The Beauty of Life

Anyone who can look at this video and say a fetus is just a blob of tissue is just a monster.  If you don’t get choked up looking at life from conception to birth to after birth and all the beautiful children in the video, you have no heart. If the world is so overpopulated-which it isn’t-the pro-choicer should be the first one committing suicide just on principle! Don’t ask others to sacrifice their lives-do it yourself! If you will not do it then be quiet about telling others to kill their children!

Babies rock! I have one son and each day I spend with him breaks my heart a little more.  It breaks my heart because I know one day he will be his own man and on his own.  It breaks my heart because each second is not enough to spend with him. It breaks my heart because each moment laughing, joking, talking and just plain loving each other is so precious that I don’t want it to end, but then the next day comes and he gets closer to not needing Mommy one day.  It breaks my heart because he is not my baby anymore, he is a young boy.  But with the heartache, I also get joy.  I get to be proud of him as he learns something new.  I get to be amazed as I get to know this most incredible person.  Adonai is not just my son.  He is my reason for breathing.  I was put here to bring him into the world. He is the greatest thing I have ever done.  And when I look upon his face in his future manhood, he will be the greatest man I ever loved.  Thank you God, thank you for bestowing on me this undeserved blessing.  Thank you for giving me my treasure-that is why I named him after you.  I would die for you and I would die for him.

Any mother who thinks her children should die for her is not a mother.  In fact, she is not even human.  I once heard a story of a cat who went back into a burning building to save her kittens.  She dragged each of them out one by one and would go back in to get the rest.  She  didn’t stop until every kitten was accounted for.  She got badly burned but she didn’t care. She was going to save her babies! So even cats will sacrifice themselves to save their kittens. If a cat will put her children’s lives before her own who are we not to? What a pity when cats are more noble, more brave and more human then human beings! If pro-choicers are so fond of animals, why don’t that emulate that cat? Maybe because they are more of an animal then that cat is.  God bless mothers and fathers! Even cat ones!

Girls Speak Out-Yes on Prop. 4

As this video clearly shows, girls want to be protected. They want their parents involved.  It is time we stop worrying about the profiteers, profiting off teenage girls’ pain, and start worrying about our daughters.  The truth is where parental notification laws have been enacted, abortion rates have gone down.  Not only have abortion rates gone down but teen pregnancy have gone down during these last few years when abstinence classes were instituted.  It is time parents are given back their rights to raise their children.  It is time parents are no longer vilified.  It is time they stop pitting us against our children! It is time we stand up to the Nanny State and tell them that we are not taking it anymore!

It is despicable that these people would have us believe that getting a girl an abortion then sending her back to an abusive home is a better solution then getting her before a judge, explaining the abuse to him, having that judge verify her story, get her help and out of the house! That is what Proposition 4 will do, but the opponents don’t want to protect those girls. They just want to get their money and let them continue to get their head bashed in! Such heartlessness is truly grotesque and barbaric.  Let’s protect all our daughters.  No one deserves abuse and no one deserves an abortion!

Bursting the Bubble-Yes on Prop 4

The No on Prop. 4 people want you to believe that if young girls have to tell their parents about being pregnant it will force them to have dangerous illegal abortions. What they don’t tell is ALL abortions for young women are dangerous! It is dangerous because their reproductive organs are more fragile and immature than an adult woman’s, so their uteruses get perforated more, their cervixes get lacerated with greater frequency, all in all they suffer more complications.  The abortion industry is unregulated. There are no standards of care for abortion as there are for other medical procedures.  Girls are often rushed to the emergency ward (when they are called that is) because of a botched abortion and the abortion is unable to handle any real medical emergencies.

Abortion clinics are unsanitary, one was even closed down for using CROCHET HOOKS ON THE WOMEN! Since when are crochet hooks medical equipment. Tamiah Russell died because the parental notification law was ignored. She was 15.  Deanna Bell was 13 when she died and come to find out that the doctor didn’t even perform the abortion on her.  She was left for hours alone, unattended and died.  She was given more medicine than what is prescribed for a girl her age! This is the real abortion industry.  Is this worth protecting? I don’t think so!