A Homeless Woman and the Woman’s M

On December 15, I walked into the Union Rescue Mission. The place was full of of people I have tried to keep my son away from all my life, drug addicts, derelicts, etc and here I was bringing him into this nightmare. There wasn’t enough beds so a group of us had to sleep in a day room on air mattresses. This is my new life, my new existence. Which includes waking up at 5:30 to eat a breakfast, few if anyone ever eats. It is a world where mothers get their children taken away in the middle of the night and the kids are left to run around during the day with nothing to do. It is a world filled with anguish, tears and the occasional saint who wouldn’t take no for an answer and gave my son a coat that he needed. This is a world of women. No men except the young men who live here with their mothers. This is what the women’s march should have been about. I was literally a few blocks from this march and all the signs had nothing to do real problems women face.

It was literally like walking through the gates of hell. The signs had nothing to do with actual problems that affect women just the right to kill their babies and the right to have sex without having to deal with any consequences that may occur because of their decision. At the Women’s March there were 750,000 people. Yet despite having so many people, none of the real problems women face were all but ignored. None of the women here were at the rally. Instead they were buying clothes for their baby. Or they were asleep on the cold shelter floor because getting sleep during the night is almost impossible. None of the women here felt any of the woman dressed up as vaginas were speaking on their behalf.

The whole thing was a joke. From Madonna stating that she wanted to blow up the White House, to the women dressed up as our reproductive parts and the vulgarity that was widespread, these women were not about trying to secure justice for the real oppressed women around the world. They were mocking those of us who deal with these struggles, here and abroad. This was nothing but a grotesque, pro-choice rally being held in the Los Angeles. But it is understandable why they didn’t want to help us women with children because they are intent on killing their own and living a hedonistic life. They have no spirit of service within them but are totally self-serving. I literally felt sick as I made my way through the crowd. I was on my way to buy baby clothes with a friend of mine who lives at the shelter, and while were muddling our way through all we saw were signs that spouted rhetoric like “P***y grabbers” and other obscene material.

As I sat in a woman’s meeting today, we discussed what were going through in our individual.I brought up how they had a woman’s march and we weren’t mentioned. They were not getting our message out to the people who may not know it. No one debated me. Not one! You want a woman’s march, then come talk to the women here! Go to Saudi Arabia and talk the women there. Go to Boko Haram territory, where they are killing more people, especially women, than ISIS and talk to the women there! The war they speak about is not in Beverly Hills. It is at 545 San Pedro and everywhere else women are falling through the cracks!

One thought on “A Homeless Woman and the Woman’s M

  1. It’s amazing. I read your comment and remembered my experience with my two sons living in a shelter years ago. Brings back memories.

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