Naomi Wolf-the End of America

You may be wondering, why in the world is a conservative site like mine showcasing someone like Naomi Wolf, a raging feminst and liberal if ever there was one. No, I haven’t lost my mind, but once in awhile even a Leftie like Naomi can get a thing or two right. Granted she gets a lot WRONG!!! For instance, our founding fathers never wanted a democracy for our country, they despised the very concept of democracy and saw it as a sure and fastest way to tyranny. That is why they gave us a republic, not a democracy. Another thing she and every leftist gets wrong is fascism. Fascism and let me make this abundantly clear is NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PERPETUATED BY THE RIGHT!!! You cannot have a right wing fascist-it is impossible! Why? Because fascism is the complete control of government over the people, the people on the right want limited government not more government. Therefore anarchy is what you get when the right goes extreme! Fascism, socialism, communism-all those are strictly inventions of the Left! Though the Left likes to glamorize and seize anarchy as its own, it is actually what happens when the Right loses its mind. Also anarchy is a temporary state of government that is quickly replaced by a new government, usually an oligarchy which is a government run by an select few-an elite, if you will. Therefore, if Bush was truly a fascist, then he is not a right wing fascist but a left wing one!

What is even more interesting is that all the sins she laid at Bush’s door Obama has done on a larger scale. Bush has a list of “enemy combatants” Obama has a larger one including veterans returning home. We supposedly tortured at Gitmo, Obama has since said, “Yeah, that’s okay. We won’t prosecute you after all.” We went from Iraq to Afghanistan. Changing battlefronts-which is what Obama said he would do, he never said our soldiers were coming back home but that is what everyone believed-is not ending a war, it is changing strategies. More and more Americans are saying Obama is just like Bush while others say he is worse. In fact, his approval rating is only 50% only Reagan had a lower approval rating his first year in office at 49%.

Gallup Poll-Only 50% Approval for Obama

The difference being Reagan would usher in glasnost and dismantle our most feared enemy, the Soviet Union while Obama is content on relinquishing our sovereignty to our enemies and dismantling the United States. The part of the video, I found most intriguing was when she talks about she is talking to her older friend who survived the Holocaust who kept telling her, “They did this in Germany.” It is that warning, that blueprint she talks about that I think we need to pay attention to because the Left has always ushered in tyranny. Please read the Weimar Constitution, which is the Left’s version of our beloved document and see how the Left does a republic. You can find my comparison on here called Dueling Constitutions: Weimar vs. U.S. Constitution.

Dueling Constitutions

We need America to wake up. We need to fight the Left because the denial of individual freedom is never RIGHT!!!!

Why I Love Being Mormon!


1) Have you ever seen an anorexic Mormon? No, it just does not happen. We eat at every possible opportunity. We eat at baptisms, firesides and the 101 activities we simply devise just so we can chow down together. Though we love all food, we really love casserole and jello. In fact, the bishopric is immediately notified should there not be casserole and jello on hand at any church sponsored event, He then gets on the phone to Utah, talks to the Prophet, its a whole thing. People get ex-communicated. Rule number one of being a Mormon-thou must always serve casserole and jello at all functions. [P.S. Last night the singles sponsored a karoake/movie night do you know what people complained about? Not enough food? Do you know what we forgot to bring-casserole and jello! Mostly because we thought the other people would. Oh yeah, was not a pretty sight]casserole-pic

2) It is a lay church. Which means my tithing money is not going to buy a Benz for the pastor of my church. No one gets paid and everyone helps out. Because no money changes hands it makes everyone’s service that much more valuable. Because you know people are doing it because they want to and not because they are being paid.

Got to love those tithers!

Got to love those tithers!

3) We’re the original feminist. Joseph organized Relief Society with his wife Emma Smith as its first President back in 1842 on March 17th. Since then we have become not only the largest women’s organization in the world but the oldest. Before there was NOW (or as I like to call them the Nearly Obsolete Women or Naturally Obnoxious Women) there was Relief Society. As part of the fastest growing church, we are part of the fastest growing women’s organization.

Emma Smith

Emma Smith

4) They don’t convert dumb people. If you look at our church, especially in my ward, the men are mostly lawyers, the women mostly teachers. Education is highly valued in the church, for both men and women. We don’t see education as something someone should do to make a buck but to enrich their lives and further their knowledge. The church expects both men and women to read the scriptures, learn the Gospel and the history of the church. They expect you to teach classes, give talks, things you can’t do if you a moron.

