America’s Independent Women

"The Third-Term Panic", by Thomas Na...

Image via Wikipedia

I have been asked to speak on Chelene Nightingale’s behalf at Los Angeles City College during their Voter Ed seminar that they will be presenting on November 1st at 1pm. Chelene Nightingale is the American Independent Party gubernatorial candidate (Note: What a funny word-gubneratorial. Does that make all our governors-goobers? LOL) I have been officially allowed by her campaign to speak on her behalf, so it is just not me going out there as a supporter but it is in a somewhat official capacity as well.

If you look closely at this race, you will see a large number of women running for public office. We have two women running for governor and neither one is a Democrat. We have two women running for the Senate seat. Men seem almost non-existent in this race. Women and minorities have come to realize that the Democratic policies –which were supposed to make their lives better and provide equality–have failed miserably. Because of this those who were before beholden to the Democratic Party are beginning to reject it.

This has led women (and men) to leave the failing two party system and seek out other alternative third parties. While the Dems and GOP continue to fight among themselves, people are looking towards creating and promoting already established third parties. Let the Dems and Republicans mock this growing movement. As Mahatma Ghandi once said:  “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” We are going to win and it will be those “independent” breed of women and men that bring it to pass.

It has been an honor to work with Chelene’s campaign manager, Dani. She has been quite a  help as I try to promote Chelene as the best candidate we have for governor. Why is she the best candidate you ask? In my opinion she is the best candidate she has the best vision for California and has a plan on how to get us there. She wants to give homeschooling parents, a tax credit.  She wants to bring jobs back to California by giving small businesses tax incentives and tax breaks. She wants to halt illegal immigration by attrition. By forcing illegals to go back home, there will be more needed services for those who are in this country legally and its citizens. These reforms are needed to get this state back on its feet again.

I think it is imperative that we stop looking to the broken two party system, which is really the one party system, and start coming up with new ways to impact our government. Whether Chelene wins or loses she is taking a stand and putting the politicians on notice. We don’t need politicians, we need public servants and I feel that is what Chelene Nightingale brings to the table, more so than her rivals.

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Saxby Chambliss Wins Georgia!

saxby-chambliss1 This is great news for conservative Republicans. For the last month we have been waiting with bated breath for the outcome of the Georgia senatorial race. We knew if we lost to Jim Martin, who Obama was heavily backing, that Obama would basically have free reign as they would have an unstoppable majority.

Chambliss won the contest by nearly 60 percent. It was 57 to 43 in favor of Chambliss. You often hear people say that one person can’t make a difference, in this case, not only did it make a difference, it has saved our country from becoming a completely socialist nation under Obama. Palin went down to Georgia to endorse Chambliss. So much for her being a liability to the Republican party. The National Republican Trust PAC spent 1.2 million dollars to defeat Jim Martin. As far as political campaigns go that is small potatoes. So to pull off such a defeat when you got big league hitters such as Bill Clinton and Obama coming out in support of a candidate, shows how much this country is rejecting liberal talking heads-or at least Georgia.

bill-clinton-and-jim-martinThe election of Saxby Chambliss shows that while we are down, we are not out and we still have an opportunity to make sure Obama has a very rough four years getting his radical agenda through. With crazy legislation like FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act), ENDA (Employment Non Discrimination Act) and other controversial bills being proposed and being that Obama owes favors to these people for tossing the Constitution aside and electing a potential foreigner to the office of President, we have to make sure we keep him in check.

So congratulations Georgia and thanks for seeing beyond the hype and electing a candidate that the Left absolutely tried to defeat. It shows with some gumption, a little money and a really good slingshot you too can bring down Goliath. But we have to keep up the fight. This is only the first of many long battles before us. God bless all of you who are not backing down, we need all of you and your spirit to continue “to bring forth a new nation” as we did with our first Republican leader seven score and eight years ago.

Barack is Anti-American

Barack Obama is anti American

Barack Obama is anti American

Rep. Michele Bachmann may be hesitant to call Barack Obama anti-American but I am not. If that impugns his character-too bad! The man’s character not only needs impugning it needs strict analyzing before we put such a man in the most important office in our land!

