My Reply to Life Site News

Dear Life Site News,
I can’t believe you guys ran that vile garbage about the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints without any real confirmation of the facts, just the word of an obviously disgruntled ex-member. The journalism if it can be called that was shoddy and did not portray the the Church at all accurately. Laura Stone has some kind of ax to grind with the Church and is not a credible witness of what goes on in the church.
I am a faithful Latter Day Saint I was baptized in 1998 at the age of 28, fell away for five years and came back in 2003. I have been a devout member since. Being that I was 28 years old before joining the church, I had a whole sex life before joining and none of what Laura details in her hate-filled diatribe is at all truthful. Ms. Stone’s characterization of sexuality within the Church are gross distortions and falsehoods of the highest order. So let me set the record straight for you.
1) First of all it is the Book of Mormon, not the Books of Mormon. There is only one Book of Mormon. While we do have other books like Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price and the Holy Bible (shocker we read the Bible!)they are not the Books of Mormon.
2) No one is “obsessed with finding a future spouse” in the Church. While it is an important part of the Plan of Salvation the Church fully recognizes that not every adult is married in the church. It also recognizes many may never be wed. It does not discriminate nor does it push some kind of warped marriage agenda onto the members. If they are so obsessed with “finding future spouses” why did Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles say, “The commitments of single adults can anchor them through the difficult years of waiting for the right time and the right person. Their commitments of service can also inspire and strengthen others.” [“Timing”, Liahona & Ensign, Oct. 2003, 15] Not to mention the Second Counsleor in the Relief Society General Presidency, Barbara Thompson, is herself an older single woman! Would they nominate a single woman to such a prestigious position if they were “obsessed with finding a spouse” for everyone.
I am also a single woman in the Church. More specifically I am a single mother. In fact, in my stake [a stake covers a certain region and within that region are individual branches or “wards”]which is the Los Angeles Stake, between 60-70% of all adults are single. And not everyone within that group is obsessed with “finding a future spouse” Do we want one? Some do. Some do not. There is no push to get people married to anyone who comes along. Temple marriages are sacred and are not to be taken lightly.
3)Her allegation of grown men “imprinting on the smallest of children” is tantamount to calling them pedophiles! My brethren and priesthood holders are not pedophiles! There is nothing, absolutely nothing, within LDS culture that advocates such depravity. How dare she insinuate that LDS men and priesthood holders have child brides. We are not the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, nor do we condone their practices. I am in a family ward and I am one of the few singles in my ward, almost everyone else is married. And I can assure you there are no 60 year old men married to 20 year old girls. Any age differences between spouses is minimal. She owes every priesthood holder an apology for her unjust libel and defamation of their character.
4) There is no “false chastity” or “obsessive attitude towards sex” . First of all, there is no such thing as false chastity. You are either chaste or you are not. This is sexual purity as defined by the Church in “For the Strength of Youth, Fulfilling Our Duty to God” booklet given to all the youth n the church. “Physical intimacy between husband and wife is beautiful and sacred. It is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love between husband and wife.”[pg 26] does that sound like we are all repressed to you? Just because the youth and those who are not married are taught to respect our bodies and those of who we date does not a repression make.
If anyone is obsessed with sex, it is Ms. Stone and I think she needs a 12 step program for sexual addiction. I would be happy to recommend one for her because after years of doing sexuality my way, that is exactly where I found myself-a sex addict. So I know what one looks and sounds like. I am now chaste and plan on having a temple marriage one day. But in the meantime I have been freed from sexual obsession and a lot of that has to do with the genuine love and acceptance I found in the Church, along with Christ’s transformation of me and my life. While the physical urges still kick in once in a while I am more able to handle them now and not give in. It has been nearly four years since my last physical encounter with a man. But it has also been four years of no heartbreaks, no diseases, no lies, four years of peace, serenity and love. A righteous yearning to have an eternal marriage does not make one obsessed. While it is not easy and at times it is painful, I have faith in Jesus Christ that I will be rewarded for my obedience to his commandments.
In closing, there was not one ounce of truth in any of Laura Stone’s claims. The people of the church do not constantly talk about sex. There is no obsession about sex or finding a future spouse. There is no pedophilic culture of child brides. You should be ashamed of yourselves for publishing such unwarranted bigotry of my church. The same church that when my friend’s grandfather’s house burnt to the ground put him in a hotel for the week and paid to furnish his new house and while my friend’s uncle was a member, his grandfather was not. Yet the church reached out to his family in time of need. That is the truth about my church, not Ms. Stone’s vicious allegations.


Dena Leichnitz

Brad Paisley-Welcome to the Future

I would like to dedicate this song to the NAACP, Aryan Nation,KKK and all the other haters out there. You are not going to win! This video demonstrates what America is all about. You bigotry is antiquated and unwelcome and we will not be suckered into a war of your machination. We will not be your pawns.


