No Longer a Conservative (But Still Not a Liberal)

In the recent months,  I have seen my beloved conservatives become nothing but mad-starved liberals. While saying they promote limited government and individual freedom they have chosen a lifetime liberal candidate who values neither of these things. I will say this for Obama, much like Andrew Diamond of my Aviva Center days  who made me value religious liberty, he has mad me value the Constitution. I knew almost nothing about it until he stepped into office. Then I even went to school and learned more about it. I have to hand it to Obama, he more than anyone else has made me the devoted defender of the Constitution and after finding this great love of mine, I am not about to let it go for the likes of Donald Trump.

Constitution imagesA good friend of mine who hated Obama for his defiance of the Constitution, actually said we don’t need the Constitution when Trump started running for President. One of the smartest women I knew was willing to throw the Constitution away for the sake of Trump, at that point I knew we had to go our separate ways, I could no longer be friends with someone willing to trade liberty for security. During the past several months since Trump’s candidacy, I have had several similar experiences. The steadfast conservatives  I trusted all these years have become the Obamabots we all made fun of for years.

ConstitutionSo I f I am not a conservative anymore, what am I? I am constitutionalist. So what is a constitutionalist as opposed to a conservative? A Constitutionalist is a true believer in liberty, defends the Constitution, is God-fearing and seeks to help the poor and less fortunate in ways that will improve their lot and not keep them dependent. A conservative while saying they promote these things does not promote the right to life and will place financial security above the right to life and liberty any time. They will promote fascist tactics against their enemies and while they talk a good game about God are constantly supporting people choosing “the lesser of two evils.” They also lack real understanding or love for the Constitution. As such, it would be dishonest of me to continue calling myself a conservative.

The good news is I am not the only constitutionalist. There are plenty of us out there. Yet we can no longer align ourselves with these faux conservatives and we surely cannot lend our noble name and purpose along with their liberal hijinks, so it is time for us constitutionalists to stand tall and let it be known that while the liberals and conservatives are killing each other in the streets, we will be fast at work restoring our nation to the state of liberty it once enjoyed. While it is easy to be discouraged by the unfolding events, we must not let that dissuade that from achieving our goals of “letting freedom ring.” King didn’t die so we could pander to the moderates. Our Founding Father didn’t stake their fortunes so that tyranny would reign. We deserve more. We deserve America.

Obama “Speaks” the Truth

I thought this picture was too funny.  If you notice his expression he is none too happy and if you look closely, you will see what finger he has on his temple.  He is finally “speaking” the truth without saying a word. LOL Got to love this picture. Finally Obama is telling us what he really thinks of us or rather US.

Scott Brown Wins but Will America?

Scott Brown defeated Martha Coakley yesterday in a special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat. Evenwith Obama and the Kennedys behind her she could still only garner 47% of the voters support.  Scott received 52%-and while hardly a landslide, it is a pretty significant indicator that the arrogance and elitism of the Democratic party will not be tolerated any longer. More than anything, it was Coakley’s snobbery that did her in. Incidents like this did not certainly help her.

Asked about why she was not spending more time with voters, Coakley jabbed at Brown for having greeted hockey fans who attended a special outdoor game between the Boston Bruins and the Philadelphia Flyers.

“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?” she said.

Such one-on-one interaction with voters is the lifeblood of this state’s politics, and mocking the idea of braving the cold at Boston’s iconic baseball stadium seemed bizarre given the tens of thousands of voters who did just that to see the game.

I know because Obama recovered from his clinging to guns and religion gaffe that you thought you too could get away with such mocking of the voting population but hate to break it to you Coakley he is always going to get away with stuff you never will be, so don’t even try it. I guess she learned that lesson a bit too late.

