Why Marriage Won!

Taken from Wikipedia-wedding vows

Taken from Wikipedia-wedding vows

John Cloud of TIME wrote an article called, “Why Gay Marriage Was Defeated.” He like any good liberal he espouses a lot of nonsense about how we all hate gay people and think they don’t deserve equality, blah, blah, blah! He writes:

“And then there was California. Gay strategists working for marriage equality in this election cycle had focused most of their attention on that state. Losing there dims hopes that shimmered brightly just a few weeks ago – hopes that in an Obama America, straight people would be willing to let gay people have the basic right to equality in their personal relationships. It appears not.”

This is the same tired, old line that the Gay Elite has been trying to feed America during this whole election cycle. It is about their “personal relationships.” Marriage is not about someone’s personal relationship! It is about vowing to take on the responsibilities of having a family. In fact, creating a family used to be part of the standard vows: “When it is God’s will for the procreation of children and their nurture in their knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore, marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately and in accordance for the purposes of which it was instituted by God. ” As you can see until recent history it has always been the purpose of marriage to have children.

An American babe

An American babe

John Cloud’s so called assessment is no more than slanderous propaganda and a slap in the face to all the good, moral, God-fearing men and women of California. You don’t change institutions on a whim. You don’t change the structure of society to appease a small militant faction of society unhappy that the natural consequences of their decision to love those of the same sex prevents them from enjoying the full fruits of marriage. Marriage doesn’t need to be made equal-it already is! Marriage as understood right now says one person from each sex is a requisite for marriage. There is nothing more equal than saying a woman is of equal importance in a marriage and must be given equal status in the eyes of the law as a wife that a man receives as a husband. Since both sexes are equally represented in traditional marriage, it is gay marriage that is discriminatory. It is gay marriage that seeks to eliminate one of the sexes from the institution of marriage. It is gay marriage that says children do not have a right to have a mother (gay marriage) or a father (lesbian marriage) represented in their household. It is gay marriage that seeks to separate children from one of their biological parents and prevent natural bonding from that parent. It is gay marriage that treats children like an accessory to be bought in a laboratory, instead of an expression of love conceived within a holy and sacred union.

Gay marriage was defeated because people realized that changing marriage for such a statistically small group of people didn’t make sense when the vast majority of people do not receive any benefit from their union. Marriage has a taming effect on men because of the women’s influence in the marriage. Two men marrying will not have that same domestic, taming influence. Marriage is about creating an environment where, men, women and children are equally represented, equally cared for and equally loved. Only in a heterosexual marriage is each segment of society sufficiently represented, man, woman and child. Marriage is where adults learn to co-exist with someone completely different from you, biologically, mentally and emotionally. Marriage is where children learn to relate to their own gender and that of the opposite sex without outside help. Case in point,  I will be looking into the Big Brothers organization so my son can have a male role model which he can spend time with and bond with since he doesn’t have it in his household. Such organizations are indeed a blessing but in reality it is a father that he needs. And as wonderful as I am sure his big brother will be, he can never fill the space that can only be occupied by “Dad.”

So while the opponents can only cry “Homophobe!” when defeated. We know why gay marriage can’t be. It is because life doesn’t revolve around one’s sexual desires. It revolves around family. It revolves around children. It revolves around God. It revolves around society and the enrichment and betterment of its citizens. Gay marriage takes away from all those goals and cannot be sanctified. All feelings are not legitimate and all feelings cannot be codified into law. When we start basing morality on feelings, instead of reason and morality we become a land of chaos. And I love this country and her people too much to sit by and let that happen.

Propositioning California


Proposition 8 wins!

Along with the Presidential race there were a lot of important propositions on the ballot. Two dealt with the parents right to know! What is baffling is one passed and the other failed. While one dealt with what kids would be taught in school, the other dealt with their very lives and the one that would put their lives in most jeopardy-FAILED!!!!

Proposition 8-*WINNER

Proposition 8 simply stated: Only a marriage between a man and a woman will be recognized and valid in California. This is an amendment to our Constitution. It passed 52 to 48 percent. That is down nine points from last time. While I am happy it passed, I am saddened to see that the homosexual lobby is gaining ground. I also don’t understand why these people who voted to uphold traditional marriage would then turn around and vote for Obama! In all fairness, part of the responsibility for that lies at Prop 8’s door. They actually sent out a flier saying Obama was for traditional marriage. When in fact, he is not. He voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment. If you go under videos on this blog site, you will hear Michelle Obama addressing a GLBT crowd saying that protecting marriage at the federal level is “a stain on the Constitution.” So while the proposition has passed, the challenges it faces is not over yet. We must remain vigilant.

Proposition 4-*Defeated

Children lose on Prop 4

Children lose on Prop 4

Proposition 4 was the parental consent law for an abortion for a minor girl. I don’t understand how this same voting public who was so outraged about children learning about gay marriage in school thought it was okay for a girl to get an abortion without parental consent! Learning about gay marriage is not going to kill a child-an abortion just might! The anti-Prop 4 commercials kept saying what about those girls who come from abusive households, they will have their lives put in danger if they tell their parents! They already have their lives in danger, ;people! But instead of helping her, instead of getting her in front of a judge who can help her-they want her to continue to get beat and have the added trauma of having an abortion. The young woman is probably already screwed up as it is and instead of trying to help her get out of her situation, they leave her to endure more abuse! Because they are too lazy to do any real work to help her! Our daughters deserve better! But once again we only pay lip service to caring about women and children!

Proposition 5,6 and 9-*Mixed bag

Cops Lose!

Cops Lose!

Proposition 5 was defeated, that is good news. Basically, it was liberal love letter to criminals. They wanted to give “non-violent” offenders a free pass, letting them back out on the street. MADD was against the initiative, along with law enforcement, even Dianne Feinstein (who was NO on Prop 8) wanted Proposition 5 defeated. The tried to reach the fiscal conservative by saying it would save 2.5 billion dollars and stop overcrowding jails. But there is a reason these people are in jail and it is not because they were loitering! What Prop 5 forgot is people value their lives more than money! Prop 6 was about funding the police-that went down. You must understand the people in my neck of the woods-they hate cops. So if given an opportunity to support cops they go out of their way to defeat them. Never mind they put my life in jeopardy, they just don’t want their little boy, June Bug to go to jail for raping and murdering someone like me-you know an innocent victim. They would rather shout about racism in the LAPD then to admit their kid is a psychopath! Prop 9 gave victims more rights especially in how parole is handled. That passed. I was surprised, after all most of these urban, grassroots, socialist organizations are not too keen on victims. They see the criminals as the victims not the true people who have actually been harmed. It is disgusting and vile. So to have a proposition like that pass means there are still people who don’t coddle and glorify criminals, thank God.

Lastly Proposition K lost! It would’ve made it illegal for police to arrest prostitutes in San Francisco. I am glad to see San Francisco still has some moral decency within its borders. Maybe there is hope for California after all. But I am not holding my breath.