The NAACP, The Tea Party and Me

As someone who attended the first Tea Party April 15, 2009 and has attended subsequent ones since then I find it infuriating the Tea Party is constantly being hurled with allegations of racism from people who have never been to one like the NAACP. I have never been insulted because of my color when I showed up at Tea Party rally. Do you think I would take my five year old son (now six) to an environment that would insult him and his mother’s heritage? Give me a break.

My son recently asked me, “Mommy when are we going to another rally?” This was after dragging him to every Tea Party, every End the Fed and every other conservative rally I could find for months on end.  Most of the time he didn’t want to go but I thought it was important for him to know we have to keep the government in check. We cannot let them get so out of control that they start taking away our liberties for “the good of all.” I often joked, he is going to grow up and go to every rally he can find and  protesting the government will become like breathing to him. Or he will hate rallies so much, he will sock you in the eye just for mentioning them. LOL. At least he will have something to talk about in therapy years from now, “Yeah my mother was always dragging me to one rally or another. It was like being a hippie but with morals.”

The NAACP has no idea what goes on at these rallies, so let me tell you what does. Unity-people are cordial to each other as we protest the overreaching government waste. Laughter-some of the signs I have seen have definitely given me a good laugh. People rarely scream (only when chanting slogans but other than that, no!) but laughter seems to fill the air. Brotherhood-there is a sense that we are all in this together and we need everyone to get us out of it. That without working as a team, things are not going to improve. Focus-while everyone comes from different backgrounds and different beliefs, the focus is on the fiscal responsibility of government and returning to the enumerated powers they have been given. The Constitution-you will often find people giving out pocket constitution. I got people w ho wanted to do my Constitution class online. The Constitution is the Guest of Honor at any Tea Party rally.

Are there racists in the Tea Party? Who knows, maybe but you couldn’t go by me because I have not run into a single one. I have not been made to feel unwelcomed at any Tea Party event. Everyone has always been friendly and I have been received with open arms. There has been a few comments like, “It is great to see a Black person here.” and if that is racism they really need to work harder on it. The only thing I can find “wrong” with that comment is that it focuses on me being Black instead of me being just another American wanting the best for my child and my country.

Have there been throngs of Blacks at the Tea Party rallies I have attended? No! But  that doesn’t mean there haven’t been any or that I was always the only one. There have been a few Blacks there whenever I went and if there is not more is because they have been duped by the liberal media thinking that even if they agreed with their cause they would not be welcomed. My poli sci teacher actually asked me if I was getting paid to attend these Tea Parties? Supposedly he was joking but it just goes to show how liberals think. That money is the driving force of everything and I couldn’t happen to believe in what they were saying unless I was getting paid for it. I believe in it because liberalism hasn’t produced one result in my life that ultimately enhanced it. I believe in conservatism because it has done more to motivate to change my circumstances than liberalism ever did. I believe in the cause of Tea Party because government in its best intention to help me has done more to keep down and impoverished than it has ever done to alleviate it.  I believe in the Tea Party because socialism hasn’t worked for me and I believe getting out of my way and allowing me to achieve my dream is what I and every person is entitled to.

So NAACP please shut up, you have no idea of what it is like for those of us who are Black and patriotic and attend the Tea Party.  You can’t have an idea because of your  hatred for America and everything it represents. Yes, America has not had a perfect history show me a nation that has, but America has done more to atone for  her sins than any other nation on Earth and continues to fight for liberty all around this globe and I resent you and your liberal buddies taking down my country. Now if you want to help it get back on its feet-more power to you. If you don’t, you need to get to steppin’  because your ignorance and vileness against Whites and the Tea Party will not be tolerated!

Finding Family

I am in the process of finding my biological family. It has been weird to say the least.  It all started when I saw a random post by a woman who had recently found a biological family for an adoptee on Facebook. Thinking this might be my only opportunity to find my biological roots I asked her if she would be able to find mine and she responded that she would be.

Within a few days I had a name. I was told this was my biological mother and my biological father. I was hesitant at first. Father!? Well then that can’t be me. I had always been told no one knew my biological father because my mother was a prostitute and thereby my father was probably was one of her johns.  It was an emotional roller coaster ride.  How could that be? You mean I could actually have a real life Dad? That seemed to crazy. A part of me wanted to believe it.  I mean to go from a transactional baby to a child at least conceived in wedlock seemed miraculous.

I knew I had other siblings and it was them I really wanted to find anyway. And here was a list of names. There are some things that don’t seem to fit with the man’s memory who might be my brother. So there is a still a chance we got the wrong people. But there is some things that mesh with what I know.  I sent him a picture so he could see me.  I haven’t heard back. Who knows.  Maybe it is the Black thing, I don’t know.  I know my biological mother was White and therefore my biological father was Black. Now the records have the man listed as my father as a Negro, though none of his other children with her are looking very Black.  According the woman who found who we think is my biological mother, she is adamant that I am Sicilian. My mother told me a similar story about when I was born they asked “What is the nationality of the father?” And my adopted didn’t remember but thought she was very adamant that the father was Swedish. The fact that she was adamant about that fact makes me believe that it is probably is my biological mother.

It has been crazy though. We will see.