Women Betrayed Footage

As I told all of you yesterday I attended the Women Betrayed rally. This is footage from it and I am the  Black woman waving the sign as soon as the video opens. It was really a great experience and it really revved me up to do as much as I can for the pro-life movement. And as much as the focus is about the children, not the individuals within the movement, it is still nice to be on television and FOX News no less. LOL






Women Betrayed Rally in Downtown L.A

I am the Pro Life GenerationUnfortunately, my camera broke down so I was unable to take pictures of this great event. However, I did end up on tv, so you will be able to see me on some channel somewhere. In any case, it was a fantastic rally. We had a paltry showing from the other side come and lie about how Planned Parenthood and abortion saves lives. Really then tell that to Tamiah Russell, Angela Sanchez, Holly Patterson, Belinda Byrd, Deanna Bell and Eurice Agbagaa. Out of the six women that I named four were Black! Black women are more likely to die from abortion than their counterparts. This is for two reasons 1) Black women have more abortions than their counterparts 2) They are apt to get subpar care from the abortion provider from the get go.

More about that later, let’s get back to the rally. They had a slew of great speakers. One of them held my former position as Regional Coordinator for the Los Angeles area for Silent No More Awareness campaign. Her name was Annette and she had a story that brought me to tears. She had all her children with her and they were all were looking heartbroken carrying signs that said I Mourn My Aborted Sibling. I thought I was going to just break down right there. She tried to save her child after the abortion had started but was unable to, it died. She said all she could think was “Oh my goodness, what have I done.”  If you want to learn more about Silent No More Awareness  then go to this website:


My family

BLACK’S Cover Photo

You can hear stories from post-abortive women who have since become pro-life and I guarantee you that it will touch your heart. The whole thing was emceed by Sylvia Aimerito of AudioGirl Ministries You can check her out at: https://audiogirlministries.com/  She is a DJ out here and is part of my pro-life group on Facebook ProLife Divas/Warriors. Here is the address if you wish to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/515148028559129/  I also have another pro-life that addresses the abortion rate in the Black community and it is called BLACK (Black League Against Child Killing). You can find it at https://www.facebook.com/groups/181527788480

Enough of the plugs. The rally was energized and people were on fire to see Planned Parenthood defunded. The funny part was the counter protest. They were truly pathetic. First of all they have 3 guys coming in with a sign that says, “Abortion on demand and without apology. Stop the Patriarchy.” You are kidding me, right? You don’t have men carrying a sign that says “Stop the Patriarchy” it looks like a joke. You don’t have any credibility. So their attempt to pose any sort of legitimate voice on the subject was already killed when these hateful men joined the march. The women, initially,  were just doing their thing and letting us do ours. It is when the men showed up that it turned ugly. There was no physical violence from either side. The police did protect the pro-lifers from the angry rabble of the pro-choice side.

The pro-choice side had a sign that read: Women are not: Bitches, hos, whores, incubators, etc. They are full human beings. Which our side agrees with. But you need to be taking that message down to a rap label, not a pro life rally. You want to step up to Jay Z and tell him that? You want to picket a 50 Cent concert? Yeah I didn’t think so. It is not our side that disrespects women. It is yours! Call any conservative man’s wife a bitch and you will be lucky if you get back up. Call any liberal man’s wife a bitch and he will just laugh like Tim MacGraw did when Nelly called Faith Hill a bitch. T  point is the pro-life sees women as beautiful, strong, courageous, nurturing and loving. It wouldn’t occur to us to make a sign like that because that is not how we see women. That is how you proc-choicers see women! So until you start picketing rap concerts I don’t want to hear women are not bitches, hos, whores, etc. because that is what you do to women in you world. Women deserve better.

We are on the right side of history and one day abortion will become illegal in this country once again.

The New Normal and the Collapse of Common Sense

caitlyn jenner

Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner

From Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner to Rachel Dolezal, we are seeing an emerging “trans” community trying to emerge and redefine what it means to be normal.  However, the truth is quite simple Bruce Jenner is not a woman, no matter if he wants to be called Caitlyn or not, and Rachel Dolezal is not Black, despite her protests to the opposite. Being black is not about a spray tan and being a woman is not about wearing dresses.What is going on is the demise of common sense and the emergence of “self-identification” politics.

Rachel Dolezal

Rachel Dolezal

Certain things require self-identification. For instance, what makes me Republican is self-identifying with the ideology and platform of the Republican party. No one can force me to Republican. No one can look at me and go, “Oh yeah, there goes a Republican.” I was not born a Republican and certain body parts do not obviously make me a Republican, therefore the only way for me to be a Republican is to self-identify as one.  I will concede that self-identification is very important to our identity, the things we choose to believe about the world, about ourselves, they shape who we are and how we treat our fellow man.