But now that Scott Brown has been elected what does that mean for the GOP? Will he betray his conservative base that got him elected?  Will they seat him before the vote for health care comes up.  Michael Steele of the Republican National Convention said on Good Morning America, the Democrats are trying to put off seating him.  They want to wait at least three weeks..for what? When Roland Burris was going to fill the Obama seat it was done in a matter of days. Never mind that the whole process had been tainted by Rod Blagojevitch who was accused of trying to sell the seat to Jesse Jackson Jr and Roland Burris. While Roland denied it, he also allowed himself to be seated among all this controversy. It was truly stupid in my opinion.  Yet Roland had not been picked by the people but was appointed by the Senate, so why is it  when the people speak, it is going to take three weeks?

So now comes the hard part. Winning the election was the easy part, getting him into the Senate is going to be a whole lot harder.  They know  Scott will be fundamental in shooting down the health care bill and they can’t allow that to happen.  When Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe was interviewed by Good Morning America he had this to say:

“We won the House and Senate in 2006, we won the White House in 2008. … People sent the unmistakable message they wanted change. We have to deliver on that,” former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said on “GMA.”

“The Republicans have chosen their path: They are doing the bidding of insurance companies, just as they’re going to do with big banks as it relates to financial reform. We have a good health care plan, and we need to pass that,” Plouffe said.

The incredulous and arrogance of that statement is astounding. Basically, it was a very nice way of giving everyone who has legitimate beefs with the healthcare bill the finger. As a parent I know there are times when you have to do something that is for the good of your child whether or not they agree with it.  However, we are not children and to treat the voting public like children is beyond insulting. He also went on to say they were going to pass it in its current form, no compromises. So much for bipartisanship.

So Scott Brown won, but we have yet to see if that will be a good thing for America or will be just another RINO, only time will tell. And for the health of our country, let’s hope he is not a RINO in pachyderm clothing and Lord help us if he is.

Doomed Democrats?

As the special election for Ted Kennedy is coming to a  close and as it looks like Republican Senator, Scott Brown is going to win, there is a sense of doom that is starting to permeate the Democratic leadership.  Democrats are the oldest political party and maybe that is part of the problem, they have outlived their usefulness.

Democrats have not been paying attention to what is going on in our nation.  When they won the Presidency, House and Senate in 2008, they thought they were sitting pretty and could do no wrong, what they didn’t count on was the growing discontent among many of the voters who intensely disliked Obama and everything he stood for and were far more crazy about Palin then they ever were about McCain. They figured the discontented rabble would just go away, instead we got stronger. Depsite the threats of Homeland Security that placed former vets and anti-abortion protesters as “enemy combatants” and despite the mocking of the Tea Parties by the media, we grew. Now here is only a year after Obama’s inaugration and the tide has vastly shifted.  And so the back-stabbing and finger pointing is already beginning and the election is not even over.

And in private conversations, Hill sources say White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has blamed Coakley, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic pollster Celinda Lake for failing to see Brown’s surge in time to stop it.

“With the legislative and political stakes so high, it’s unbelievable that the Senate committee and White House let this race get so out of hand,” said one senior Washington Democrat. “There’s a lot of blame to go around. Martha Coakley is only one of the problems here.”

As you can see the blame game is already starting and Obama is not immune from it. According to that same article, he is blamed for not selling the message more. However, as a failed telemarketer I can tell you, you cannot sell what people don’t want. And what the American people don’t want is more spending, more debt, more failed social policies, more Democratic rule.  Liberal policies have been an abysmal failure and to assume the people are going to continue to vote for the same unchecked failure is utterly insane.  Should Scott Brown win, he will hold significant power because his vote alone could stall many of the Democrats’ schemes.  The Democrats need 60 seats to blow through any legislation, with Scott in place they will be short one vote. That is as long as he continues to vote as a conservative and not some RINO pawn.

So stay tuned, this is sure to be an interesting ride and might mark the day when the Democratic party imploded and became part of our American past like the Federalists and the Whigs before them.  Though I wouldn’t count them out just yet,  but maybe this is a wake up call to the Democratic party that you are not as strong as you think and conservatives of any stripe or political affiliation are a force to be reckoned with.

