Sherriff Joe Arpaio-August 6, 2010

Hero for August 6, 2010-Sherriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County.
To them that are without law, as without, (being not without law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are under the law. ~1 Cor 9:21

Most of my article comes from a Wikipedia article detailing his achievements (or controversies if you don’t like the guy.)

Sherriff Arpaio is a tough, no nonsense type sherriff who has done considerable work in cleaning up his community. Though people like the ACLU are no friend of Sherriff Arpaio, he has nonetheless stood his ground and fought the bogus lawsui…ts against him.

Here are some of the things he has done:
During his tenure as Maricopa County Sheriff, Arpaio has instituted or strengthened several of the following crime prevention programs:[11]

bicycle registration
block watches
child identification and fingerprinting
Operation Identification (for marking valuables)
Operation Notification (which identifies business owners to be notified during times of emergency)
Project Lifeline (which provides free cellular phones to domestic violence victims)
S.T.A.R.S. (Sheriffs Teaching Abuse Resistance to Students)
an annual summer camp for kids near Payson.

Arpaio’s practices include serving inmates surplus food and meals limited to twice daily.[13] He has also banned inmates from possessing “sexually explicit material” including Playboy magazine after female officers complained that inmates openly masturbated while viewing them, or harassed the officers by comparing their anatomy to the nude photos in the publications

The Sheriff also started the “Have a Heart” program in which inmates may volunteer to be organ donors.[

Sheriff’s Posse
Building upon Maricopa County’s 50-year-old program, Arpaio expanded the all-volunteer civilian posse through heavy recruiting. The volunteers perform many duties for the sheriff’s office:

search and rescue
emergency communications
prisoner transport
traffic control
backup for sworn deputies
office administrative duties
Holiday Mall Patrol (which provides motorist assistance and security for shoppers during the holiday shopping season)
deadbeat parent details targeting men and women with outstanding arrest warrants for failure to pay child support.

I could’ve gone on and on but for helping to restore our country and for prizing law biding civilians above criminals he is my hero for the day.

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