I’m a Search Term Baby!

November 18, 2008

Today as I was going over my stats, I noticed something. Someone had typed in Proposition 8-Dena Leichnitz and ended up at my blog! That was so cool. I mean I have had plenty of people type in various search terms to find my blog but they used my name specifically. Not only that-they spelled both names right! That in and of itself is a miracle!

It is one thing when people happen upon you, it is quite another to have them seek you out. So I am very joyous today. A few days ago, someone did type in blacknright.wordpress.com specifically, which was also a great feeling but something about seeing your own name is even greater. Blacknright can be anyone but Dena Leichnitz can only be me!

So as you see, this little blog of mine is starting to grow, I haven’t had under 100 views in the last three days. People are starting to navigate the site more. Before I would only get hits on the more recent additions to my blog, now people are going everywhere. My hard work is paying off. I want people talking, even if it is to say, “Oh Dena-I hate you, you are such a meanie!” [Then again five year olds don’t usually read blogs, so the likelihood of me getting a comment like that should be small.] But seriously, love me, hate me-doesn’t matter. Just as long as you feel something.

I will keep adding to this blog and I hope all of you will keep coming back. Even liberals-after all it makes it easier for me to know who you are. LOL. Have a blessed day and keep searching.

3 thoughts on “I’m a Search Term Baby!

  1. “Oh Dena-I hate you, you are such a meanie!”

    Just wait. Obamabots and five-year olds have much in common. Just wait til they find you.

    I thought it was cool the first time I noticed a search for my name in my stats. Turned out to be my Dad. That made it less cool.

  2. Thanks Scott for dropping by. Now if it was my Dad, I would have a serious miracle on my hands-he’s been dead for 24 years! My mother has been dead for 3. So I know it is not either of them. And my five year old can spell Dena, Leichnitz not so much and Proposition 8, well not even. LOL. though give him a week or two, he’ll learn. LOL

    But trust me I have gotten my share of hate mail, it always makes me laugh. I am sure that is not the response they want, but they are so terribly feeble-minded, it is hard not to laugh. Oh by the way, thanks for the traffic. I have gotten some definite hits from your site. Maybe you could add me as #25 in your best conservative websites list. You have a great blog, keep it up.

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