Stephen-August 10, 2010

My hero for today-Stephen
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. ~Romans 15:4

This man does my conservative heart good. I have never met someone with such a will to succeed than him. Moving across country at any time is always a risk but moving while in the midst of a full blown recession is something else entirely. Yet that is what he did. That to me demonstrates an amazing amount of courage and faith. I know I break out in hives thinking of moving to Oklahoma…and I have family there!

Things haven’t gone exactly smoothly since his move but I have never once heard him mention giving up as an option. I have never once heard him blame anyone for any of his difficulties, he just keeps pressing on. Had it been me, I might have hightailed it back home, but not him, I marvel at his determination.

Stephen has a presence that you just walk away smiling after being around him. When I first met him, I thought “I’m in trouble now.” He had that flashy smile and that gregarious Hollywood producer style about him, and I thought any involvement with him wouldn’t be good for my heart. I was wrong! If anything he has touched my heart in a way I never expected. I have been privileged to witness his optimism, his tenacity, his sheer will. He has more determination in his pinky then I have in my whole body.

He is my hero because he has shown me what real faith looks like. It is not believing in God when things are going good, but having that love for him when things are tumultous. I have a deep respect for him. May God continue to bless him.

One thought on “Stephen-August 10, 2010

  1. That is beautiful Dena, he truly is all of the above and so much more. It is rare to have someone so special touch your life and infuse such inspiration… Best Wishes…

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