It’s My Country, I Hate If I Want To

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It’s My Country, I Hate If I Want To

america-picNow this is not going to be an article on the anti-American sentiments of the Left. We already know they hate America and why they just don’t pack up and move to their beloved Netherlands already and leave us true patriots to reside here I will never know. What I want to talk about is hate crime legislation and the continuing effort to criminalize a person’s thoughts. The whole premise of hate crime legislation is not one of tolerance but one of Orwellian mind control. The people who support hate crime legislation are no different than that little boy who sent everyone into the cornfield because he didn’t like what they were thinking on the “Twilight Zone.” (Only a radical leftist could look at that episode, not shudder and think, “Hmmm how could I do that in real life?” )

The right to hate is just as fundamental to the human experience as the right to love. Hate gets a bad rap a lot of the time but it is actually good in a lot of respects. If I didn’t hate getting burned I might go around playing with matches. If I didn’t hate being cold, I wouldn’t cover myself when the temperature dropped and get sick and if it is cold enough, even die. If I didn’t hate rap music, I would be liable to think all Black women are whores and Black men are thugs. So hatred is not necessarily a bad thing. It can actually be beneficial. To try to wipe it out through legislation is ridiculous and downright dangerous. You don’t increase tolerance for others by wiping out hatred, you do it by increasing knowledge. The more you know about people, religions and cultures, the more apt you are to be open to experiences of all kinds.

The irony of hate crime legislation is that the more you try to eliminate hate, the more you increase it. If those whackjob, gay militants want to hate Mormons then fine! Let them. What they don’t get to do in the name of hate is extortion, intimidation and harass people because they don’t like them. I hate Obama, you don’t see me making death threats against him. (Actually, I am a bit afraid that he might end getting shot in the head, die and then come back three days later proving he is the anti-Christ. LOL ) In any case, hatred is not something that can be legislated against. While violent acts can be, we shouldn’t be getting into punishing people for their thoughts. Our thoughts are private domain and should not be accountable to the state. Our thoughts are only accountable to God himself.

Hate crimes also don’t much to uphold the value of human beings. If I can get myself killed by a Nazi I shall receive justice. Should some Blood or Crip who happens to be my color kill me-then no! It is ridiculous! The motivation of the crime should only be allowed as to explain why the person may have committed the crime but it should not be a factor in sentencing. Most serial killers who kill do not do it out of hate but out of a twisted pathology in which they derive enjoyment in killing. Should we hold them less accountable because they didn’t “hate” their victims. Hate is so subjective and personal. Sometimes we have valid reasons for hating someone-the guy who killed my father is a prime example. Sometimes we do not. In any case, it is not up to the state to decide what I think or what I feel. As long as I am acting in accordance to the laws, they need to keep their laws out of my mind.

We cannot forget hate speech as well. Almost anything can be construed as hate speech and therefore punishable by law. However, our first amendment rights give us the liberty to speak out. Hate speech will eventually be used to censor those of moral convictions and not those who are seeking to destroy all Jews or Blacks. Believe it or not I want that kind of speech to be spoken because then I know who I need to be wary of. I can protect myself and my family more if I know who my enemy is. They are actually doing me a favor by publicizing it. Not only that when people are vocal about such things, it won’t be long before they carry out a legitimate crime and then I can lock them up for good. By shutting them up you are not doing me any favor, you are only making it harder for me to know who my true enemies are.

It is for all these reason I am deadset against hate crime laws, they are unjust, tyrannical and have no place in a free society. We must do everything to combat real crime and leave what people think to God. Let him do his job and we will do ours.