A Homeless Woman and the Woman’s M

On December 15, I walked into the Union Rescue Mission. The place was full of of people I have tried to keep my son away from all my life, drug addicts, derelicts, etc and here I was bringing him into this nightmare. There wasn’t enough beds so a group of us had to sleep in a day room on air mattresses. This is my new life, my new existence. Which includes waking up at 5:30 to eat a breakfast, few if anyone ever eats. It is a world where mothers get their children taken away in the middle of the night and the kids are left to run around during the day with nothing to do. It is a world filled with anguish, tears and the occasional saint who wouldn’t take no for an answer and gave my son a coat that he needed. This is a world of women. No men except the young men who live here with their mothers. This is what the women’s march should have been about. I was literally a few blocks from this march and all the signs had nothing to do real problems women face.

It was literally like walking through the gates of hell. The signs had nothing to do with actual problems that affect women just the right to kill their babies and the right to have sex without having to deal with any consequences that may occur because of their decision. At the Women’s March there were 750,000 people. Yet despite having so many people, none of the real problems women face were all but ignored. None of the women here were at the rally. Instead they were buying clothes for their baby. Or they were asleep on the cold shelter floor because getting sleep during the night is almost impossible. None of the women here felt any of the woman dressed up as vaginas were speaking on their behalf.

The whole thing was a joke. From Madonna stating that she wanted to blow up the White House, to the women dressed up as our reproductive parts and the vulgarity that was widespread, these women were not about trying to secure justice for the real oppressed women around the world. They were mocking those of us who deal with these struggles, here and abroad. This was nothing but a grotesque, pro-choice rally being held in the Los Angeles. But it is understandable why they didn’t want to help us women with children because they are intent on killing their own and living a hedonistic life. They have no spirit of service within them but are totally self-serving. I literally felt sick as I made my way through the crowd. I was on my way to buy baby clothes with a friend of mine who lives at the shelter, and while were muddling our way through all we saw were signs that spouted rhetoric like “P***y grabbers” and other obscene material.

As I sat in a woman’s meeting today, we discussed what were going through in our individual.I brought up how they had a woman’s march and we weren’t mentioned. They were not getting our message out to the people who may not know it. No one debated me. Not one! You want a woman’s march, then come talk to the women here! Go to Saudi Arabia and talk the women there. Go to Boko Haram territory, where they are killing more people, especially women, than ISIS and talk to the women there! The war they speak about is not in Beverly Hills. It is at 545 San Pedro and everywhere else women are falling through the cracks!

Bush Welcomes Home Returning Vets

You have just got to love the look on that  young soldier’s face as he sees and greets President Bush at the Dallas airport.  Say what you want about Bush, he truly does care for our military men and women.  More so than his successor, Barack Obama.

As you can see the military men just love George W. Bush, he truly was their commander-in-chief.

A spokesman for Bush, David Sherzer, said they were “honored” to take part in the welcome. “President Bush often says that he doesn’t miss much about being the President, but he does miss being the Commander in Chief of an incredible group of men and women”, he said.


To me,  this represents what an American president is supposed to be about-putting those who serve our country ahead of his own self interests. Bush met the soldiers at the Dallas airport and was a part of many organizations that were welcoming home the troops. It is a shame that our sitting president is doing just that-sitting on the sidelines. He should’ve been there with Bush  welcoming home returning vets.

Maybe he wasn’t there because he thinks that the vets are a threat to national security. As you can see from this picture he seems almost uncomfortable having to shake this man’s hand. Whereas, George Bush seems pleased to meet the troops returning home.

Obama continues to disgrace the position of commander in chief more and more each day. And while it is disheartening to see  Obama give aid to our enemies, it is good to know that there are still people who care for this country and what it represents. It is just too bad liberals are not one of them.

Tom McClintock’s Response to President Calderon

You tell them Tom McClintock! It is about time someone stood up to these Leftists who want to tear down America and told Mexico’s President exactly what he could with his “dialogue” about our laws. Dude, when we stop caring for your people, when we stop educating them, feeding them, housing them, providing them with medical care, when you start taking of your own then  maybe you won’t be such a joke and will be listened to! People are fleeing your country to come over here, don’t you dare sit there and tell us how to handle it once it crosses our borders! Especially many of YOUR criminals are victimizing OUR people! You have no right to stand here and debate American laws when you can’t even keep your own people in YOUR OWN country!  Tom McClintock was way nicer than I would have been President Calderon!