5) Because I don’t have to explain why I don’t drink anymore. Even before the church, I didn’t drink due to my epilepsy. You would be surprised how many people have not heard of epilepsy. So then there was a ten minute discussion about the finer point of seizures. Now, I simply say because I’m Mormon and end of discussion. They may not what epilepsy is but they know what a Mormon is.

6) Because with all the hatred towards Mormons today, it makes it real easy to know who my friends are. It also makes it easier to identify the clearly certifiably insane people as well. All I have to say is three little words, “I’m a Mormon” and watch the insanity fly! It is also kind of fun to watch other Christians get worked up because I don’t think God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are all meshed together as one. Hello, I thought we were talking about deities here, not thousand island dressing!

7) Lastly, I love being Mormon because they are some of the best people I have ever met in my life. They are loyal, generous, loving, supportive, courageous, and generally good-hearted people. I consider myself lucky that I can count myself among these valiant servants. They are a true representation of the love of Christ. But mostly it is that casserole and jello thing.

Sarah Palin and the Conservative Women’s Movement


Sarah Palin did more than just revitalize the conservative base of the Republican party who after years of dealing with RINOs had someone just like them running for the second highest post in the nation. Sarah Palin gave women like me a voice and a role model to emulate. Someone who had the same concerns, desires and goals for not only America but for family as we did. Someone who didn’t act like they swallowed a Roget’s Thesaurus and put on airs of superiority.


The feminists hated Palin because she was everything they were not. Married, happy and the governor of the largest state in the Union! She stepped on their toes, because she considered herself a hockey Mom before anything else. It was her children that meant the most to her, not her governorship, though she did take that office very seriously. She believes in God and through her political office she often would often speak at Christian events. [But if Obama wanted to speak at Satanists for Choice that wouldn’t be a problem.] So because she used her position to glorify Jesus Christ she is a menace that needs to be dealt with. Her greatest sin however is she didn’t abort her child Trig because of his Down’s Syndrome. Instead she and Todd had him and love him. How dare she! She had no right to bring a child like Trig in this world, she should’ve done the right thing-at least in their eyes-and aborted him.

sarah-palins-family2Conservative women like me learned long ago that feminist women are worse than the misogynistic men they claim to fight. For they seek to control every aspect of their adherent’s life. So the true independent thinkers are not feminist women who all regurgitate the same party line but the conservative women. She will not be told what to do, especially by a bunch of unhappy, bitter women who despise their innate femininity. Conservative women do not need to behave like tramps in order to secure a man. They do not need to flaunt their body to create an aura of mystique. They do not need to undervalue children to value their career. Even if that “career” is a stay at home mother. Conservative women give more to help the underprivileged then liberal women will ever give. It is her connection to God, family and country that make the conservative woman a leader in her community.

Sarah is proof of this. With Sarah, we found someone who speaks our language. Someone who shares our ideals. Someone who has tremendous success without having to sacrifice those things most important to her. Sarah has become our champion for all those who are proud to be Moms. Sarah has ignited a fire not only in the conservative women, but the conservative man as well. I have a male friend who is simply crazy about her and attributes the rekindling of his passion for politics to her. This is the magic of Sarah, she reaches out to everyone. Young, old, rich, poor, men, women, Black and White. In a recent poll, sixty percent of Republicans, you know those who actually vote and not the sorry political pundits, say Sarah Palin actually HELPED John McCain, not hurt him.

Feminist women are trying to say Sarah doesn’t speak for women. Well sorry to burst your bubble, sister but neither do you! Women can speak for themselves they don’t need the likes of you trying to brainwash them. Sarah spoke for herself and as such she ended up speaking for millions of women like me. Not all women, but a whole lot more than who the feminists supposedly speak for. There is one good thing about Obama and his impending presidency, he has awakened the conservative movement. We were all too complacent beforehand. Now we have focus, we have a mission-he has given us back the will to fight the liberal establishment. And the people at the forefront of this new conservative movement will be women. As he seeks to protect abortionists and bloody our wombs, we will be there. As he seeks to take away school choice for parents, we will be there. As he seeks to open the borders and let illegals slay us, we will be there. As he seeks to sit down with terrorists and create more 9/11s, we will be there. We are not backing down. We are not quitting. We will reign victorious because we have a righteous army of women standing up to evil! We are the new conservative movement and we are a force to be reckoned with!