Antonio Villaraigosa-Betrayer of Christ

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The mayor of Los Angeles has basically called Christ a liar! Christ himself has declared marriage to be between one man and one woman! Who is this man to call Christ a liar? You want same sex marriage-fine! But you leave Jesus out of it, he has already spoken on the matter and if you don’t like what he has said-too bad! He created this world-you didn’t! His word is the only word that matters and Antonio should be ashamed of himself for dragging Christ’s name into it!

California Burns

And she ran calling “Wildfire!” And she ran calling “Wildfire” and she ran calling “W-W-ild-fire”- Michael Martin Murphy

Okay the above song is about a girl looking for her horse, Wildfire in a snow storm. But in either case, you got someone running yelling “Wildfire!”

This excerpt was taken from Yahoo News!:

DIAMOND BAR, Calif. – More residents of Southern California were urged to leave their homes Sunday despite calming winds that allowed a major aerial attack on wildfires that have destroyed hundreds of homes and blanketed the region in smoke.

Fires burned in Los Angeles County, to the east in Riverside and Orange counties, and to the northwest in Santa Barbara County. More than 800 houses, mobile homes and apartments were destroyed by fires that have burned areas more than 34 square miles since breaking out Thursday.

Personally, I see the recent protests and these fires as correlated. Not that the No on Prop 8 supporters started them (though I wouldn’t put it past them) but more as a sign of the impending second coming of Christ. As the No on 8 supporters are raging against human nature, Mother Nature is raging back. I will talk about more about this in my upcoming article “The Beginning of the End” so I won’t get into it too much here and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am getting right with God…..NOW!

In the meantime, my prayers go out to everyone affected by the current firestorm.