Dr. Shamsa and me at my UCLA graduation

Dr. Shamsa and I

That being said, certain things do not require self-identification, things like your sex or your ethnicity. I will say this, ethnicity can be confusing because you can be South African, Irish and Sioux. Or you can be Mexican, Iranian and Cherokee. Whatever you are, though, it is present at your birth, just like your sex and you cannot change those things based on your feelings. The man I am pictured with is one of my favorite people in the world, he is Iranian. So what if I decided since I have many people in my life (yes, he is not the only one I know)  who I care about who are Iranian, I was going to claim that culture for my own? So I learn the Persian language, I dress Persian, I move into a Persian neighborhood, I listen to Persian music and watch Persian television. Since he is Jewish, I become Jewish and I basically tell everyone that I am Persian. Am I, though? No, my self-identification does not make me Persian. I can appreciate his culture and even want to learn about it, but it doesn’t make it mine. Next, what if I used this false identity to land a job or make money? That is fraud, no matter if I believe it about myself or not.

Once upon a time all this was known to all. It didn’t require an explanation. Everybody just understood this to be the truth. However somewhere along the line we decided that reality is what we say it is. That is not how reality works, though, it is true regardless of anyone’s opinion to the contrary. I can believe in the depth of my soul that 2+2=5 and believe the whole 4 thing is just some conspiracy. It does not matter, 2+2=4. This is also true when it comes to personal reality. I can believe I am anorexic. That I am just way too thin but that does not register with the reality that I am obese. I may hate that fact, but it is still true regardless. I mean come on, look at my picture do I look anorexic to you? Does my heart go “Oh wait she believes she is 90 pounds so I am just going to ignore all this extra weight despite the fact that it is nearly killing me?” It would be absolutely ludicrous to call me thin because I have decided that is how I want to be perceived. Well, if I want to be perceived as thin then I need to lose some weight don’t I?  So perception and reality will line up. But I sure don’t get to change the meaning of thin to make me more comfortable and Bruce Jenner does not get to change the meaning of woman or Rachel Dolezal the meaning of Black.

It is time we stop taking such fruitcakes seriously as if they contribute anything to American dialogue of freedom. They are sick and they need help, not accolades. And it is time common sense comes back. Because we are sorely lost without it.

3 Reasons Why the Left Hate the Unborn

Brian Fisher has a website called Online for Life and on his site, he discusses why we tolerate abortion in America and part of that reason stems from our devaluing unborn children. So as I was reading his reasons I came up with a few of my own and decided to write my own article detailing why we have such an intense hatred for the unborn.

1. Pediaphobia-hatred or fear of children

Joycelyn_Elders_official_photo_portraitWe really need to get over this love affair with the fetus and start worrying about children.~Jocelyn Elder.

This is a very scary quote considering Jocelyn Elder was at one time the Surgeon General of the United States and if you are a doctor and  don’t understand “fetuses” are children then there is something seriously wrong with you. You might want to get your money back from that Caribbean medical school, Jocelyn. Jocelyn represents a very real segment of society who has an intense dislike of children. They don’t even pretend to downplay it. This phenomenon is nothing new. If you look at the movies during the late sixties and early seventies you will see a theme of pediaphobia running through them. In movies like Rosemary’s Baby and the Omen, the unborn children were the spawn of Satan. In the Shining, two girls drove their father to kill them and the rest of his family, along with a boy with telepathic powers which would be the downfall of his father. We could go on forever, but the gist of it is, the media was setting up the very premise that children were a threat and that would encapsulate the whole pro-choice movement from there on in. This fear of children is not some right wing delusion attributed to the Left. In fact the Queen of the Left, Letty Cottin-Pogrebin, one of the founding editors of Ms. Magazine had this to say about pediaphobia back in 1983:

America is a nation fundamentally ambivalent about its children,” Pogrebin writes, “often afraid of its children, Letty Cottin-Pogrebinand frequently punitive toward its children . . . I see a veritable epidemic of pedophobia in America today.”