Personhood Amendment Comes To California

The Hand of Hope (c) Michael Clancy

California along with several other states is looking to add a personhood amendment to their constitution.  I have to admit, just when I think California is a lost cause and I am ready to throw up my hands in disgust and give up already, something like this comes along and renews my faith in my beloved home state.

California is collecting signatures to get personhood on the ballot. Of course, pro-aborts are none too happy about it because the end result is to eradicate abortion.  California has the most abortuaries of any state. According to Mark Crutcher at Life Dynamics and his website http://www.lifedynamics.org there are 127 clinics in California [Though I don’t think the site listing the abortuaries has been updated in a while so there might be less or more at this  point. Though it is still the best estimate we have.]  and the pro-aborts certainly don’t want something like a personhood law messing up their profits.

The personhood law for California reads as follows:

“The term “person” applies to all living human organisms from the beginning of their biological development, regardless of the means by which they were procreated, method of reproduction, age, race, sex, gender, physical well-being, function, or condition of physical or mental dependency and/or disability. “

This law would not only have an effect on the abortion industry but the in vitro fertilization (IVF)  and embryonic stem cell research (ESCR)  industries as well. Since embryos created by IVF would be protected under this law, you could not simply discard the ones that don’t get implanted. You would have to either not create so many embryos during the fertilization process or they would have to care for the frozen embryos. Next because these embryos would be considered human beings (as they should be!) you could not experiment on them, especially when  you know the experiment would result in their death.  However, that won’t really be a setback in terms of medical research because adult stem cells have shown to be vastly superior to embryonic and have the capacity to be pluripotent [the ability to take on other characteristics of various cells] like embryonic stem cells and without the additional cancer risk.

All in all the Personhood Amendment would be a boon to California as it would show America that California is not the abortion loving capital of the world or at least our country after all. That we do have our priorities in order. The California flag has the California grizzly bear on it and we, as California, have had to bear a lot of liberal hogwash that continues to control our fair state. It is time we pull the rug out from under the poor-choice crowd and demonstrate we are once and for all a pro-life state.

Other states with Personhood Amendments

North Dakota (the only state with no abortion clinic and a Personhood Amendment to their Constitution already passed.

Mississippi-will have it on the ballot in 2011.





Maryland (had hearings on March 19th to get a Personhood Amendment on the ballot)

And as I find others I will keep you updated but as you can see this movement is gaining ground, it is the slavery issue of our time.


Sign the Petition today!

Photo of the Golden Gate Bridge: http://www.terragalleria.com/california/california.sf-golden-gate-bridge.html

Obama “Speaks” the Truth

I thought this picture was too funny.  If you notice his expression he is none too happy and if you look closely, you will see what finger he has on his temple.  He is finally “speaking” the truth without saying a word. LOL Got to love this picture. Finally Obama is telling us what he really thinks of us or rather US.

Medical Marijuana Ordinance To Be Passed in Los Angeles

Ah don’t you love it when potheads get vocal? There are already activists waiting to sue the city for enacting an ordinance that will tightly regulate the medical marijuana dispensaries that have popped up since California legalized medical marijuana.  Though I will admit I am confused, considering marijuana-medical or not-is still an illegal drug under federal law I don’t know how we are able to have any sort of marijuana dispensary at all, even with the 10th amendment granting state sovereignty. After all, it does say state laws can’t contradict federal laws. That aside, Los Angeles decided it was time to crack down on the growing number of dispensaries.

Medical Marijuana Ordinance passes in Los Angeles

Ed Reyes-LA City Councilmember

Ed Reyes of the 1st district of Los Angeles is the one who brought the plan forth to more strictly regulate the medical marijuana dispensaries. It is amazing how liberals are always for regulation as long as they don’t have to be regulated.  They don’t want accountability for abortion clinics, medical marijuana dispensaries or anything that involves sex workers (aka whores) or needle exchange  programs  but if I want to put up a Nativity scene on my own property at Christmas time-well that needs to be regulated!

