Naomi Wolf-the End of America

You may be wondering, why in the world is a conservative site like mine showcasing someone like Naomi Wolf, a raging feminst and liberal if ever there was one. No, I haven’t lost my mind, but once in awhile even a Leftie like Naomi can get a thing or two right. Granted she gets a lot WRONG!!! For instance, our founding fathers never wanted a democracy for our country, they despised the very concept of democracy and saw it as a sure and fastest way to tyranny. That is why they gave us a republic, not a democracy. Another thing she and every leftist gets wrong is fascism. Fascism and let me make this abundantly clear is NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PERPETUATED BY THE RIGHT!!! You cannot have a right wing fascist-it is impossible! Why? Because fascism is the complete control of government over the people, the people on the right want limited government not more government. Therefore anarchy is what you get when the right goes extreme! Fascism, socialism, communism-all those are strictly inventions of the Left! Though the Left likes to glamorize and seize anarchy as its own, it is actually what happens when the Right loses its mind. Also anarchy is a temporary state of government that is quickly replaced by a new government, usually an oligarchy which is a government run by an select few-an elite, if you will. Therefore, if Bush was truly a fascist, then he is not a right wing fascist but a left wing one!

What is even more interesting is that all the sins she laid at Bush’s door Obama has done on a larger scale. Bush has a list of “enemy combatants” Obama has a larger one including veterans returning home. We supposedly tortured at Gitmo, Obama has since said, “Yeah, that’s okay. We won’t prosecute you after all.” We went from Iraq to Afghanistan. Changing battlefronts-which is what Obama said he would do, he never said our soldiers were coming back home but that is what everyone believed-is not ending a war, it is changing strategies. More and more Americans are saying Obama is just like Bush while others say he is worse. In fact, his approval rating is only 50% only Reagan had a lower approval rating his first year in office at 49%.

Gallup Poll-Only 50% Approval for Obama

The difference being Reagan would usher in glasnost and dismantle our most feared enemy, the Soviet Union while Obama is content on relinquishing our sovereignty to our enemies and dismantling the United States. The part of the video, I found most intriguing was when she talks about she is talking to her older friend who survived the Holocaust who kept telling her, “They did this in Germany.” It is that warning, that blueprint she talks about that I think we need to pay attention to because the Left has always ushered in tyranny. Please read the Weimar Constitution, which is the Left’s version of our beloved document and see how the Left does a republic. You can find my comparison on here called Dueling Constitutions: Weimar vs. U.S. Constitution.

Dueling Constitutions

We need America to wake up. We need to fight the Left because the denial of individual freedom is never RIGHT!!!!

Playing Catch Up

I have been on hiatus for awhile but I am back! So just because I wasn’t here doesn’t mean I wasn’t paying attention to the latest news or had no opinion on then. So let’s get started.

This is the Michael I loved and will always love

This is the Michael I loved and will always love

Let’s start with something we haven’t been able to escape-the death of Michael Jackson. I was a huge fan of his growing up but as we both aged, he seemed to become quite bizarre.  Granted, a lot of people are bizarre but his behavior bordered on the criminal with his behavior towards children. Though he was acquitted of the charges (or were they dropped I forget) there was something unsettling about his admission of sleeping with boys though nothing sexual was going on he said.  Even so, you don’t do that kind of thing.  When he died I was very much shaken. More so for me than for him or even his family. I was shaken because it felt like a piece of my history had died. I was shaken because the 19 year old boy who sung “Off the Wall” was now gone forever.  I was shaken for that 9 year old girl who  truly loved him as much as a nine year old girl can.  It was his memory I mourned, more than the man himself.  Congress wanted a resolution for Michael.  Obama sent condolences. The whole thing turned into a circus with Al Sharpton saying  to his kids at Michael’s memorial at the Staples Center that “your father wasn’t strange.” Yes, he was. Making them wear masks their whole lives is strange. Holding a baby over a balcony is strange. Sleeping with little boys is strange. To deny all that simply because the man is now dead is wrong.  It would have been better to avoid the topic altogether than to willfully lie to his children. Even if you think it will benefit them.

Next, we have a far more important death to talk about the one of Neda.Neda-freedom fighter The young woman protester in Iran who was murdered in broad daylight.  Her dying photo plastered across the internet. If anyone should have a resolution for them, it should be Neda, who sacrificed her life for the sake of freedom.  Neda has become the voice of  freedom for Iran, women in particular. Neda was killed after the elections in Iran were called into question.  Her fiance told reporters she was not politically affiliated with either side, she just wanted freedom for everyone.  Unfortunately Neda had the misfortune to die shortly before Michael Jackson and so her death got quickly tossed aside for the more sensational and weird circumstances surrounding Jackson’s demise. Though truthfully, I don’t know how much more sensational you can get than to be shot in cold blood and have it videotaped and sent to YouTube! If only Americans were as bold as Neda.  Maybe we wouldn’t have an imposter in the White House as well.