That quote is 32 years old but is still very much relevant to what we are seeing today. The interesting thing is I went to her website to see if she was still speaking about pediaphobia in our society and from what I can see she isn’t. Most of her engagements deal with her current book, “Single Jewish Male Seeking Soulmate.” Which is fine, but this is what the Left does. They create the problem and then when it gets to the breaking point they abandon it and say we on the Right are crazy because such a thing doesn’t even exist.That is okay, though, because another leftist organization has picked up where Cottin-Pogrebin has left off. It is called the Freechild Project and on their site they list several “isms” that deal with the discrimination of children, including pediaphobia. This is why you hear the left say that the babies are not babies but “fetuses,” “blobs of tissue,” “products of conception,” anything that will dehumanize the child and make it less than what it truly is.  The Freechild Project has a word for that:

Demonization is a process for making young people evil in order to justify attacking them in the forms of character assassination, legal action and to get rid of their civil liberties. http://www.freechild.org/SNAYR/language.htm

This is what we have been doing to the unborn since 1973. They also have another word which I think describes the feelings of those on the Left:

Adultization is the elimination of childhood and adolescence by schools, marketers and parents in order to promote order and eliminate the “inconvenience” of youth. http://www.freechild.org/SNAYR/language.htm

We all know how the Left is always talking about pregnancy being an inconvenience. It is truly reprehensible. Now I could go on forever talking about this, but I promised you two more reasons and this is turning into an article in and of itself.

2.  Consent

Consent is very big in the Leftist world, I could hit you with a baseball bat all day long as long as you consented to it. There is not much that is not tolerated in their world, even if consent is given. However, life does not care about your consent. It comes when it wants to and it doesn’t ask your permission. Babies often come at very inopportune times. I have yet to meet anyone who had a baby minus IVF who had it at the perfect time. That is not the way life works. Now granted when you consent to lie with a man, you are consenting to all the consequences that follow. You are consenting to STDs, pregnancy and by giving him your body you are consenting to his treatment of you. If you don’t consent to these things, you should not be sleeping with him. Of course, the Left wants to make it out that women are idiots and they do not know or recognize such basic truths. “She didn’t know that he was an abusive monster.”  “She didn’t know she could get pregnant from sex.” I mean the things they put out there are utterly ridiculous. Here is a favorite quote of mine.

Maya Angelou“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.
~Maya Angelou

It is because we don’t believe them the first time that we get in trouble, so we continue to consent. Far too often, we hear from the Left that she consented to sex, not to the pregnancy, but the two are intertwined you cannot separate them.It is like saying, she consents to be a woman but not to the monthly menstruation. Well too bad, that is part of being a female. Once again, nature has its own agenda and it doesn’t care about yours. It doesn’t care if this period or this pregnancy is inconvenient for you. Life will never ask for your permission to live and it will not ask when it is time for you to die. Life does not seek to make things easy for you. Life is forceful, messy and at times unmanageable. It is strong, defiant and will knock out any obstacles put in its way. Life does not  play fair or does it play well with others. This simple truth is why the Left opposes life at every turn because it cannot control it. But even with all its mess, strength and defiance it is still most beautiful thing ever. The Left cannot see that beauty, it cannot understand it. So it must destroy it.

3. Pride

18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

More than anything the Left is based on pride. You have Black Pride, Latino Pride, Gay Pride and the list continues. WhileBlack Pride there is nothing wrong with acknowledging the history of your people and using them as inspiration to carry on your own accomplishments there is something wrong with thinking you and/or your people are better than others and as such deserve special recognition above others. This is what the Left does, they place the mother above the child. Are they equal?Of course not, the mother has authority over the child but authority is not superiority. Authority is actually a duty to do right by your underlings. If I am a principal I have authority over my teachers, but I am not superior to them. But I have a responsibility to both the teachers and the students. This concept of authority has gotten confused in the Leftist world with pride and superiority. The Left has neglected its authority to do right by its children and instead gives a bunch of reasons for killing the unborn that have to do with pride. According to Alan Guttmacher Institute, the following  are the reasons women abort:

three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.[6http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html

Defiant womenAll selfish! Not one of these women thought of adoption. Oh no, I couldn’t give my baby away to a loving family, I much rather kill it. It would be too hard ON ME to give it away and a chance at a real life. Don’t want to be a single parent? Put it up for adoption. Think it will interfere with school or the ability to care for other dependents? Put it up for adoption. Having problems with your husband? Get the heck out and put the baby up for adoption. The woman here all had the authority to make sure their child had the best possible family even if it wasn’t with them, but they decided their pride was more important. They decided that whatever made their life easier was paramount. No consideration to the unborn child in them. No consideration to the life that fought its way into existence. It is all about me, me, me. No one ever stops to think that this child could change their life is a wonderful, fundamental way.