Bernard Parks-LA City Councilmember

Now I am not fool enough to believe that Ed Reyes is a conservative Republican but  he is taking on an unpopular cause and that says something about him.  The people who have opposed the bill according the Los Angeles Time article by John Hoeffel are Bernard Parks, Jan Perry and Bill Rosendahl.  According to Hoeffel they voted against the ordinance both times.

With the ordinance set to pass the activists are getting ready to sue, but the Council is prepared for that according to the Times article Reyes is reported as saying:

We tried to interpret the state law for the way it was written,” he said.  The law will not take effect until the City Council approves the fees that dispensaries will have to pay to cover the cost of registration, a process that could take at least another 30 days, according to city officials.

I don’t think the City has a whole lot to worry about,  I am sure all the activists will be too high and too busy munching on Cheetos and Reese’s peanut butter cups to make any of the appointed court dates should it get to that point.  And you have just got to love this line from the same article:

“The smoke should clear six months from the effective date of the ordinance,” she [Special Assistant City Atty. Jane Usher] said.

An interesting choice of words indeed. LOL  Many landlords will have to find new places to set up shop, they cannot within a 1,000 yards of schools, libraries or residential homes or other “sensitive places.”  They also can’t turn a profit (so why have a dispensary in the first place?) and there are other restrictions on the dispensaries as well.  They think that a third of them will have to shut down but that has some groups very happy.

Many neighborhoods complain of crime associated with the dispensaries and don’t want them in their neighborhoods.  So it will be interesting to see where this goes, though I know who I am rooting for and it is not the weed dealers. It is good to see that these people are fighting back and taking back their communities! God bless you and keep up the good fight!

Scott Brown Wins but Will America?

Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley yesterday in a special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat. Evenwith Obama and the Kennedys behind her she could still only garner 47% of the voters support.  Scott received 52%-and while hardly a landslide, it is a pretty significant indicator that the arrogance and elitism of the Democratic party will not be tolerated any longer. More than anything, it was Coakley’s snobbery that did her in. Incidents like this did not certainly help her.

Asked about why she was not spending more time with voters, Coakley jabbed at Brown for having greeted hockey fans who attended a special outdoor game between the Boston Bruins and the Philadelphia Flyers.

“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?” she said.

Such one-on-one interaction with voters is the lifeblood of this state’s politics, and mocking the idea of braving the cold at Boston’s iconic baseball stadium seemed bizarre given the tens of thousands of voters who did just that to see the game.


I know because Obama recovered from his clinging to guns and religion gaffe that you thought you too could get away with such mocking of the voting population but hate to break it to you Coakley he is always going to get away with stuff you never will be, so don’t even try it. I guess she learned that lesson a bit too late.

But now that Scott Brown has been elected what does that mean for the GOP? Will he betray his conservative base that got him elected?  Will they seat him before the vote for health care comes up.  Michael Steele of the Republican National Convention said on Good Morning America, the Democrats are trying to put off seating him.  They want to wait at least three weeks..for what? When Roland Burris was going to fill the Obama seat it was done in a matter of days. Never mind that the whole process had been tainted by Rod Blagojevitch who was accused of trying to sell the seat to Jesse Jackson Jr and Roland Burris. While Roland denied it, he also allowed himself to be seated among all this controversy. It was truly stupid in my opinion.  Yet Roland had not been picked by the people but was appointed by the Senate, so why is it  when the people speak, it is going to take three weeks?

So now comes the hard part. Winning the election was the easy part, getting him into the Senate is going to be a whole lot harder.  They know  Scott will be fundamental in shooting down the health care bill and they can’t allow that to happen.  When Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe was interviewed by Good Morning America he had this to say:

“We won the House and Senate in 2006, we won the White House in 2008. … People sent the unmistakable message they wanted change. We have to deliver on that,” former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said on “GMA.”

“The Republicans have chosen their path: They are doing the bidding of insurance companies, just as they’re going to do with big banks as it relates to financial reform. We have a good health care plan, and we need to pass that,” Plouffe said.


The incredulous and arrogance of that statement is astounding. Basically, it was a very nice way of giving everyone who has legitimate beefs with the healthcare bill the finger. As a parent I know there are times when you have to do something that is for the good of your child whether or not they agree with it.  However, we are not children and to treat the voting public like children is beyond insulting. He also went on to say they were going to pass it in its current form, no compromises. So much for bipartisanship.

