Tea vs. Kool Aid: My Response to Nathan Gawronsky at SMC

1901 portrait of Alice Paul, cofounder of the ...

Image via Wikipedia-Alice Paul

Nathan Gawronsky is a writer for the Corsair at Santa Monica College. I attended the Associated Students (AS) meeting yesterday and was given a brief tour by their AS President, Tiffany Ibuyani along with my ASO Presidents Shawn Adamski and Jaden Ledkins. I was impressed with the wealth of the community college but not with much else. LACC definitely has more heart. However, I digress, as I read this fluff piece in their Corsair newspaper I had to answer it back.  The piece is entitled “Tea Party and GOP are mad as hatters.”

The following is what makes us “mad.” (Of course, I am mad, mad that people like these seem willing to sell my rights, my country and children for the criminal element of our population!)

 The idealized America that Tea Party followers dream of is a place where gays live exclusively in Los Angeles (Sodom) and New York (Gomorrah), corporations pay record low taxes, women never get abortions, prisons grow bigger, and Muslims and illegal aliens can take a hike.

My response:

The liberal ideology is so much based on the acceptance of debauchery and criminality that if it wasn’t so highly lethal, it would be almost funny. Let’s take each piece that you think adds to society starting with homosexuality. Liberals are the same people who will condemn a person for smoking because it shortens their life and pollutes the environment yet have no problem with homosexuality which a Canadian study found shortened the lives of those affected by it from 8-20 years. Smoking only takes 13 years off your life. If you want to read the study for yourself go to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9222793?dopt=Abstract

 In a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality were to continue, we estimate that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871.

So why would I promote something that is potentially lethal to so many people? Just like I don’t advocate smoking, alcoholism or drug use, I don’t promote homosexuality either. It does not make me a bigot, though that is a easy comeback for the liberal Left. It makes a concerned citizen who does not wish to see a life get snuffed out by homosexual practices.

Let’s go with the next one, corporations pay record low taxes. Unless you are a sadist, no one wants to pay taxes, everyone wants to pay the lowest possible tax and what is wrong with that? The less corporations have to pay in taxes, the more likely they are stay in the United States to do business. The more they stay here instead of going oversea, the more likely Americans will have jobs. The more Americans that have jobs, the less we have to spend on welfare and other social programs. The less we have to spend on social programs, the more money can be used for education and other necessary institutions. Everybody wins!

Onto the next one, women never get abortions! Liberal men have to be the most cowardly of the male species because they are the ones who advocate abandoning women and children to abortion so they can continue their wanton ways of seducing every woman who comes along. Abortion is not about the rights of women, in fact, Alice Paul-the author of the Equal Rights Amendments, said abortion was the ultimate exploitation of women. The original suffragettes were all anti-abortion. Abortion has always been about men trying to pit women against her children. In fact, Bernard Nathanson, who is now pro-life but originally got NARAL started is the one who convinced Betty Friedan to make abortion a “woman’s issue” because it never was before. Up to 60 percent of women are forced or coerced into abortion. Women have been killed for NOT choosing abortion.  Women like Deena Moody who was killed by her abortionist boyfriend, Alfred E. Smith, for refusing to abort. A world where women never get abortion would be a world where women and children are safe and protected from pro-abortion predators. A women where women never get abortions means a world where all children are free to be born and lead the lives they were destined to live without interference from pro-choicers. It would be a beautiful world filled with laughter of children instead of 50 million dead!

Now, let’s talk about prisons. Is it a tragedy when you have someone who hasn’t committed a crime imprisoned? Yes, I know of such tragedies. That being said, I have also been greater traumatized because someone who should’ve been locked up wasn’t! The drunk driver who killed my father had a past history of drinking and driving and was allowed to keep driving and kill my father. So I don’t want to hear about the rights of criminals. I care more about the rights of victims. If you want to help those who have been wrongly accused and imprisoned unjustly then go to Voice of the Martyrs where people in other countries are imprisoned for professing Christ. Or does the point that they are Christians make you more antagonistic to their plight? I didn’t cry when Ted Bundy got fried. I didn’t cry when Jeffrey Dahmer was killed either. These men had caused untold damage and deserved the penalty they got. Their victims get my tears, not the murderers.

The last point-Muslims and illegal aliens can take a hike.

Most definitely!!! I don’t want to hear that all Muslims are not terrorists that is a false argument. All Muslims don’t need to be terrorists, not when you have a big enough faction of them that are. All Germans didn’t kill 5 million Jews  during World War II, it just took a big enough faction to accomplish it though. All White people weren’t slave owners pre-Civil War but there were enough of them to keep slavery intact until it was abolished. The fact that not every Muslim is out to get us, doesn’t mean we ignore the ones who are!

In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by a group of conspirators including Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal A. Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin and Ahmad Ajaj. They received financing from Khaled Shaikh Mohammed, Yousef’s uncle. In March 1994, four men were convicted of carrying out the bombing:


Then we have the U.S.S Cole which was also bombed by Al Qaeda.

The USS Cole Bombing, or the USS Cole Incident, was a suicide attack against the United StatesNavydestroyerUSS Cole (DDG 67) on October 12, 2000 while it was harbored and refueling in the Yemeni port of Aden. Seventeen American sailors were killed, and 39 were injured. This event was the deadliest attack against a United States Naval vessel since 1987

Of course, 9/11 is pretty obvious and then we have Nick Berg who was beheaded on the internet, need I go on. Until we stop being attacked and until the Muslims revolt against this tyranny don’t ask to close my eyes to those who are trying to kill me and my people!