In conclusion, there are many reasons that the Left hate the unborn but these three make the top of the list. And it is about time we stand for the unborn and tell them the unborn won’t treated like yesterday’s trash. It is time to protect from those who wish to destroy them. It is time to give them a voice.

The Demise of Planned Parenthood

Cecile RichardsThe abortion giant has survived many things in their past. From the death of Holly Patterson to undercover stings where girls were told not to mention the age of the man who got them pregnant. But this one tops them all because it was always easy to sweep under the rug. This current debacle has Cecile Richards coming out of hiding to address the public and the accusation that Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby parts to various medical organizations and makes a nice profit doing so.

It is one thing to say an occasional death is part of the abortion industry and it is even quite another to cover up statutory rape, because the girls can always say they consented to the 25-year-old man sleeping with them. However, selling body parts is not something that easily palatable. Even pro-choicers will find this going beyond what is acceptable in a free society. This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood. Pro-lifers have been screaming about defunding Planned Parenthood for years now, but it always fallen on deaf ears. No more. Congress is now listening. Of course, Cecile refutes any wrongdoing on Planned Parenthood’s part but do you really expect them to say, “Of course, we commit felonies by selling baby parts, what do you think we did with all those tiny bodies?”  When Cecile issued an apology it was on behalf of the tone, not the practice of selling aborted baby parts.

“Our top priority is the compassionate care that we provide. In the video, one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion. This is unacceptable, and I personally apologize for the staff member’s tone and statements,” said Cecile Richards, the group’s president, in a video out Thursday. “As always, if there is any aspect of our work that can be strengthened, we want to know about it, and we take swift action to address it.” (http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/16/politics/planned-parenthood-president-criticizes-gop-candidates/

I am sorry how do you compassionately talk about selling aborted children for their various body parts? The doctor found in the midst of the current firestorm is Dr. Deborah Nucatola. She discusses how she takes care to save organs like heart, liver, etc in order to get the best results for “fetal donation.” Of course, being that they are getting paid 30 to 100 a pop, it doesn’t sound like “donations” to me.  What is interesting about this video is that liberal media giants like CNN covered the story. This wasn’t some little story put out on some little blog, like mine, it went viral. So much that the normally liberal media had to pay attention.

Standing with Planned ParenthoodCecile is under the delusion that this will pass like all the other times they have been investigated. That this is purely an “anti-choice attempt to shut down Planned Parenthood” but I don’t care how pro-choice you, very few can stomach the selling of body parts to medical research firms.  Especially when these are baby body parts. What is the difference between this and say selling an adult cadaver to a medical school? The difference is the practice by which they come by the parts is already illegal. It is called Partial Birth Abortion and was outlawed under Bush in 2003. If you watch the video it tells you how they do the abortion breech-style. Breech position can cause complications with future pregnancies.

Of course, people are standing with Planned Parenthood. However, standing with Planned Parenthood at this time is not only a lesson in futility but it it also like standing with the Third Reich in 1945. As more and more of the horrors are exposed only the most psychotic will stand by the organiztion. Planned Parenthood is on its way out and as its doors begin to close as they already have:

Several Planned Parenthood clinics in Oregon and Iowa recently closed, citing that they simply didn’t have the clients needed to keep their clinics open. Why the lack of clients?  Probably because of the lack of basic services.

The article then goes on to state the reason Planned Parenthood closed down in Texas:

In Texas, we have seen many Planned Parenthood facilities close shop. The reasoning here is different. Planned Parenthood is choosing to close rather than bring their current centers up to legal safety standards. In San Antonio, an annual inspection report showed that the Planned Parenthood facility had serious sterilization issues. They weren’t separating clean and dirty instruments. They weren’t testing their autoclave machine to ensure that it was still working. Lots of problems. We see this in many facilities…They chose to close their filthy centers. Pro-lifers didn’t force them to close. They chose to close them all on their own.


It is much easier to blame pro-lifers than to admit they provide sub par care. Meanwhile, Cecile Richards talks about how 1 in 5 women receive services from Planned Parenthood. However, that leaves a whooping 80% who don’t  receive any care from Planned Parenthood. Shouldn’t those 80 percent just be wasting away somewhere? And if only 20 percent depend on Planned Parenthood and they are closing their doors then what is going to happen to those 20 percent without Planned Parenthood. They are going to be just fine.  Planned Parenthood has long since ceased being a safe place for women and only cares about making a profit at all costs. It is time they are shut down. It is time our Holocaust comes to an end.