So Scott Brown won, but we have yet to see if that will be a good thing for America or will be just another RINO, only time will tell. And for the health of our country, let’s hope he is not a RINO in pachyderm clothing and Lord help us if he is.

Doomed Democrats?

As the special election for Ted Kennedy is coming to a  close and as it looks like Republican Senator, Scott Brown is going to win, there is a sense of doom that is starting to permeate the Democratic leadership.  Democrats are the oldest political party and maybe that is part of the problem, they have outlived their usefulness.

Democrats have not been paying attention to what is going on in our nation.  When they won the Presidency, House and Senate in 2008, they thought they were sitting pretty and could do no wrong, what they didn’t count on was the growing discontent among many of the voters who intensely disliked Obama and everything he stood for and were far more crazy about Palin then they ever were about McCain. They figured the discontented rabble would just go away, instead we got stronger. Depsite the threats of Homeland Security that placed former vets and anti-abortion protesters as “enemy combatants” and despite the mocking of the Tea Parties by the media, we grew. Now here is only a year after Obama’s inaugration and the tide has vastly shifted.  And so the back-stabbing and finger pointing is already beginning and the election is not even over.

And in private conversations, Hill sources say White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has blamed Coakley, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic pollster Celinda Lake for failing to see Brown’s surge in time to stop it.

“With the legislative and political stakes so high, it’s unbelievable that the Senate committee and White House let this race get so out of hand,” said one senior Washington Democrat. “There’s a lot of blame to go around. Martha Coakley is only one of the problems here.”


As you can see the blame game is already starting and Obama is not immune from it. According to that same article, he is blamed for not selling the message more. However, as a failed telemarketer I can tell you, you cannot sell what people don’t want. And what the American people don’t want is more spending, more debt, more failed social policies, more Democratic rule.  Liberal policies have been an abysmal failure and to assume the people are going to continue to vote for the same unchecked failure is utterly insane.  Should Scott Brown win, he will hold significant power because his vote alone could stall many of the Democrats’ schemes.  The Democrats need 60 seats to blow through any legislation, with Scott in place they will be short one vote. That is as long as he continues to vote as a conservative and not some RINO pawn.

So stay tuned, this is sure to be an interesting ride and might mark the day when the Democratic party imploded and became part of our American past like the Federalists and the Whigs before them.  Though I wouldn’t count them out just yet,  but maybe this is a wake up call to the Democratic party that you are not as strong as you think and conservatives of any stripe or political affiliation are a force to be reckoned with.

Changing the Tide: Conservative Comeback

To paraphrase Barbara Mandrell, “I was conservative when conservatism wasn’t cool.” However the tide seems be changing, it seems that conservatism is making major comeback among Americans as more and more people are calling themselves “conservatives.” This is not merely wishful thinking on my part but is substantiated by a Gallup poll this last week.

According to a January 7, 2010 poll done by Gallup, the best and most trusted polling agency in the nation, 40 percent of Americans consider themselves to be conservative.  Conservatism has been growing larger over the last decade and 2009 brought it to ahead according to Gallup.

The increased conservatism that Gallup first identified among Americans last June persisted throughout the year, so that the final year-end political ideology figures confirm Gallup’s initial reporting: conservatives (40%) outnumbered both moderates (36%) and liberals (21%) across the nation in 2009.  [“Conservatives Finish 2009 as No. 1 Ideological Group”  Lydia Saad. Gallup.com. January 7, 2010]

Conservatives #1 Ideological Group

Moderates seemed to have the biggest lead back in 1993  with 43 percent but as the cultural divide widens so does the need to pick a side and it seems conservatives are winning over many of the previous moderates and/or independents to their side. Liberalism while gaining a little steam has been hanging on to dear life. In 1992, under Clinton of all people, they ranked only 17 percent.  Today they are 21 percent. Moderates are now 36 percent.  Even with the standard 2 percent margin of error liberals are hardly gaining ground.

