Child Prostitution and California

child-with-moneyCalifornia continues on its path to creep out the rest of the country with its laws regarding sex, we now have a bill that passed that legalizes child prostitution. Of course, the sponsors of the bill, especially one Holly Mitchell will tell you that it does nothing of the sort. Their argument that it will save children from sex trafficking.

The Washington Post disagrees: To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policy-making: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side.

It is not just the legislators who are misguided in their attempt to end sex trafficking of children. The County Welfare Directors Association of California (CWDA) believes that the passage of SB 1322 by the California legislature will bode well for children caught in the sex trade.

The County Welfare Directors Association of California (CWDA) has taken a position of SUPPORT on your SB 1322.

This legislation would decriminalize the crimes of prostitution and loitering with intent to commit prostitution (crimes listed in 647 and 653.22 of the Penal Code) for minors.

isThe idea is that if a child is caught in a sex trafficking they will feel free to tell the authorities because they won’t have to worry about prison time. While no one thinks that children in the sex trafficking trade should do jail time, we also know a child caught in that nightmare is not “free to report” what is going on regardless if they would end up in jail or not. All you have done is given the reigns of control to their abuser and have essentially said what they are doing is just fine.  The proponents say those who have sex with minors will still be prosecuted.  So let’s look what punishment they will receive:

 If a defendant violates paragraph (3) and knew or should have known that the person who was solicited was a minor at the time of the offense, or if a defendant violates paragraph (2) and the person who was solicited was a person posing as a minor and the defendant had specific intent to solicit a minor, the violation is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than 72 hours and not more than one year and by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) but not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

jailThis is the amended version? Are you serious? You are only going to give people who victimize children a year in jail and 10,000 dollar fine. When Michael Vick got busted for dog fighting he received 23 months in prison! So let me get this straight running dog fights will get you 23 month in prison but having sex with a child will get three days jail time at the least. You don’t even get any prison time (And yes there is a difference. Prison is for hard core criminals and jail is for misdemeanors and the like and you don’t spend more than a year there. )  So our legislators didn’t think having sex with a child was worth any prison time? Do we really value dogs more than we value our children!? Is this what we have come to?

The legislators were nice enough to put: (7) This subdivision does not prohibit prosecution under any other law. Oh I see it wasn’t worth their time to make the punishment for SEX TRAFFICKING A CHILD something substantial, no we have to get them for other crimes because being a pedophile is not good enough! Maybe we can get them for dog fighting! This whole law is a mess. The reason we make things illegal is to demonstrate that we think these things are wrong.  By saying child prostitution is not “illegal” all you have done is sanction the practice of sleeping with children. You haven’t protected them, you have essentially fed them to the wolves.

Child pornography is illegal but we don’t throw the children who have participated in it, in jail. We also make sure the adults found having child pornography do some real time. All this law does is slap the adults on the wrist and away they go! This will not protect children. It will not make those who are being prostituted any safer and people will not just start coming forward. That is not the way it works. Rape is illegal, the women do not go to jail for being raped like in some countries, but yet rape is very much under-reported. So we know reporting a crime has little to do with, whether or not you will go to jail.

influential-social-workers-e1412775247650So how do we protect the children since we know the majority of them are not going to be reporting what is happening to them? Well obviously the state needs to step in. And this what the law says:  “The bill would authorize the minor to be taken into temporary custody under limited circumstances.”  While limited powers from the state is almost always a good thing, I fear in this case those “limited circumstances” will end up meaning limited children will actually get the help they so desperately need.

In conclusion, all this law will end up doing is allowing more children to be victimized, while not punishing the perpetrators with any real legal consequence and saving only few from further abuse. It is an awful law all the way around and it is despicable that California saw fit to pass it. The bill goes into effect January 1, 2017! Happy New Year California, you just destroyed your children!

Me, Princess Leia and Heart Disease

As I heard about Carrie Fisher’s (aka Princess Leia) heart attack upon that London flight. My own heart dropped. I knew her chances of surviving were not stellar. Being a semi-heart expert myself, I knew that there were some things that were not in her favor. The number one thing being that SHE WAS A WOMAN.  Before the feminists lose their minds, you might want to know that the number one killer of women is not breast cancer, but it is actually heart disease.  As someone who has been fighting this thing for four years now, the one thing I thought she had going for her was being taken to UCLA. After all, it was UCLA that saved my life.  If they could save my pathetic, little life then surely they could save hers.  However that wasn’t the case.

princess-leia-metal-bikini-e1337274700461As a little girl, I remember watching the Star Wars films but I was much more a Darth Vader fan than a Princess Leia one. I even dressed up as Darth Vader one year. But I don’t want you to get the idea I hated Princess Leia because I didn’t. She did seem funny and smart but Darth could kill you with his hand, very cool. I was a tomboy back then so liking Princess Leia seemed “girly” though most girls back then would probably tell you they liked her because she wasn’t “girly.” Of course, that gold metal bikini didn’t help her make her less “girly” in my eyes.

