Dueling Constitutions: Weimar vs. U.S. Constitution

            Whilepreamble-main_Full all men are created equal, all constitutions are not. As we now are finding our liberties to be rapidly evaporating, it is prudent that we take the time to think not only about our own constitution but those around the world, past and present. It stands to reason if Obama and his leftist cronies get their way we will see dissolution to our constitution and a rise to Weimar’s.

            What  is Weimar?

            The Weimar Constitution is the governing document of Germany that Weimar_Constitutionwas drafted right after World War I. One of the main architects of the Weimar Constitution was  a man named Max  Weber and according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: “He was invited to join the draft board of the Weimar Constitution as well as the German delegation to Versaille; albeit in vain, he even ran for a parliamentary seat on the liberal Democratic Party ticket.” [Kim, Sung Ho “Max Weber” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  August 24, 2007. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/weber/] Weber was prominent in his time and wrote such books as “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.”  While there are conflicting reports about his politics most say he was left wing and if the Constitution that he was a part of is any indication, then I would agree.


Max Weber

It is important to know this because once we see how the Left does a Constitution, it becomes even more urgent that we prevent them from trashing and rewriting ours as Obama, Pelosi and Reid would all love to do. So let’s look at the stark differences in a more decidedly Left Constitution and those right wing nuts we call our Founding Fathers and their Constitution. The first thing that jumps out at you is the sheer size between the two Constitutions. While the Left loves to hear the sound of its own voice and uses fanciful language, except in this case-the language is almost childlike and immature. The Right is more get to the point and make sure everyone can understand.  The Weimar Constitution has 181 Articles, the U.S. Constitution 7.  There are no amendments in the Weimar and the U.S has 27. You can tell they were trying to draw from the U.S. Constitution as their main source of inspiration but their need to interfere in the lives of others prevented them from pulling it off.  Even when they start off with the correct premise they go wrong very quickly. I will give you an example.

Article 119: “Marriage, as the foundation of the family and the preservation and expansion of the nation, enjoys the special protection of the constitution. It is based on the equality of both genders. It is the task of both the state and the communities to strengthen and socially promote the family. Large families may claim social welfare. Motherhood is placed under state protection and welfare.”  [Emphasis mine]  [PSM-Data: Geschichte. “The Weimar Constitution” http://www.zum.de/psm/weimar/weimar_vve.php#Seventh Chapter] It is like watching a NASCAR driver crashing. You see him going along at a nice little clip and then boom he crashes into the wall! That is what this passage reminds me of. They started off in the right direction by protecting marriage, even got right the equality of both genders in the marriage then told mothers they were under the state’s “protection.” Okay Capone, thanks but no thanks. They start to grant liberty and then quickly snatch it away.

Restore the Republic wanted to know if the Germans during the Nazi era were armed and while I don’t know if they were or not, I can tell you they had no constitutional protection to self-protection. All protection was to come through the state.

Article 123 does mention arms but not in a way that would protect the people. It reads: All Germans have the right to assemble peacefully and unarmed;  While that is article 123, our very first amendment is the right to peaceably assemble. And it doesn’t have the caveat “unarmed” after it. I don’t know about you but I have been to more than a few protests in my time and never ran into anyone wielding their Uzi during it. And despite what the Left wants you to think there hasn’t been a rash of right wingers going to Tea Parties threatening the politicians by pulling out guns!  So it would seem to me the true purpose of that was not to protect the protesters but to protect the government. So when they decided to bust in on a protest the only one with guns would be them!

Again you can see where the Left tried to emulate the truly freedom loving, Constitution of the U.S. and then once again got it wrong. There are nine individual rights given by the Weimar Constitution, not one of them mentions freedom of the press. Not one of them mentions the right to bear arms. Not one of them mentions the right to be seen before a judge if you are charged with a crime. It is these fundamental freedoms that make us a great and mighty nation and while they do try to give the people, religious liberty, it truly is not! There is nothing that isn’t under the government control and purview.   But as frightening as all of this nothing is as frightening as Article 48!

Article 48

“If a state (8) does not fulfill [sic] the obligations laid upon it by the Reich constitution or the Reich laws, the Reich President may use armed force to cause it to oblige. In case public safety is seriously threatened or disturbed, the Reich President may take the measures necessary to reestablish law and order, if necessary using armed force. In the pursuit of this aim, he may suspend the civil rights described in articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 154, partially or entirely.”  [Emphasis mine]

Say what you want about Bush, the Patriot Act and our governmental system overall, I defy you to show me where it says in black and white that our civil rights may be partially or entirely suspended by the President! That is a scary thought. Article 48 was promoted by none other than Max Weber! It would be Article 48 that would give us the Nazi regime and the extermination of 5-6 million Jews! To give one individual such power is outrageous! It is an affront to liberty loving people everywhere to know one man has the power and authority to outright deny your civil rights without so much as a discussion about it.

Article 48 does try to reign in the tyrant by adding this line: The Reich President has to inform Reichstag immediately about all measures undertaken which are based on paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article. The measures have to be suspended immediately if Reichstag demands so. If danger is imminent, the state government may, for their specific territory, implement steps as described in paragraph 2. These steps have to be suspended if so demanded by the Reich President or the Reichstag. Further details are provided by Reich law.”  However, that doesn’t even begin to border on the logical. Do you really think if the President just ordered everyone’s civil rights to be suspended that somehow the Reichstag, in this case, will not be arrested, jailed or killed along with the others? Do you really think one person with unlimited unilateral power as you have just given him will all of a sudden listen to anyone else? The whole thing is preposterous! Yet Max Weber fought to get this in the Constitution, not out!

