Woo hoo! We’re the Oppressors!


*snickering*-The Oppressed.

Since Obama has been elected president I have been desperately trying to figure out what if anything can be good about this. And I have come to this conclusion-Blacks are now “The Man!” That means I don’t have to hear Black men drone on forever about how the White man is holding them down! That is one thing to be happy about.

Not only that we finally get a chance to do some oppressing of our own! Since Prop 8 passed and since Blacks and Mormons were so influential in getting it passed, the gay community has shown its true colors to Black folks. Though gays, as a community, are pretty racist anyway! So that is not a surprise. Before they just hated us, now it is about us “oppressing” their right to marry. Woo hoo! I am oppressing someone who is making on an average 10K more per year than me! How amazing is that? And let’s face most gay men in this country are White, so I am oppressing rich, White men! Who would’ve thought I would’ve ever seen a day like this? So is this what it is like to be White?

Hmmmm then why am I not enjoying it? Well it is not all that much fun getting blamed for every little problem some so called minority has. It is not fun having epithets thrown your way (but then I am used to that.) It is not fun to have all these insane people target you for intimidation because they are not mature enough to handle disappointment. Yeah, being the man is not all it is cracked up to be.

Of course, part of the being the man means hijacking the wealth of others, but that is what we have Obama for. In the meantime, I get to throw around my weight (and considering I am not exactly skin and bones, that is a lot of weight!) and say things like, “Hey gay people, don’t make me build some boats and send the lot of you to the Netherlands!” After all, I can officially be a bigot now! And that is what bigots/oppressors do, they round up people and take them to other continents. Every Black person should be receiving their Oppression 101 manual in the mail January 21, 2009. Just think for years being a bigot was an impossibility, even if I demonstrated hatred for every other ethnicity but my own, because I was Black and Blacks could only be victims not victimizers. At least in terms of racial hatred. We have truly achieved racial equality because now I can be labeled a racist!

Ah yes, it is a whole brave new world out there now. One where Blacks can be hated for the power they wield instead of the color of their skin. One where White men who make more money than God, have more letters behind their names then the alphabet but who likes to engage in sodomy every once in a while can be considered a “minority.” And if nothing else, we can least tell little Black boys and girls that one day they too can be President. They just have to be an anti-American socialist who loves terrorists but they can do it!

However, all this makes me wonder, will there be such a thing as “Black privilege” now or will cops stop White people for Driving While White? Nah, probably not they have too much to worry about, like pro-lifers doing sidewalk counseling or pastors speaking against homosexuality. You know those real hardened criminals.

What a menace to society.....NOT!

What a menace to society.....NOT!

Well now that we have a “Black” president will Blacks use this opportunity to at least try to better their lives or will they waste it? We just have to wait and see.

Fairness Indoctrination….Oops Doctrine

publicairwaves-big1So once again the Left are trying to silence conservative talk! They want to resurrect theFairness Doctrine which says both sides must be presented in the media. However this does not apply to mainstream media which is overrun by liberals, only to talk radio which conservatives rule. To tell the truth, I don’t even listen to talk radio. I get all my conservative news from FRC, AFA, Life Site News and Life News via email. However, just because I don’t listen to it doesn’t mean I want big government to step in and try to censor what is aired.

To the left, to the left!

To the left, to the left!

But as long as the liberals want to play this game, I say let’s play! If we are going to do the Fairness Doctrine that means I get a half hour of Oprah’s show! That’s right baby, since she clearly is liberal and I am clearly not and we need to present both sides of the issues to the public, I should have a half hour of her show where I can reach out to conservative audiences!

Always Right

Always Right

I also get to hijack Ellen’s show as well. Isn’t this fun? And anytime she brings up some lesbian issue, I get to jump in and give the conservative straight woman side as well. Or maybe to be more fair we could Larry Elder on there, so he can give the Black conservative male side. That would be balanced right? After all, he is the polar opposite of Ellen right?

I mean just think of all the mainstream media we can force to give us time due to the Fairness Doctrine. The newspapers, the magazines, the television shows, the total control of all the media outlets-they want to give all that up because us conservatives get together and talk on the radio or send email on the internet. Ooh the big, bad conservatives are getting ratings on the radio! It is like being angry over your friends Atari System when you have PSP! Of course, what they see happening is that people are getting their news from alternative sources. They are not reading the New York Times or listening to the biased evening news. They are online, they are blogging, they are going to YouTube. This upsets the liberal media because they can no longer control the flow of information. Before they were able to hide, cover up and straight out lie to the American people about what was going on, especially with their beloved liberal leaders, (*coughs* Obama!) but no more.

Remember these are the same people whose newest President called the Constitution “a flawed document.” These are the same people whose newest President thinks people in Pennsylvania cling to religion and guns because they are so bitter. These are the same people who created Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae housing nightmare and then blamed it on the Republicans! These are not fair minded people. These people are not caring about liberties or freedom of the press (unless it is their press and they can bash Bush! What are they going to write about when he leaves in January I wonder.) they care only about controlling the lives and thoughts of everyone.

The Fairness Doctrine is just one more step in this total annihilation of American democracy. It is about the complete elimination of civil liberties and the freedom to express ideas without the consent of the government. However, if they want to do this then I say we get every conservative lawyer we can to sue the pants off every station that does not adhere to it. We sue every radio station, every magazine, every newspaper and say they are not adhering to the Fairness Doctrine. After all that they would realize it is not worth it and leave us alone!

Ah the Left-do they never tire of being wrong? I guess not.