I didn’t feel like I had all that much in common in with Princess Leia but last week that all changed. In a swift second, we had more in common than we ever would. I could almost hear her saying, Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope:


And while Obi Wan Kenobi may have been Princess Leia’s only hope for me and Carrie, UCLA was ours. I wished that she would get Dr. Shamsa and Dr. Shemin as her primary cardiologists. After Dr. Shemin was my cardiothoracic and given my complicated history, was the only one who could have pulled off my surgery at all. From what I have been told he is the best in the country when it comes to complicated heart surgery. And I believe they are right, otherwise I might have ended up like Carrie. Dr. Shamsa is a cardiologist and deals with the day to day management of heart issues. (Of course, if you read my blog before you already knew that).

When she died I was in shock. While I knew the factors such her age, being a woman and the fact that first heart attacks tend to be the most fatal (however, if you are lucky to survive the first one, each one after that becomes increasing worse.) and the fact she did drugs back in the day, only increased her chances of her not surviving this. Knowing all of this I was still holding UCLA up as being able to pull off a miracle, they did for me after all. So when she did, it wasn’t so much a shock from the heart attack killing her, it was a shock that UCLA couldn’t save her. It didn’t make sense, I had a whole slew of medical conditions going in. Why were they able to save me and not her? It is like some kind of quasi-survivor’s guilt

However there may be one saving grace in all of this. Princess Leia, an American icon just became the face of heart disease for women. For years, there has a been a push to study heart disease for women because it what happened to the Princess happens to so many ordinary women. According to the CDC, heart disease kills 22.4 percent of women each year. Yet nothing is done.  However, it is like that with all diseases, no one cared about AIDS until Rock Hudson died from it.  No one gave a hoot about ALS until Lou Gehrig considered himself the luckiest man in the world despite having it. Parkinson’s research didn’t hit its high until Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali spoke about it. And the granddaddy of them all MS, which was almost unknown until Jerry Lewis and his telethon.

Her last remaining legacy may not be Princess Leia but what she does to further research for women’s heart disease.  Both the Princess and Carrie fought many great fights in their lives, let’s make sure the one they couldn’t win, is used to help women all over the world to help their greatest fight as well-the fight for their heart. If you want to know more about how you can help your heart go here:

Heart Disease for Women

More needs to be done to help women with heart disease. Women are often ignored or seen as hypochondriacs  and not taken seriously. I got lucky, I finally found someone who would listen to me when I was told I had allergies by another doctor. If there is a war on women it is found in the healthcare industry and has nothing to do with birth control but with the heart. 

Home Sweet Home…Or Lack Thereof


On December 17th, I will no longer have a home. I have been going through all the emotions. From anger to grief to being happy as all get out!  Sometimes I want to punch my landlord in the eye and other times I want to hug him for releasing me. Sometimes I want to sing: Tonight I’m on my way, just set me free, home sweet home!” But whatever the end result, whatever the emotion, I know out of all this fear and sadness something good is going to happen. I keep thinking about the movie the Pursuit of Happyness and how Will Smith’s character kept hanging in there and in the end it turned out well for him. And like Will Smith I will be taking my son along for the ride.

My whole working life I worked with the homeless. And here I am about to be one of them. I wonder was I ever too hard on them. Was I ever too evil in my judgment of them? I hope not, I hope I always was more compassionate. I want to ask forgiveness from every homeless person I treated less honorably. Why didn’t I see it before? They are people just like me. Today I saw a homeless man sitting at McDonald’s so I asked him if he was hungry. He said he was. I asked him what he wanted. He said a sandwich, I asked if a Big Mac will do? He said yes. So I went inside and got him 2 Big Macs and a Coke. Don’t pat me on the back or say what a good person I am. I am nothing of the sort. I didn’t want to be sitting at a McDonald’s hoping someone would buy food for me and my son. I did it because that is a very real possibility and I was hoping God would see and bless me for it.

So as I walk down this road it is with a lot of trepidation and as I join the Forgotten people, I hope that madness won’t get me first. But one day I will find my home sweet home.