What is scary that is under FEMA this could very well be our future.  It took this kind of corrupt constitution to eliminate the rights from a whole group of people before exterminating them completely. FEMA also acts as our Article 48, giving power to the federal government, FEMA specifically, in times of “emergency.”  Read Fearing FEMA on this site to read what FEMA admits on its own site, what it is really practicing for-war!  There is also this: “Billions of dollars of new funding were directed to FEMA to help communities face the threat of terrorism. Just a few years past its 20th anniversary, FEMA was actively directing its “all-hazards” approach to disasters toward homeland security issues.”  Considering dissenting Americans were targeted by Homeland Security this past year, is it far-fetched to think FEMA has an all-hazards approach to squelching us? I don’t think so. Article 48 destroyed Germany. Will Executive Order 12127 (FEMA’s creator) destroy America? Not if I can help it!

Parental Rights Amendment

More and more representatives in Congress are becoming sponsors of this bill.  Where before we only had a couple people sponsoring the Parental Rights amendment in the Senate  [S. J. Res 16] there is now six and there is over 121 for the House [H. J. Res 42].  And while six is not a large number for the Senate we are working with a smaller pool (100 senators vs 435 representatives) and considering we were barely at 2 a month ago, we have grown three times what we had since then.  The more people start to wake up, the more they will see fundamental liberties are in jeopardy. We need to stop the Left from realizing their goal-total global domination.

Come join me and stand for families. Stand for America and stand for God as we begin to rebuild this country. But we need families to do it. The state can’t raise a child…trust me no one knows that better than me.

Conservative Student is Not Welcomed in LACC’s ASO

q1592684838_9225Ah the beauty of blogging! If I can’t get anyone else to tell my story then I can always do it myself. So here it goes:

I recently applied for a Senate position with my school’s Associated Student Organization (ASO).  I was called back to interview and I got the run around.  The person who would be conducting the interview was James Butler Zatino. He is the current president of ASO and does wield considerable influence in the process.  After playing phone tag, after trying to track him down I finally get an interview.  The interview goes pretty well, with my nervousness I do fumble a little but I recover overall. He asks me if the position I wanted was not open would I be willing to accept another one. I tell him yes. So I hear back from him and he says,  these are the positions available and for me to pick one.  He tells me to come back later that day at about 1 to let him know what position I picked. I get there and he is not there.  So I leave a message telling him what position I picked.  I run into him later and let him know I want the Senator at large position and that is when it all falls apart.

I am asked straight out, what is my political position? I tell him that I am asologoconservative and he winces as if I actually stabbed him or committed some other violent act against him.  He asks me how to conservative, so I jokingly tell him “I make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal.”  He then tells me, “Well you are going to have to represent all the students.” I tell him, “I don’t have a problem with that but though I will represent the liberal students I will not tell the conservative students who come to me that I am not going to listen to them or that their voice can’t be heard as well.” Well that doesn’t fly with him.

cornerI was supposed to be appointed the following week. He doesn’t show up and no one can find my paper work so it is going to have to wait until the following week. Then yesterday right before I was to get appointed I get two calls. One tells me appointments are being postponed and then the other telling me they have gone with someone else.

It was then that I went to the Dean of Student Life at Los Angeles City College and filed a complaint.  I am also in the process of talking to http://www.campusreform.org about the situation. I will also be heading to my school paper to let them know what is going on.  This should not be tolerated.

The thing is I don’t have embrace liberal ideology to be able to represent the students as a whole in the Senate.  Just like they don’t have to embrace my conservative ideology.  The thing is that they want a yes man, someone will just go along for the ride and not make any waves. Well they are not going to get that in me. I can represent all students because  I will listen to all students and take the best ideas from them and run with them.  But they just want a liberal parrot.  I wasn’t going to lie or downplay my conservatism. I feel they should know exactly who they are they getting  and if this was a club on campus like the Liberal Lions or some other club that pretty much catered to only liberal minded students then that is one thing. But you can’t say you represent the student population when you clearly do not!

This is not also the first time something like this has happened to me.  I was up for an internship during August. It was a paid internship. I would be helping to recruit students and organizing events. To show my experience in organizing political events-though truth be told they were small-I told them about my work with Silent No More Awareness Campaign and the male professor on the committee who is a political science professor-laid into me. “Well we are pretty far left do you think you could promote our agenda?”  He went from “pretty far left” to “extremely left” to trying to bait me about my abortion views. He was antagonistic and all in pretty obnoxious and I was glad I wouldn’t have to be working with this man. With his hostile attitude I thought they might be staging a coup d’etat or something. The fellow student I would’ve been working with was nice,  friendly and even if he was “extremely left” he had the common decency not to display any such obnoxious and unprofessional behavior! He was definitely a class act which is more than I can say for that professor! I don’t remember his last name but his first name was Zack and I am sorry I didn’t have a chance to work with him, I think we could’ve learned a lot from each other.

Things need to change at LACC and while I don’t think I am entitled to any position, I do think  it is unfair to be offered the position and then have it withdrawn, for no other reason then they don’t like my politics.  Well you know what ASO and Professor Hateful, I don’t like yours either! And if you think you are going to get away with treating students so abominably-you got another think coming!