Paul Clarke-August 5, 2010

Hero for August 5, 2010-Paul Clark of the Wilshire Ward.
Behold I say unto you, that ye must visit the poor and the needy and administer to their relief, that they may be kept until all things amy be done according to my law which ye have received ~Doctrine and Covenants 44:6

Paul is my hero for the day because of the vested interested he has put into Adonai. Whenever there has been a father’s/son thing at church, Paul has taken him to it. He brings books for him to read to help him get through sacrament. He is …a good man and I have much respect for him and all he has done for my son.

You will notice that my heroes are the ones who love my son the most. The ones who kindly take them under their wing and guide him down the correct and moral path of life. While I appreciate kindness done to me, the greatest kindness you can do me is to love my son. My son has the best and worst of me inside him and people like Paul help to eradicate “the worst of me” and replace it with Christlike love.

Paul truly has a servant’s heart and it has been a pleasure to get to know him, and his wife as well, over my time at the Wilshire Ward. It is good to know that my son has positive male rodels to emulate and who take time out to care for him. I appreciate all the men in his life because they give him what I can’t-a sense of masculinity. God bless Paul.See More

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