Good Night Sweetheart

my-porch-swing-is-a-little-wornThey sat on the porch swing looking up at the midnight sky. The stars shining brightly as if they were doing so just for them. The crickets were the only music. Each one was at peace with the other by their side. She was 82 years old and the time shown upon her face. Her hands were all wrinkled and frail, her hair was now all silver. She rested her head upon his shoulder. He was 77 and time had been kinder to him, He has fewer wrinkles, more strength and as he clutched her hand, he did so mindful of the strength, so gentle and loving was his embrace. She was the first one to speak.
“Can you believe it has been forty years?” she asked.
“No, I can’t. It seems like forty minutes. he answered.
“When I walked in your office that first day, did you think we would be here forty years later?”
“Sweetie, I didn’t think you would be here six months later, let alone forty years,” he jested. They both laughed.
“Your love saved me.” she said with a sweet smile.
With that he rose from the swing and took her hand. He gently pulled her up and into his arms. They started to sway to theBlack and White couple music of the crickets. “If anyone’s love saved the other, it was yours that saved mine. No one has ever loved me so unconditionally before. You once told me I taught you what real human love looked like, you were wrong, you taught me.” They gently kissed one another’s lips. She was feeling woozy, so they sat back down. She laid her head back on her shoulder and he laid his head on hers and without much fanfare, they left this Earth together, holding hands. And the darkness of the night was replaced by the light of God.

Gay Marriage: Gotcha!

I have been thinking if weddings1the straight community really wanted to have full control over the gay community what better way to do it then to make them believe the lie of gay marriage. We sold it, you bought it, you are ours now! Welcome to the heterosexual world-your gayness is immaterial from this point forward! The gay community was built on one premise-sexual freedom. You just squashed that. Monogamy is what reigns supreme in the straight world. You are no longer allowed to go bed hopping. You are no longer allowed to dump someone when someone else hotter comes along, And since we don’t have polygamy, you cannot bring someone else into your relationship, you are stuck! You get bored, you have to divorce them like the rest of us.

Also, since marriage involves children, you are now saddled with dfd-family-pic1raising children for the first 18 years of your married life. You have to deal with 2 am feedings, temper tantrums and the never ending rant of “You are not my real father, I don’t have to listen to you! You are ruining my life! I hope you die!” Oh and now that you are married, you have to deal with everyone asking you, “So when are you having children!” They are no longer an option for you, so you better pony up that cash because you will have to adopt or be considered a social pariah! What kind of gay married couple doesn’t want children-you are so selfish!

Oh, but I want all that-yeah right. You want it now because you are not in it. Tell me how wonderful it is when you get a call from the school to come pick up your son because the teacher that consistently harasses him on a daily basis finally got cussed out by him and you don’t know whether to high five him or wring his neck! Remember all those wonderful weekend getaways you used to take? No more! All that disposable income? Well, it truly is disposable now as you now have to dispose of it on glasses, braces, college funds and medical bills because let’s face it, kids are forever sick!

Remember those awful breeders you accused us of being? Well, it is you now. You wanted all the perks of marriage but none of the responsibilities but guess what? You get them both! Oh and the beauty of this is domestic violence laws now apply to you. You so much as look at your partner wrong and you will be doing some serious prison time. Before you could beat your partner within an inch of their life and the ggay-protestay community would cover for you. Bleeding gay man beat by his boyfriend, nothing to see here people! Now you won’t be able to hide it anymore! You are one of us! So remember all those laws that applied to straight couples you wanted so much?  That’s one of them.

And in-laws! That is right you get in laws now! Those people who made your life miserable when you two were single are now yours for a lifetime! And your precious hospitalization rights you fought for  so diligently won’t amount to a hill of beans once Mom gets involved because she is going to fight every medical decision you make for her son. After all, it happens in the straight community. And now that your “husband” is sick, you get to pay all his medical bills! Needs a bypass? That’s $625,000. Needs brain surgery? That is over a million dollars! But I am sure the Obamacare exchange will pay for it! LOL So you have your “husband” in the hospital, a kid that hates you, in-laws fighting you tooth and nail, overwhelming debt, and a developing ulcer but hey isn’t marriage great?

So whatever made the gay society unique, it is gone. You now belong to the straight world. We gave you marriage but under our terms, not yours. You will play the marriage game they way we say, not you. Marriage is our world and you should feel honored we included you in it. Now your existence will be sexless, bland and ordinary, but this is what you wanted. You have effectively destroyed the gay community. So adieu to your world and welcome to ours.

My Interview With God: Gay Marriage

Today on a very special Blacknright blog we have God, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, here with us today. He has agreed to talk my audience about the current events in our country. So let’s get to it.