Manuel Zelaya-Honduran presidentHonduras-Obama has called the removal of President Zelaya by the Supreme Court  in his country, an illegal action. Well that is not surprising.  This is the same man who thinks our Constitution is a flawed document. This is the same man who refuses to submit his actual birth records to confirm he is eligible for the Presidency. This is a man who never met a communist he didn’t like. This is a man who has taken over GM, the banks and now is trying to take over health care in this country.  So it is no surprise he aligns himself with the likes of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and other communist dictators. There was nothing remotely illegal about the ousting of Manuel Zelaya.  Zelaya is accused of trying to revise the Honduran Constitution while still in office, he says he was only doing opinion polls. Yeah and North Korea wasn’t really testing their missiles a few months back.  They were just testing their satellite systems. And if you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Okay so that is some of the big stories that have happened since my hiatus. I promise next time I won’t be gone so long.

I Am Your Warning: My Socialist Life

communist-flag1While people are up in arms about the impending socialism starting to take over our country and while it is some foreign abstract concept for them, it is my reality. I know all too well what happens when government runs your life. What you have to give up, what dreams you deny. My life started out normal enough. I was born to a drug addicted mother and was put up for adoption. I was given to the Leichnitzes. They were a loving family with three children of their own and yet they had enough love for me to take me in and make me their own. Like many children of my time, they divorced and when I was fourteen my father was killed by a drunk driver. And so began my long journey into freedom denied, into a life I would never escape. denaleichnitzamos

I attempted suicide because the grief of losing my dad was too much and I was immediately locked up. I would not get out until I was 21 years old. I was put into juvenile placements while my father’s murderer walked around a free man. I was doing his time! I was told when to get up, go to bed, when to eat. I was a teenage girl and should’ve been going to dances and dating but of course any contact with the opposite sex was strictly forbidden. I was watched 24 hours a day when I walked in that place with my vomit stained nightshirt from the suicide attempt (I had overdosed on my seizure medication), even when going to the bathroom or showering, I had to be watched. I was not allowed passes to see my family because my insurance wouldn’t pay for it. So on special occasions they would write a pass for me anyway and tear it up when I got back. I have been restrained, given medication to sedate me and put into a “seclusion room” which is just a rubber room. I have had six men restrain me (even at 122 pounds I was a strong and rambunctious girl) and I have been talked to death in therapy. I have had rooms with a private bath and have had to shower with a gang of girls. I have slept on hard metal beds all in a row and eaten food you wouldn’t feed to dog. I have seen the boy I love been taken away in shackles3chains and shackles like he was a wild animal. He was taken to CYA (California Youth Authority, which is prison for kids) while I stood there crying. He cried too. I have seen people drug by their hair and bruises on their arms from getting too much Thorazine. I lost my adolescence because the state knew better.

During these years I created my own family since mine was being weddings1denied to me. The boy who was taken away was my “husband” and we had two “daughters.” I loved those girls and whenever they needed someone to talk to I was there. You can’t deny the need for family because it is just too ingrained. And if we couldn’t have our Moms and Dads well we would just have to be them for ourselves. I have been a “little sister” and a “big sister” and I have had more surrogate mothers than I can shake a stick at. This is how the state “raises” its young. Be afraid, be very afraid.

medicationsAs an adult I grew up and I was finally able to get myself on SSI. I needed that because they would pay for my meds. However that meant, never making enough to be self-reliant for if I did I could lose my Medi-Cal and that meant paying for my own meds which were terribly expensive. Still I have worked. I worked for LAUSD, where I wasn’t allowed to work full time because they didn’t want to give Instructional Aides any benefits. We paid union dues to the teacher’s union but never once got any benefit for them. I worked for LAUSD for four years. I did all the work of the teacher but never got paid like one. I have worked for places like Beyond Shelter and Shelter Partnership, which helped the homeless. I have done receptionist work, data entry and have even gotten paid to write. But always I made sure to stay below the radar. I needed those meds. So what did I give up to make sure I had my meds-a husband. I fell in love with a great man when I was 21. We wanted to get married but it meant each of us losing half our benefits. We were already living hand to mouth, we couldn’t afford to live on just one check. So we had a “holy union.” We ended up breaking up four years later. Once a year I get letters from the government asking about income status and changes in family status. Each letter strikes fear in my heart. Will they deny me? I had been denied once. Maybe they will do it again? What will happen if they do? I am going back to school so I can be self-reliant. Before I didn’t have God, now I do. I know he will provide for me. He always has.

But this is your life on socialism people. It is a life that is not yours. A life where any control you have is limited. It is a life where other people call the shots and not only do you obey, you thank them for it. It is a life where decisions like who to marry and when are taken from you. It is a life of emptiness. It is a life without fathers, a life without husbands, and a life without families. It is a life of lies. Lies like “I don’t need a man.” Lies like, “Only suckers work.” It is a life so far removed from God and anything righteous that you wonder if He can even see you. Does he know how badly you want your own life back? Does He know how badly you need your dignity? This is your warning. I am fighting against socialism because I have lived it. It is not some concept I heard about in an economics class. It is not something I read about in a history book. I have lived it and I have realized I deserve better. So I am going to work towards being the best person I can be and I can’t do that in my socialistic existence. I must rise above it! I must achieve greatness because my son needs to know whatever he sets his mind to adonaiatrallyhe can achieve and I am going to be that example for him! So while many of you are fighting against welfare, taxes and for more money. I am fighting for liberty! I am fighting for my right to exist! And while I thank the American taxpayer for saving my hide on more than one occasion, I must make my own way. I am forever indebted to the generous and benevolent taxpayer but I will always despise the government that took so much from me. You have been forewarned. Now go out and fight for the liberty of all your brothers and sisters stuck in this socialistic nightmare.