Why is it that liberals haven’t rose much past 20% in the last decade? It is because as well intentioned as their plans may be, they are just ineffective, costly and do more to damage society than to enhance it. People are sick of liberals and their social experiments and being made to feel like bigotted relics for advancing tradition, God and morality. Such things are not passe nor are they to heaved upon the trash heap of history in exchange for a more decadent, hedonistic society.

Liberalism continues to fail and our children are the victims of their sociological abuse, it is time we stand firm and in the upcoming election do what we should’ve done in the first place-elect conservatives to office and save our country and children from failed policies of liberals.

Obama and the Shadow Man

As I sat through the Princess and the Frog in a theater with my son, I was struck by the striking resemblance of the villian to our Resident in Chief-Barack Obama.  The villain is known as the Shadow Man.  Not only was the physical resemblance pretty obvious but so was some of the underlying qualities that both Shadow Man and Obama share. As the movie continued, I felt as if I were watching the 2008 election all over again, except this time with catchy  music and a happy ending.

The movie takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana-the home of voodoo, Mardi Gras and debauchery in general. Yet in the midst of such a city is a hard-working woman named Tiana, she works constantly to save money for her dream-to buy and start  her own restaurant. It is good to see hard-working Black folks in this film. It is something that has been lacking in recent years. Except for the occasional "My Wife and Kids" and the "Cosby Show" showing Blacks folks as hard-working and willing to sacrifice for a dream is something that is still rarely seen especially in film. Tiana is Disney's first Black Princess-hard to believe we are in 2009 and we are just having a first Black Princess now.

Tiana turns out to be a very courageous young woman indeed because when Obama aka the Shadow Man offers her everything she ever dreamed of on a silver platter, she doesn't fall for his false promises, she doesn't buy into his lie that her father died a failure because he never got to open the restaurant that would eventually become her dream as well. Instead she rejects the whole notion of having anything handed to her!  It is a classic case of conservatism versus liberalism and as it should conservatism wins!

The Shadow Man is a voodoo practitioner. Much like Obama's Muslim's past, both practice a religion whose sole purpose is control people and take away their free will.  While both voodoo and Islam are indeed dangerous religions and a threat to God-fearing Christians and other religions, liberals, in particular, try to make both seem like benign alternative religions to Christianity. Though to practice either one means to have disdain and hatred for Christianity and everything it represents.

The Shadow Man is beholden to forces beyond his own power.  He has this false sense that he is in control. When it comes time to pay the piper he learns very fast that the ones that built you up will be the ones that take you down as well. To see him get his finally filled my heart up with joy. Maybe just maybe the same could happen to our Shadow Man. Shadow Man is a fitting name for Obama because he is forever trying to keep us in the dark despite his claim his Presidency would be "transparent."  Like shadows, Obama is all form and no substance. Yes, the character of Shadow Man fits our Resident in Chief well. So will we get the happy ending that was given to Tiana in the Princess and the Frog. Will our Shadow Man's greed, arrogance and utter disdain for America, come out like Disney's did, with the evil forces taking him down. One can only hope. And isn't that what Obama is all about-hope? LOL

My Interview with Jon Greenspon

I recently did an online interview for Presidential candidate, Jon Greenspon. He is a member of A Black Conservative Digest (http://bit.ly/ABCD) and so I sent him some questions, I felt were important to conservatives. I will be posting the questions and answers and will do a rebuttal later.

1) Please give a brief statement about yourself, family and why you are running for President in 2012?
I was born in Los Angeles, California in 1964. Wendy, my wife, was born in Sacramento, California in 1973, and our daughter Emerald was born in Colorado in 2003. I am a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, where I served as an enlisted member of the 1st Marine Battalion.
I am running for the Republican nomination for the 2012 Presidency because America needs a fresh start. Across our heartland, and into the urban sprawls, we’ve been watching – held captive as it were – to the predispositions of the “professional politicians”, and we can all see where this has led. American interests are not being served; they’re being handed down from on high, as it were. We have not had, in our last four presidents, an individual who truly placed the American citizen foremost – over politics of the day.
I’m running, because when we have a Congress busy behaving like a gaggle of toddlers on the first day of preschool – all fighting over the right to be sitting in the middle of the circle; we need a President who will stand for the “parents”, in this case – the citizens who are the rightful heirs to the decisions – and not be off on a global apology tour.

