental mess I see happening now was taking place on a smaller scale back then. When I first walked into Aviva Center back in 1987, it was run by a great woman named Lois Tandy. She had been in charge of Aviva pretty much forever. She knew all the girls. She cared about all the girls. People felt like she was their mother. If you had to be away from your own family at least Lois made the experience a little more bearable. Girls (now women) who had lived in Aviva twenty years prior still remembered Lois fondly. Lois was like early America. It had its bumps and everything wasn’t perfect, some of us even felt like slaves, but we had good leadership. There was someone in charge who cared about the “country” and ran it with discipline but love. But like all good leaders, Lois eventually retired and we got the worst possible person to take over! Enter the Barack era of Aviva Center.

Andrew Diamond was his name (and no the names haven’t been changedAviva Center to protect the guilty!) and he was a tall, arrogant man. He had no time for the girls. His door was not open to us like Lois’ had been. The first thing he did when he got into power was start taking away rights. Up to that point, girls were allowed to read the Bible with staff members, with other girls, etc. Now granted, I was not a big fan of God back then and I would read the Satanic Bible, carry around my books on Witchcraft and once in awhile freak the girls out with my Satanic sounding voice-when you are locked up you got to make your own fun! Even so, I would listen as the staff tried to slap the devil out of me-figuratively speaking-by sharing the word of God with me. They knew most of this was for show and that I was angrier than anything else. They knew there was a mustard seed of faith in there and they tried to save me. But Andrew in his infinite wisdom decided,no one could talk about religion with another girl or a staff member. I truthfully feel it was to punish me for freaking the girls out with my voice and talking about Lilith-the Jewish female demon-a bit too much. We could go to church, but we had to get there on our own and we couldn’t go together. If we wanted to read any kind of Scripture or religious text, it had to be done in our rooms! He was a tyrant and it was his way or the highway! Lois looked for solutions that worked for all involved. She would be the Constitution. Andrew was the Communist Manifesto. His only solution was what would make life easier for him.

LegislatureLike the healthcare fiasco today, Andrew rushed through “legislation” he often had to go back and retract some of it because obviously his way was not working. He never took the time to sit and think, what would work best for these particular girls. He never asked our opinions on any of the changes. He never once had a “town hall” with us and let us know what was going on. He was a brute of a man who would hide up in his office and rarely made an appearance. Truthfully, I couldn’t pick him out of a line-up today because I saw him so rarely back then. The staff didn’t much care for him either. He didn’t care about how difficult he made their jobs or our lives. While no one expected him to be Lois (or maybe we did who knows) we did expect him to treat us like human beings and not like trash. We were in there because we had been treated that way our whole lives and to put a man in charge who had no compassion for us at all was the height of cruelty.

I will give this to Andrew, he made cherish my religious liberty all the Emma Smithmore. I actually hungered to talk to someone about the Bible. When he said I couldn’t-that is when I wanted to the most. The staff were careful and would still speak to me about it, making sure no one was around to hear us talk about it. I have already lived an existence where religious liberty was non-existent, I don’t ever want to go back to that era. Andrew thought the way to not to offend anyone was to take it away altogether. Instead of coming to me and going, “Dena, you are scaring the girls with this Satanic /Witchcraft thing, what’s going on? Is this what you truly believe?” and really talking to me and seeing what kind of compromise we could work out. He thought it would be easier just to ban the Bible….all the Bibles…hint hint. But even then God found a way.

China's flagAndrew’s way was the socialist way. Lois’ way was the American way. She believed in freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom to choose your own way. Andrew thought he knew better than us stupid little girls and since he had the job of taking care of us, he was going to do it with an iron fist. Andrew was a dictator, Lois was a leader. We followed Lois because we wanted to, she made us believe in ourselves and so we willingly wanted to please her. All Andrew brought us was hatred for authority, rebellion and a fear of “getting caught.” After graduating high school in June I was still there. I knew I had to leave in January because I would be turning 19, so I was working on getting what I needed together to leave. In October, I was told I had 30 days to leave. Had Lois been around I would’ve had until January. So I ended up in a shelter for thirty days and then one to a board and care. Andrew has left nothing but a bitter taste in my mouth all these years. I just hope God touched his heart and he became less of a monster through the years after I left.

shacklesHowever, Andrew showed me just what it is like living without true liberty. Living without freedom of religion, living under the boot of someone else. It is the kind of government we have under Obama. The days of Lois are fast becoming a thing of the past. Just as we all wept when Lois left, so shall we weep, when the Andrews are in full control. Listen to my words and harken unto them, I was sent to live that life so you would not have to. I was sent to be denied my freedom, so you could always keep yours. I was sent to have everything taken from me, including my right to know and worship God, so you would always have him in your life. I am not just your warning but I am your preserver. I have come to rescue you from the evil that is socialism. Don’t take my words lightly, or think they are some amusing anecdote. I am God’s humble servant, his beloved daughter as all of you are also his children. He wants what is best for you, what is best for America as do I. I have lived the worst, please don’t live it too.