Naomi Wolf-the End of America

You may be wondering, why in the world is a conservative site like mine showcasing someone like Naomi Wolf, a raging feminst and liberal if ever there was one. No, I haven’t lost my mind, but once in awhile even a Leftie like Naomi can get a thing or two right. Granted she gets a lot WRONG!!! For instance, our founding fathers never wanted a democracy for our country, they despised the very concept of democracy and saw it as a sure and fastest way to tyranny. That is why they gave us a republic, not a democracy. Another thing she and every leftist gets wrong is fascism. Fascism and let me make this abundantly clear is NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PERPETUATED BY THE RIGHT!!! You cannot have a right wing fascist-it is impossible! Why? Because fascism is the complete control of government over the people, the people on the right want limited government not more government. Therefore anarchy is what you get when the right goes extreme! Fascism, socialism, communism-all those are strictly inventions of the Left! Though the Left likes to glamorize and seize anarchy as its own, it is actually what happens when the Right loses its mind. Also anarchy is a temporary state of government that is quickly replaced by a new government, usually an oligarchy which is a government run by an select few-an elite, if you will. Therefore, if Bush was truly a fascist, then he is not a right wing fascist but a left wing one!

What is even more interesting is that all the sins she laid at Bush’s door Obama has done on a larger scale. Bush has a list of “enemy combatants” Obama has a larger one including veterans returning home. We supposedly tortured at Gitmo, Obama has since said, “Yeah, that’s okay. We won’t prosecute you after all.” We went from Iraq to Afghanistan. Changing battlefronts-which is what Obama said he would do, he never said our soldiers were coming back home but that is what everyone believed-is not ending a war, it is changing strategies. More and more Americans are saying Obama is just like Bush while others say he is worse. In fact, his approval rating is only 50% only Reagan had a lower approval rating his first year in office at 49%.

Gallup Poll-Only 50% Approval for Obama

The difference being Reagan would usher in glasnost and dismantle our most feared enemy, the Soviet Union while Obama is content on relinquishing our sovereignty to our enemies and dismantling the United States. The part of the video, I found most intriguing was when she talks about she is talking to her older friend who survived the Holocaust who kept telling her, “They did this in Germany.” It is that warning, that blueprint she talks about that I think we need to pay attention to because the Left has always ushered in tyranny. Please read the Weimar Constitution, which is the Left’s version of our beloved document and see how the Left does a republic. You can find my comparison on here called Dueling Constitutions: Weimar vs. U.S. Constitution.

Dueling Constitutions

We need America to wake up. We need to fight the Left because the denial of individual freedom is never RIGHT!!!!

Obama and the Shadow Man

As I sat through the Princess and the Frog in a theater with my son, I was struck by the striking resemblance of the villian to our Resident in Chief-Barack Obama.  The villain is known as the Shadow Man.  Not only was the physical resemblance pretty obvious but so was some of the underlying qualities that both Shadow Man and Obama share. As the movie continued, I felt as if I were watching the 2008 election all over again, except this time with catchy  music and a happy ending.

The movie takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana-the home of voodoo, Mardi Gras and debauchery in general. Yet in the midst of such a city is a hard-working woman named Tiana, she works constantly to save money for her dream-to buy and start  her own restaurant. It is good to see hard-working Black folks in this film. It is something that has been lacking in recent years. Except for the occasional "My Wife and Kids" and the "Cosby Show" showing Blacks folks as hard-working and willing to sacrifice for a dream is something that is still rarely seen especially in film. Tiana is Disney's first Black Princess-hard to believe we are in 2009 and we are just having a first Black Princess now.

Tiana turns out to be a very courageous young woman indeed because when Obama aka the Shadow Man offers her everything she ever dreamed of on a silver platter, she doesn't fall for his false promises, she doesn't buy into his lie that her father died a failure because he never got to open the restaurant that would eventually become her dream as well. Instead she rejects the whole notion of having anything handed to her!  It is a classic case of conservatism versus liberalism and as it should conservatism wins!

The Shadow Man is a voodoo practitioner. Much like Obama's Muslim's past, both practice a religion whose sole purpose is control people and take away their free will.  While both voodoo and Islam are indeed dangerous religions and a threat to God-fearing Christians and other religions, liberals, in particular, try to make both seem like benign alternative religions to Christianity. Though to practice either one means to have disdain and hatred for Christianity and everything it represents.