2) What experience do you have that you will be able to use to turn our country around?

I have served in the military and in private companies enough to understand that the shareholders, in this case the American people need both an advocate and a voice that they aren’t presently receiving in their elected representatives. I know what a deficit is, and that you CANNOT spend your way out.

Experience in life tells me that I am not a master of every subject, however I am smart enough to realize that political appointments cannot be made based upon the amount of contributions you receive from a group or individual. I cannot, in good conscience, consider appointing individuals to cabinet positions based upon anything other than merit – do they actually know the job at hand.

3) You don’t mention very many social issues on your presidential site, where do you stand on abortion and gay marriage?

I have friends that have had abortions, and I do have friends that are homosexual. These are very personal matters, not ones that belong to the general public, unless they the INDIVIDUAL decides to bring them up. In my personal opinion, these matters, if brought out of the house or local community, are best decided at the state level. I firmly believe in the 10

I do not agree with a Defense of Marriage Act (Public Law 104-199), nor do I agree with Roe vs. Wade (Supreme Court Case 410 US 113). The Congress had no authority in the passage of the first, and the States are reserved the right to determine actions within their borders on both counts – by the will of the people.

4) Education in our country is being taken over by liberal social engineers who wish to use the classroom for their social experiments instead of educating our children, what plans do you have to stop this and return the goal of schools to education and not liberal indoctrination?

Simply put, I’ll start by restructuring the Department of Education. My administration’s plan for Education is to see the Federal Department of Education serve as a meeting place for city, state, and community (family-based) understanding – it will cease to be a political indoctrination arm of the White House or any party agenda program.

5) What is the greatest threat you think America is facing today and how are you going to handle it?

That would depend on the determination from whether we are discussing within the US, or from outside.

Our greatest threat from within the United States exists in the social issue of apathy, which American’s are slowly coming out of. We have spent the last couple of decades operating under the “assumption ” that the Government will put itself in some predicament or another, and if we basically just leave it alone, the Government will correct itself. Well, in over four decades, we’ve learned that instead of correcting itself, the Government becomes a small collection of political despots – demonstrating that as power corrupts, we all suffer the consequences.

Outside of the United States, it’s been a waiting game. Since 1990, the world has been watching and casually testing America. The culmination of the prodding and poking at America was on September 11, 2001. Now America is waging an economic, environmental, and social battle of wits with foreign powers – and our current Government is poised to “let the chips fall”, creating a backslide that will damage America in many ways.

6) Do you plan to abolish the IRS and what is your view on the Federal Reserve Bank and whether it should be audited or completely eliminated or both?

I would be more than willing to disband the Internal Revenue Service, since it does not comply with Federal Law. The Constitution grants Congress the authority levy and collect taxes, not an agency of the Department of Treasury. Also, I believe the same statute in the Constitution PROHIBITS the use of outside collection agencies in recovering tax revenues. I also believe that the law should provide a requirement of an absolute two-thirds supermajority in both houses to increase taxes or amend tax codes.

I would expressly demand a full audit of the Federal Reserve System, both by the Treasury Department, and by an outside entity – independent of each other. Similarly, I would require the same of all entities operating under Title 5 of the US Code, governing independent agencies within the Federal Government. After the auditing of these agencies, I believe the American people should be given the opportunity to decide on their continued operation, or their dissolution.

7) Many people want to see Planned Parenthood completely defunded, will you stop taxpayer money from going to Planned Parenthood? And will you overturn the Mexico City that Obama reinstated that sends federal money overseas for abortions?

Planned Parenthood, as well as foreign funding of “family planning,” will never be part of any budget I authorize. I believe the best family planning atmosphere is within the home, not at the whim of the political system. Doctors, priests, and your parents or siblings should help in decisions such as these – not school nurses passing out contraceptives.

8) As a former Marine, I know you take the duty to defend our country seriously, how will you use your military background to ensure our safety here and abroad?

I believe that since one of the primary roles of the Presidency is that of Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces, it should be essential that that individual has an understanding of the military from the inside out. As long as we have “boots on the ground” anywhere in the world, I would see it as necessary to be briefed regularly (at least every few days) as to activities.