Lastly, really do I have to defend LEGAL immigration!? I don’t welcome criminals into my country. Come to my country correctly or don’t come at all! Respect my land or go home! If you can’t understand why I am against ILLEGAL immigration then I would say the mad hatter is actually you, not the ones who want the rules of their country to be respected! I don’t have time to continue, have to get back to studying and not breaking the law! What a tough day I have in store!

 Dena Leichnitz                                                                                      Los Angeles City College
ASO, Senator of Disabled Student Affairs
proud Tea Party member

Is Trump the New Palin?

Bumper stickers on the tailgate of a Maryland ...

Image via Wikipedia

Donald Trump has been all over the news as of late making his bid for the presidency. His criticism of Obama has been received with glowing accolades from the Right. However, is the Right just so desperate for anyone to pick up the mantle of their cause that even Donald Trump would suffice?

Trump has even joined the “birther” bandwagon, wanting to know where Obama’s birth certificate is. Of course, this all seems a little Johnny come lately considering that the Right has taken severe blows for even asking this question for the past two years.Orly Taitz, most of all, has been made out to be some deranged psychopath whose only interest is taking down the United States government. So why is it now suddenly not the height of treason to demand the President actually follow the Constitution in terms of proving his eligibility.

Like Palin before, everyone  on the Left is sort of writing off Trump as some kind of quack. However, what the Left has yet to learn from their row with Palin is that Right is not so quick to cast people aside because they don’t fit into their notion of what a politician should be. If anything the fact that Trump is NOT a career politician might actually work in his favor.

Palin struck a chord with the American conservative public because they saw their own lives in her. She had respect for the conservative values and did not talk about conceding their values in the name of bipartisanship. (Of course, we all know bipartisanship only works in one direction, the conservatives must always be bipartisan, the Left never does!)

The glow seems to be fading somewhat from Palin but could it be restored with Trump’s emergence into the political arena. Will they team up together and run as a ticket? Or will Trump overtake Palin as the next supposed conservative icon? With Planned Parenthood on the ropes, despite its temporary reprieve in the Senate by cowardly Republicans who wouldn’t know a winning situation if it spit in their face, and with more backlash against liberalism everyday and with the Tea Party emerging as viable third party we are seeing the demise of liberalism. However, who will be able to take the conservative momentum and parlay it into a doable agenda and help restore our republic?

Trump? Palin? As much respect as I have for Palin and as much as I generally admire Trump’s rise to power, I don’t think either of them have what it takes to make this country great again. Who does? Only time will tell. Let’s just hope whoever it is remembers that the American people are their employers not  the DNC or the RNC. God bless America.

Barely A Family

Donna Reed as Donna Stone, Paul Petersen as Je...

Image via Wikipedia

Some words blow on the wind only to evaporate into nothingness. Other words live on in your heart and mind long after they are spoken. Then there are those that haunt you forever. Such was the case when my son, who was then about three, told me “Mom, we are barely a family.” Those words still resonate today.

 It had been an ordinary day, so ordinary in fact that I don’t remember much about it. I just remember walking along with my son along our street. Was it day or was it night? I don’t remember. Were we going to his school or coming back from it? I don’t remember. I just remember those words. Or were we walking at all, maybe he said in the cramped quarters of our apartment, somewhere between the commercial and the show. Ugh! Why can’t I remember? Yet the moment he said it, I remember feeling like I had been socked in the stomach. I remember the ache of his profound truth that pierced my heart. Everything in me wanted to cry and hug him and tell him that I was so sorry, he was right, we were barely a family. How could I look him in the eye and tell him my selfishness had brought this to pass. I couldn’t dump all my guilt on this little boy. He deserved better.

I did my best to suck it up. I asked him, “Why are we barely a family?” He went on to explain, “Because there are only two of us.” So I asked him how many do you need to have a family? He told me, “At least three.” There it was! The truth spoken from a child- a family is not any composition you wish to make it. I had tried to convince myself that, that was the case. I had tried to convince myself that love is all that mattered. I had tried to convince myself that he and I were a family. His words sent me catapulting back to my youth, back to my “barely a family” days.

At fifteen, I was locked away in Camarillo State Hospital for my one suicide attempt after my father died at fourteen. All semblance of family had been utterly destroyed. I was locked away with kids who also had “barely a family.” There was a boy [there is always a boy isn’t there?] and we fell in love. Locked away, torn apart by our sins and the sins of our family. I would become the wife and he would be my husband. My two best friends would become “our daughters.” If we could not have our family, we would generate our own. We would be the traditional nuclear family, if we were going to do this, we were going to do it right. I would be the understanding, compassionate Donna Reed mother. My “husband” would be the protective father. We would give to “our children” what hadn’t been given to us. We would be the parents we always wanted.

We are back to the present. I am taking Anthropology 01 here at LACC and I am told that chimpanzee males don’t really participate in the upbringing of their offspring. Maybe my son’s father is part chimpanzee. That is really all about the mother and her child. I feel for those single, chimpanzee moms-it can’t be easy. I know it isn’t for me. I wonder if their offspring ever tells them, “Mom we are barely a family.” Do those words hurt them as much as they hurt me?