Trust me if I was hanging around former domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers, do you know how fast my son would be taken from me? Before I could even say boo-Adonai would be in some foster home somewhere! Yet because it is Obama, we have to excuse such associations. The man voted for infanticide! How much more radical can you get! Not only did he vote for it once, not twice but four times! NARAL didn’t have a problem with the Born Alive Infant Protection Act but Obama did! When NARAL is the voice of sanity, something is wrong somewhere!

Obama sends his children to a private school. So his choice is secure but he does not want other parents to enjoy the same right to choose their school as he does! This doesn’t sound anti-American to you! For instance, in order for me to get my kid into a good school, my home school must be failing. They are given two years to be considered “failing” or what they call “program improvement” schools. At that point I can fill out an application for my child to be moved, I must pick one program, Magnet school, public with transportation or public school choice. At that point I get to “choose” what school I want him to attend but they might not have seats in that school and then I am given two choices, if I don’t choose one of those two-well that’s it! And this what is called “Public School Choice!!” Give me a break! Even with this so called choice-parents are not told it even exists until your kid is already in a failing school and unless you happen to be able to attend their parent committee meetings which take place during the day when most parents are unable to attend! It is disgraceful.

This is a man who refused to place his hand over heart when the pledge of allegiance was being uttered. But oh he loves America….NOT! This is a man who said all of us need to learn Spanish and stop expecting the illegals to speak English. But he is patriotic…..NOT! Here’s some Spanish for you Obama. Usted es estupido! Or how about this “Usted es el hijo del Diablo.” You like that Spanish Obama? If your cerebro wasn’t completely muerte maybe then I could take you seriously. Okay that’s enough Spanish for now.

Then you have the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle. Obama received over $150,000 from the two agencies. He was integral in getting America into the situation we are in now and then turns around and has the audacity to blame Bush and McCain along with the Republican party for housing crisis. When it was Bush and the Republican trying to thwart it in the first place. In the ‘inner city’ we have a name for a man like that-a hustler, a ‘playa’ someone who tries to get over on you.  Obama is a con-man.  He is nothing more then a more “educated” version of Eddie Murphy’s character in “Distinguished Gentleman.” The difference is Jeff Johnson in the movie came to have remorse for pulling his biggest con on the American people, Obama shows no such remorse.  Let me tell you if I was receiving six figure kickbacks from the Howdy Doody Good Time Puppetry Association so that the poor could have puppets, you better believe I would be investigated! Especially if I was trying to force schools to buy puppets instead of books or computers.  If I had done what basically amounts to extortion in the private sector, I would be jailed but the government does it and it is somehow okay.

And let’s not forget the Chicago slums he is personally responsible for.  He authored legislation that gave federal subsidies to slum projects.  It is one thing to offer low-cost housing.  It is quite another to have virtually no oversight over these projects (excuse the pun) and then turn a deaf ear when problems are brought to your attention.   There are a lot of angry, Blacks in Chicago who won’t be voting for Obama.  Go to to get more details about it.

Oh yes, the man’s character definitely needs impugning.  I find it repugnant that people like McCain and the rest of the Republican are afraid to call him what he is-a communist,  a liberal,  anti-American.  He is a cancer on this great land.  We need to start showing some backbone.  Obviously I don’t hate Obama because he is Black, I hate what he stands for.  I hate that he called babies of unwed teenage mothers-a punishment.  [And if it goes for teen mothers, it probably stands to reason all babies of all unwed mothers are punishment as well.]  I hate that he voted to allow babies to die.  I hate that he hangs around with terrorists and other radical anti-American nutjobs.  I hate that both him and Michelle think that the poor are just waiting for them to come along and “improve” our lives because we are incapable of doing it ourselves.  I hate that Michelle’s college thesis is no more than elitist snobbery at its most grandiose! Mostly, I hate that with an Obama presidency our rights will be stripped away and I can’t let that happen.  Michelle once said, Blacks are waking up, and she is right.  We are waking up not the false promises and lies of Obama, but we are waking up to the truth of what an Obama presidency will do to our people, our nation and we are not willing to let it happen.