We cannot safeguard our country if our commander-in-chief is only receiving bi-weekly briefings, waiting to decide major operational changes so they don’t conflict with evening television programming, or pushing aside important meetings with command personnel because they conflict with a photo op.

I believe we need a military, both at the Federal and State levels, well trained in both conventional and non-conventional means of operations, but we also need a State Department trained and staffed with skilled diplomats. America should always look to its military as a last option, but ensure they are trained and equipped for the eventuality. I fully support the utilization of military personnel, in a limited capacity and operating in conjunction with the US Border Patrol, in the enforcement of our borders.

9) What is your view on amnesty for illegal aliens? Do you propose a guest worker program like Bush and how would you secure our borders to eliminate this mass immigration?

I do not agree with any concept of amnesty for persons who violate our country’s borders or laws. Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution grants Congress the power to set UNIFORM laws of naturalization – not to grant amnesty for violating our immigration laws.

I seriously oppose any form of “guest worker” program, which in effect creates a second-class citizen approach to the labor market. Realistically, we need to finish our Border fence and start providing proper and adequate enforcement measures along our borders.

10) Personhood amendments are on the ballot for states like Nevada, Florida, Colorado and North Dakota to name a few, would you back such amendments and would you work to see a federal Personhood amendment passed?

I would support any such amendment. We are currently gathering signatures in Montana for that very purpose.

11) Fields vs. Palmdale School District is a classic case where parental rights were not respected. How will your administration make sure that parents are in charge of their children and not the state? There is also a Parental Rights amendment in the House with 131 co-sponsors, do you support that amendment?

I believe the best place to decide what’s right for your child is with you, and my Administration would put parent’s rights at the forefront of school decision. To be blunt, a Department of Education is supposed to assist the parents in quality education, not try to supplant the parent with a “social mindset”.

I fully support Jim DeMint’s and Pete Hoekstra’s Joint Resolution.

12) Health care – what are the problems and how can we fix those problems without dismantling the entire health care system?

By creating this “Universal Health Care” initiative, Congress is effectively trying to bankrupt the American people. I fully agree that our healthcare fees need to be brought back into a more reasonable frame of cost – But not at cost of killing our economy.

Realistically, the Federal Government has at its disposal the ability to correct part of the problem. The corrective measures, via the Department of Commerce, exist in that healthcare insurance is an INTERSTATE business, therefore regulated at the Federal level. By regulating the interstate rates, costs could be reduced across the board, providing affordability and portability. I think it would also be prudent to permit individuals to purchase coverage through health exchanges, or even purchase access to their state Medicaid program.

I do not agree in any way with providing medical benefits, other than necessary emergency services to those in our country illegally.

13) Lastly jobs – what are you going to do to create more jobs and severely reduce outsourcing of American jobs to other countries and to illegal aliens right here?

I think one of the greatest measures that could be utilized in creating more domestic jobs, and stemming the outsourcing of labor is a comprehensive overhaul of our bloated tax structure. There is absolutely no reason for individuals to pay upwards of 35% or more in taxes. I believe

in a complete repeal of estate and gift taxes, as taxes have already been paid on these by the original recipient.

Similarly, we should look at reducing corporate taxes on US businesses that are conducting more than 60% of operations within the US. A straightforward reduction would have the net effect of returning business to America, in return for a lower tax rate.

14) Any last thoughts, and tell us why we should vote for you.

As I have indicated on my website, I fully intend that the Congress be accountable to the people, and that includes a zero tolerance policy on markups, or unsustainable legislation. I will not engage in any budget discussions that does not decrease our deficit AND balance itself yearly. And I will not steal elected officials from their citizens by appointing them into Cabinet positions, and away from the responsibilities they were elected to uphold.

I have had two very important “heroes” in my life that have shaped my view of this country. The first was my Grandfather, a Pearl Harbor veteran, who pointed out to me at a young age that the most incredible thing about our liberty is that it’s everyone’s. Only here does someone have the same “soapbox” from John Doe to Bill Gates.

The second person who inspires me is Thomas Jefferson, a man who for all his incredible accomplishments, realized that America’s ultimate power was not in the Office of the President. America’s power lies within the American people. Jefferson demonstrates that with the fact that his position of 2nd President is NOT even reflected on his headstone.