Margaret Sanger Honored by Smithsonian

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Margaret Sanger, who ALL called in this video, America’s Hitler is being honored by the Smithsonian. You can find her bio here:

I think it is absolutely abominable to hold up Margaret Sanger as someone to emulate! The Left has sick ideas about who is heroic and who isn’t. What I find most insulting is Margaret Sanger’s idea that the people were not valuable because someone had done what they had done but only better!

The adoration of wealth and power lies the at the root of liberalism and Margaret Sanger is their god. It is not up to any of us to eliminate anyone, that is God’s domain. To try to usurp his power, authority and glory is contemptible. He doesn’t need any help especially from a hateful woman like Margaret Sanger. She has done more to destroy than she ever did to build up. Now if they want to have a wing called, “World Greatest Villains” and put her among them, I wouldn’t have a problem.

A fellow blogger and a member of Smart Girl Politics recently wrote a blog about our inability to accurately define heroes nowadays and this monument proves her point to a tee. Give it a read, it is an excellent article.

It is time we stop glorifying those who done nothing but attempt to kill innocent human beings for their own selfish purposes. God help humanity if we continue to do so.