John Hoyt-August 2, 2010

Okay the Hero for August 2, 2010 was John Hoyt. Since I couldn’t do his yesterday. I will do it today. Then I will do the hero for today as well.
John Hoyt-Bishop of the Wilshire Ward
Pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep himself unspotted from the world.

John Hoyt is my Hero for the day because he exemplifies that verse so well. The verse is James 1:27. John has taken a special interest in Adonai. The plan goes, if Adonai is good in church for four Sundays in a row, he will take Adonai out… to a movie and lunch or some other activity of his choosing and they will spend time together.

Adonai looks forward to these outings and has a good time. It is wonderful that John has taken upon himself the mantle of being his fill in father figure. It shows he truly takes his duty to Christ seriously. He has been an awesome blessing in my life and I am truly honored to have known him for this time in the Wilshire Ward. He has also counseled me on several occasions.

Being the bishop is a tremendous responsibility, you are responsible for not only the people in your ward but for everyone within your geographic boundary of your ward. You are responsible for the and the welfare of members. You do this in addition to taking care of your own family and working full time and to boot you don’t receive a single dime for any of it. I have a tremendous amount of love and respects for all the bishops who take on this overwhelming responsibility and do it with such grace and honor. They are beautiful examples of the priesthood done right.

I only hope when Adonai grows up he will look back on these times with John and will take the lessons John has tried to teach him and if he has even half the honor John Hoyt does, he is going to be an excellent priesthood holder. God bless John for all he has done for my family.

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