GodDL:  Hello God, it is wonderful to have you here today. I am so excited about this interview. How many people get to interview God? So what do you want me to call you, God, I Am, Yahweh, Elohim, Heavenly Father?

God: Heavenly Father will be fine. That is what you usually call me anyway, I like it. Thank you for this opportunity to talk to your readers.

DL: So my first question, before we deep into the gay marriage part of this interview, let’s start with the basics? Do you hate gay people?

Gay married couple enjoying wedding receptionHF: (laughing) Of course, Dena. I have an irrational hatred of gay people. Of course, I don’t hate them. They are my children why would I hate them? Yes, I love gay people, but I hate sin.

DL: Okay, sin. Are some sins greater than others?

HF: Yes and no. Yes, if you kill someone I am going to hold you more accountable than if you were just jealous of them. Both are sins and both are commandments but in one you have taken a life, in the other you haven’t. However, the second one can lead to the first one, that is why it is on the list. The no part is all sin has a destructive force to destroy the person. If you are coveting, you can become consumed and act in destructive ways towards yourself and whomever or whatever you are coveting. One thing leads to the other and that is why you can’t play with sin.

DL: Okay, so let’s move on. Gay marriage. As long as two people love each other that is all that matters right?

HF: If that was the case Leviticus 18 would be a moot point. Seventeen of the thou shall not lie with are familial relationships. Now I am sure those family members love each other. I still don’t approve. In fact, though shall not lie with mankind as with womankind is the twentieth one, There are two others that deal with incestuous homosexual behavior but by and large, I outline what heterosexual behavior, whatever that really means, I find offensive.

DL: In the others, you use the words wicked and detestable but with homosexuality you say it is an abomination, why the difference?

JeffHF: Because it is not in accordance to how I created you. The other offenses as repulsive as they are, are a man lying with a woman. While they are wicked and sinful in their nature, a man was meant to lie with a woman in order multiply. He was not meant to sleep with his mother or his daughter or his sister. Those things are detestable. Homosexuality is not about the commandment of being fruitful and multiplying. It is using sex for purposes that are contrary to the Plan of Salvation. I made sex feel good so it would create a bond between husband and wife, it would make you want to stay together and raise your family together. I created Oxytocin to promote family ties, not to get your rocks off.

DL (laughing) I love when you talk like that. But if two men are committed to being together what is wrong with that? I mean if the purpose of marriage is staying together and they are being faithful to each other, what is wrong with that?

old-new-testament_bxp255612HF: I love when you mortals do that, you take the last part of what I said and ignore everything else. Again if staying together was all that mattered then a son could marry his mother and as long as they stayed together and were faithful I would be okay with it. Heck, as long they had a kid or two and raised it together I would be fine, right? Okay, let’s go back to Genesis 2:22-25:

 22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

 23 And Adam said This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.

 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

If the composition of marriage was irrelevant would I have clearly stated its composition? The purpose is not solely for the happiness of the adults in the marriage. The purpose of marriage is to create a happy, stable environment for the family. In verse 24, I say they say they shall become one flesh. That is not so much a sexual reference as it is describing the family unit. They are one. They are no longer completely separate entities; they are one. When your parents were married, you were the Leichnitzes. You were one. Yes, there were individual Leichnitzes within the family, but to the world you were one unit, you were the Leichnitzes. That is what marriage does, it unifies. Dad is no more important than Mom, Mom is no more important than the kids and the kids are no more important than the parents. Each one provides a unique role and each one is dependent on the other members for their ultimate happiness. Without a Mom, Dad and children, an essential part of that unit degrades and it will deteriorate until there is nothing left That is the point in which you guys find yourselves at.

DL: Come on God, I mean we have free will right? Aren’t we free to do whatever we want as  long as it makes us happy?

HF: Sure you are. You are not free of the consequences though. You are free to rob liquor stores all day long, the jailconsequence of that is you will go to jail. You are free to rape and murder the consequence is that you will have to answer to me. I am even bound by certain things. For instance, if you keep your end of the bargain and follow my commandments I bound to reward you for that. Even if I was like, “Yeah, I know Dena is doing what she is supposed to but I don’t feel like blessing her.” I can’t because I am bound by the promise that as long as you do your part, I have to do mine. What would be the consequence if I didn’t? I would be a liar and since God can’t lie, I couldn’t be God. I would be a fraud. So there are consequences even for me. There certain things even I have to obey because if I don’t I am not who I say I am. And since I am who I say I am then I have to obey.  So if there are consequences for me, why would there not be consequences for my creations?