The Shadow Man is beholden to forces beyond his own power.  He has this false sense that he is in control. When it comes time to pay the piper he learns very fast that the ones that built you up will be the ones that take you down as well. To see him get his finally filled my heart up with joy. Maybe just maybe the same could happen to our Shadow Man. Shadow Man is a fitting name for Obama because he is forever trying to keep us in the dark despite his claim his Presidency would be "transparent."  Like shadows, Obama is all form and no substance. Yes, the character of Shadow Man fits our Resident in Chief well. So will we get the happy ending that was given to Tiana in the Princess and the Frog. Will our Shadow Man's greed, arrogance and utter disdain for America, come out like Disney's did, with the evil forces taking him down. One can only hope. And isn't that what Obama is all about-hope? LOL

America’s Eulogy

Doctor pictureWhile I am by no means willing to give up on America! While “doctors” like me known as patriots continue to fight for the life of this nation, while we continue to try to infuse her with life saving blood known as sacrifice and liberty, while we search our “medical books” known as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, there is still a chance she may die. There is a chance Lady Liberty won’t live to see another generation raised under her guiding light. So as a “doctor” I have to make that long, pitiful, sorrowful walk down to the waiting room, where the “family” known as Americans,  is waiting and tell them, “She might not make it people. You might want to get her affairs in order.”  Should America die this would be my eulogy.

America was actually born July 2, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennyslyvania. Constitution imagesShe had many a father-George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and many a mother too-Betsy Ross, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. Each of them helping to form her in younger years.  She came into this world, a bloody mess, others laying down their lives so she could live.  She was so highly prized that another “mother”- England- who is commonly known as the motherland, tried to keep her for herself.  However, England lost and had to relinquish custody of her beloved America.

Man_throwing_moneyAmerica grew up and became prosperous in her life.  People adored her. She accomplished much in the name of science, arts, industry and education. Her children known simply as Americans were the smartest, the wealthiest, the most productive and the most God fearing people on the planet.  One of her sons gave us the Bill of Rights-his name was Patrick Henry. One of her daughters would become an astronaut, her name is Mae Jamison. She bled and cried out for the freedom of her Black children and she won that! She believed what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal.  She was unrelenting, she wouldn’t give up until all her children were free.

LiberalsYet the more children she had, the more prosperous they became, the more they forgot their mother.  Then one day, it happened-a great evil befell her.  Liberalism invaded her body. Liberalism is insidious, it gets into the blood of its host and destroys it from the inside out. America didn’t even know how it caught this bug.  Liberalism used America’s love for freedom, truth and justice and corrupted it. Her courts refused to rule by constitutional standards and began politicizing all its decisions. Her Congress once of great moral fiber, began to deteriorate and become incompetent and corrupt.  Her Presidents who would never think of breaching the Constitution would do so before breakfast most days.

medicationsShe tried to fight off the liberalism, but they were strong and were not letting go. Even when given medicine-conservatism-it never lasted long enough to make a difference. Liberalism kept coming back.  It overtook her until every value she held was smashed. They all but eliminated religious liberty,  leaving  just enough churches open to make it seem like we had religious liberty when the truth is, it got muzzled by LBJ. Free speech turned into hate speech and every constitutional protection was whittled away. She watched in horror as her children fought for the right to kill her other children.  It was called abortion though in truth its name is genocide. She became anguished as perverse sexual practices were revered. She felt hopeless as she saw marriage being torn apart.  What was happening? She became confused and pretty soon she didn’t recognize herself at all.  Then on November 4, 2008 she was hit hard. The liberals had secured the Presidency and both Houses.  Even the courts were becoming more liberal.  With the election of Obama, Pelosi leading the House and Sotomayor being confirmed to the Court, the liberals had a tight stranglehold on her.  Though she was able to raise her level of conservatism, it was too late-she was dead.  America though once rich, would leave behind a trillion dollar deficit, illiteracy, government waste and the continued oppression of her people through “government aid” otherwise known as socialism.  She was a great lady, may she rest in peace.