DL: So what is the consequences of gay marriage?

SCOTUSHF: Let’s look at what happened immediately following SCOTUS’ decision. You had people threatening churches. You had pastors getting beaten up. You had outright hostility to the people who actually helped them get this passed. You saw an eruption of lewd, gay pride parades. You saw evil come out in full force and within a matter of days. Satan works fast. What you will see as time goes on is an increase in immortality and more hostility towards me and my followers. You will see the destruction of children, the denigration of women and more blatant displays of wickedness.

DL: It sounds like you are saying gays are the reason for the downfall of society.

HF: No, my people are. You guys have been cowards. You have been so afraid of not offending anyone, you have offended me. My anger is kindled against my people because they do not listen. You have Israel being bombed pretty much on a daily basis and yet you have certain Jews who vilify my Holy Land. I do not understand that. You are not of my people, I do not know you. Is Israel perfect? No, and I will deal with her sins. But when you turn your back on Israel you turn your back on me. Then you have abortion. My children are being slaughtered and you dare have groups called Catholics For Choice? Abortion is the resurrection of Molech which I have clearly condemned and you dare use my son to justify your sin? Gay marriage is  just one in a long line of the impotency of the Church, you guys have failed. You are here because you refuse to act. And you Dena, you have to get over your fear as well. You are powerful,l but you refuse to use it. I am going to work with you on that and I am going to put you in a  place where you can use it. No more hiding.

prayerDL: Okay I promise we will figure it out. I love you and thank you for talking to us today. Any further questions for God can be asked via prayer.

HF: Thank you for having me here and I hope I wasn’t too scary.

DL:  Nah, you are a big ol’ pussycat. Say hi to Heavenly Mother and Jesus for me.

HF: I will talk to you later.

Polygamy is Next No Matter What the “Marriage Equality” People Say.

Gay married couple enjoying wedding receptionOn June 26, 2015, SCOTUS decreed that same-sex marriage was a constitutional right and people have been warning that polygamy would soon follow. Of course, the “marriage equality”  are saying that is just nonsense that polygamy is not going to happen and these are their reasons why.

1. The battle for same-sex marriage was won, both in courts of law and in the court of public opinion, by framing the goal as “marriage equality”—that same-sex couples should have access to the same rights and privileges as their heterosexual counterparts

Oh because enough people in the public wanted it, it happened. Well, as long as you are so fond of ripping off my history there was no public outcry for interracial marriage. Mrs. Loving did time in jail for marrying her husband. Yeah, we had thearticle-2088040-0F80FD3000000578-782_634x424 Civil Rights movement by the time the 1967 decision came down but that was more about economic and political freedom. When King died he was on his way to deal with a strike concerning garbage men, not the right to marry a White person. Malcolm X well for most of his civil rights career he thought Whites were devils so he definitely wasn’t advocating interracial marriage. Yet despite not having great public support SCOTUS voted in favor of the Lovings. So that argument doesn’t really hold water. Good try though.

So if that is the case, then polygamy could be legalized without overwhelming public support. Especially since the Church can say it is their religious right found in sacred text all over the world and same-sex marriage can’t.

By contrast, the entire existing structure of modern marriage is designed for a dyad. DeBoer argues that there were similar practical objections to same-sex marriage—for instance, having to discard marriage license forms with the words “husband” and “wife” and replacing them with ones that list “Spouse 1” and “Spouse 2.” But this onerous task hardly compares to the massive overhaul multi-partner marriage would require: including revising the rules on post-divorce property division or survivor benefits for three, five, or 10 people instead of two; adjusting child custody arrangement for multiple legal parents; and determining who has the legal authority to make decisions for an incapacitated spouse.

you_may_now_kiss_the_brideSo what? So it gets more complicated why is that a concern of mine? It doesn’t affect your marriage does it? The point is the dyad she speaks of is based on the binary nature of marriage which includes 2 people-a male and a female. The number two by itself has no significance. David had 8 wives. He gained his first wife after defeating Goliath. And those were just his wives we are not counting the hundreds of concubines. Now I am sure keeping track of all those women and their offspring, not exactly a cakewalk but hey we can do it! And by allowing gay adoption, surrogacy and invitro fertilization we have already opened the door to multiple legal parents. Even in heterosexual couples we already deal with that. If I marry my cardiologist, who has three children, I become their legal stepmother. Now they still have a birth mother as well and if she marries another man, he becomes their legal stepfather. So now we have multiple parents with legal custody. The courts already have to figure this out, so that is another invalid argument.