Playing Catch Up

I have been on hiatus for awhile but I am back! So just because I wasn’t here doesn’t mean I wasn’t paying attention to the latest news or had no opinion on then. So let’s get started.

This is the Michael I loved and will always love

This is the Michael I loved and will always love

Let’s start with something we haven’t been able to escape-the death of Michael Jackson. I was a huge fan of his growing up but as we both aged, he seemed to become quite bizarre.  Granted, a lot of people are bizarre but his behavior bordered on the criminal with his behavior towards children. Though he was acquitted of the charges (or were they dropped I forget) there was something unsettling about his admission of sleeping with boys though nothing sexual was going on he said.  Even so, you don’t do that kind of thing.  When he died I was very much shaken. More so for me than for him or even his family. I was shaken because it felt like a piece of my history had died. I was shaken because the 19 year old boy who sung “Off the Wall” was now gone forever.  I was shaken for that 9 year old girl who  truly loved him as much as a nine year old girl can.  It was his memory I mourned, more than the man himself.  Congress wanted a resolution for Michael.  Obama sent condolences. The whole thing turned into a circus with Al Sharpton saying  to his kids at Michael’s memorial at the Staples Center that “your father wasn’t strange.” Yes, he was. Making them wear masks their whole lives is strange. Holding a baby over a balcony is strange. Sleeping with little boys is strange. To deny all that simply because the man is now dead is wrong.  It would have been better to avoid the topic altogether than to willfully lie to his children. Even if you think it will benefit them.

Next, we have a far more important death to talk about the one of Neda.Neda-freedom fighter The young woman protester in Iran who was murdered in broad daylight.  Her dying photo plastered across the internet. If anyone should have a resolution for them, it should be Neda, who sacrificed her life for the sake of freedom.  Neda has become the voice of  freedom for Iran, women in particular. Neda was killed after the elections in Iran were called into question.  Her fiance told reporters she was not politically affiliated with either side, she just wanted freedom for everyone.  Unfortunately Neda had the misfortune to die shortly before Michael Jackson and so her death got quickly tossed aside for the more sensational and weird circumstances surrounding Jackson’s demise. Though truthfully, I don’t know how much more sensational you can get than to be shot in cold blood and have it videotaped and sent to YouTube! If only Americans were as bold as Neda.  Maybe we wouldn’t have an imposter in the White House as well.

Manuel Zelaya-Honduran presidentHonduras-Obama has called the removal of President Zelaya by the Supreme Court  in his country, an illegal action. Well that is not surprising.  This is the same man who thinks our Constitution is a flawed document. This is the same man who refuses to submit his actual birth records to confirm he is eligible for the Presidency. This is a man who never met a communist he didn’t like. This is a man who has taken over GM, the banks and now is trying to take over health care in this country.  So it is no surprise he aligns himself with the likes of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and other communist dictators. There was nothing remotely illegal about the ousting of Manuel Zelaya.  Zelaya is accused of trying to revise the Honduran Constitution while still in office, he says he was only doing opinion polls. Yeah and North Korea wasn’t really testing their missiles a few months back.  They were just testing their satellite systems. And if you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Okay so that is some of the big stories that have happened since my hiatus. I promise next time I won’t be gone so long.

Obamacide Video

This video is very powerful. It talks about how we are becoming God’s enemy. It is very true, though true hope-hope through Jesus Christ not Obama-is not all lost. We can reclaim our Christian heritage. We can reclaim our country. We can let the liberals, communists, fascists and other haters of Man’s freedom know “we will not go quietly into the night but will rage against the dying of the light!” [A paraphrase of Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Gentle Into That Good Night”] The light is dying in this country and it is time for us to rise up and say “We will fight against your evil regime!”  At no time in American history have we had a president so bent on destroying America, so bent on dismantling our republic and replacing it with an oligarchy and removing every single liberty that our brave soldiers past and present have fought for. These are scary times but as long as we put our faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father we will come out victorious, even if our country won’t.