Let’s look at my family. My mother was married to  my sister’s father, had her and got divorced. She met my father and they had my brother, they then adopted my other brother after a two-year battle, finally they adopted me. So technically you have 7 parents involved in creating a family of four. Birth certificates had to be changed, court cases had to be fought, there was a lot of  legal paperwork in creating this family, but the court dealt with it and if polygamy is passed they will just have to learn to deal with it. How they deal with it is not my concern. It wasn’t yours when we had to change all our marriage licenses for you.

3. It’s not just that sorting this out is difficult. The bottom line is that as a practical matter, it’s simply impossible for plural partners to have the same rights and benefits currently enjoyed by two spouses, gay or straight. It’s likely that every group marriage would essentially have to be customized.

Okay, so it is going to have to be customized anyway because the minute you bring children into the marriage, you will have to define if the surrogate mother is going to have any rights to the child, if the couple is gay. Or if you a lesbian couple, you will have to figure out how the sperm donor will factor in. Will it be someone you know or will you use a sperm bank? If it someone you know will he be the father legally? What if you have multiple kids by multiple donors, how will that work? Every gay marriage is going to be customized. It cannot be standardized like a heterosexual union because when you involve kids you HAVE to involve a third party, it is not optional. Whereas, children from a heterosexual are automatically thought to be created from that union alone. So if we are customizing it for a gay couple, why can’t we customize it for those practicing polygamy?

And who says it is impossible for plural partners to have the same rights and benefits-you? This is nothing but contract law.  For instance, if I want to bequeath my entire estate to my cat, I can. Or if I want to split it between my son and my three hot, young  lovers, I can do that too. So let’s say I am married to my three hot lovers, if I want to make one the primary beneficiary and the other two alternate beneficiaries in case something happens to hot stud #1, I can do that. All that is needed for any contract to be valid is a meeting the minds, an offer, acceptance, and consideration. As long as those four things are met I can make a contract for almost anything. So as long as it is not illegal and the person is of age, I am good to go.

Lastly, if this is convoluted it is because the government is involved with marriage.  If the government had it remain a religious institution, you wouldn’t have to worry about this.

4. There is another difference. Attempts to stop same-sex marriage floundered partly because no one could show how male/female unions would be harmed or even affected by same-sex ones. Legalizing multiple spouses, on the other hand, would immediately affect every couple by opening a potential door to new partners in the marriage. Yes, this would presumably require everyone’s consent, but at the very least, those who want monogamy would have to explicitly stipulate this, and even then a monogamy clause could probably be renegotiated later.

So what business is it of yours? What do you honestly think everyone who gets married from this point on is going to all of polygamya sudden want to practice polygamy? That it is insane. You are not just bringing in a new sex toy, you are saying I am going to take care of both of you until death do us part! How many men do you think are going to want to do that? Why do you think hey have mistresses instead of multiple wives? And a lot of things are re-negotiated later, even prenups. So what does it matter to you if down the line, a couple decides to bring in another spouse, how does that affect your marriage? If you guys are happy with monogamy, good for you, why are you bringing your morality into it? It has nothing to do with your marriage and therefore won’t harm it.

How about gay marriage, doesn’t that open up the opportunity for my spouse to leave me for a man and marry him instead? Heck, Netflix has a whole series about that very scenario. Of course, it does, so maybe we shouldn’t have gay marriage since it will encourage abandonment of heterosexual spouses. The idea that every man (or woman) is just going to want to take on the financial and legal obligations of another spouse once polygamy is instituted is sheer lunacy.

5. Some have also suggested that polygamous marriage should have a greater claim to legitimacy than same-sex marriage since it is far more rooted in history. But that argument misses a key factor in the cultural shift on same-sex marriage: gender equality as a central value of modern society. Historical polygamy is strongly linked to male dominance and female subjection—while monogamy arguably formed the basis of the transition from patriarchal authority to companionate partnership that eventually paved the way for same-sex unions.

What? I don’t even know how to address this because it is utter garbage. This is nothing more than saying, it is okay for us but not for you!

And finally, this gem:

6. In a free society, the private sexual choices of adults should not be criminalized. But they are not automatically entitled to cultural approval or societal support systems.

Hold up wasn’t that our very argument about gay marriage? Now you are going to try to use it against polygamists. It doesn’t fly. Again that is nothing more than discrimination against a group they do not approve of.

And now for the kicker: http://www.krtv.com/story/29450937/montana-polygamist-family-applies-for-marriage-license

Montana polygamists