D-Day Is Coming

American troops in an LCVP landing craft appro...

Image via Wikipedia

On June 6, 1944 the Allied troops landed on the shores of Normandy, France and changed the course of World War II.  Up to that time, the war had taken a toll on the American resolve.  We had entered the war December 7, 1941 after the bombing of our naval base on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

During this time, we saw rationing of rubber, sugar and other such necessities for wartime use.  However, the Normandy invasion or D-Day changed the course of the war and the course of human history. The war would end within the year.  I give you the history in order for you to  understand the upcoming D-Day.  My great hope is it too will change the course of human history.  For too long the disabled of this world have been met with scorn, ridicule, contempt and pity. This May we will change how people think about those with disabilities.

I am the Senator of Disabled Students Affairs at Los Angeles City College and I am determined to see that the war that the Left has perpetuated on the disabled population does not go unanswered.  For far too long we have had a false sense of compassion for those who have physical, emotional or other various disabilities and told them they are not capable of having a “normal” life.  Outside of abortion, there has been no bigger lie that people have believed than that one. 

So join me in speaking out for those who are the most vulnerable who sometimes can’t speak for themselves, but if you can, if you are disabled and are tired of feeling like you have to apologize for simply being who you are then come join me at Los Angeles City College and make your voice heard! This is our D-Day, this is the day we will win the war against the bigotry of the disabled!


Social Security Surplus Depleted

social_security_626_articleAccording to Money News  the surplus of the Social Security Adminstration has run out.  Originally they thought they had enough to get through 2017 but due to faulty Wall Street investments, all the money is gone! 

Social Security Surplus Already Gone

So what does that mean for people who are already receiving Social Security payments? Will they stop? Will millions lose their only source of income? The ramificiations of such a huge loss and how could this happen? Social Security has been warning people for years that they were on the brink of insolvency.  That if something wasn’t done and pronto that they were going to go bankrupt.  In fact, any time you called Social Security you got a message to that effect on the other end.

This wasn’t the Social Security trust fund however, this was a surplus.  A surplus that was supposed to take us to 2017 according to the article.  So what happened? They gambled it on the stock market! We are not talking bonds or CDs that mature over time and will pay an interest on the principal amount. We are talking straight up, Las Vegas type roulette gambling of other people’s money! We are basically talking taking millons of taxpayer dollars and going, “Yeah I got 20 showing, hit me!”

So what is going to happen now that we have fettered all the money away? Well, we are going to have to go begging money from people like China and Japan. Yeah, because I am sure they are just thrilled to lend us money considering we are already in debt up to our ears with them. 

“The decline means that the Treasury Department could be forced to borrow an additional $700 billion from foreign investors like China  and Japan just as those seem unwilling to hold the trillions in bonds they already own.”

Now it is one thing when government borrows money from another government that will be used to help the country as a whole. It is quite another when it is borrowing money, specifically for a government run program like Social Security.  Because then China can say, “Well since we are saving  your Social Security system, we also get a say in how it is run.” I don’t see China giving us the money without that condition attached to it.  And do we really want the Chinese with their notorious human rights abuses being in charge of any aspect of our government, especially Social Security that goes out our elderly and other vulnerable citizenry.

It is just too scary to think about.  So if your next Social Security check comes in the form of yen, you know why.

North Korea Launches Rocket


Missile on launch pad

Okay the title pretty well says it all.  I don’t even know how to begin.  Didn’t we see this coming? Haven’t we warned America that Kim Jong II is a madman with no respect for anyone’s authority but his own? Haven’t the conservatives of this nation been saying for years now that Kim Jong II is a serious threat to us and the rest of the civilized world? Even more so than Iraq and Afghanistan? But did anyone listen? NOOOOOOO! Now,  he has launched a rocket that has landed in the waters between Korea and Japan.

NKorea launches rocket, defying world pressure

kim-jong-iiKim Jong II is saying they were just launching a satellite.  I guess they are trying to get ready for June 12, 2009 when tv goes digital.  Maybe Direct TV didn’t show up between 8 am and 12 noon like promised so good ol’ Kim decided, “You know what if you want something done right you have got to do it yourself.” So he attached a satellite to a rocket and sent it spiraling into space never thinking that the rest of the world might think he IS TESTING MISSILES!!!! Yeah that must be it.  And I drink 7 up because it is made of “all natural ingredients!’ Come on does this guy really think we’re stupid?

According to the Yahoo article, Obama had this to say about the situation:  “President Barack Obama warned the move would further isolate the communist nation.”  Hello, we are talking about Kim Jong here not Dale Carnegie, I don’t think the first thing on the mind of North Korea is making friends and influencing people! He’s not you, Obama, he can care less if the rest of the world likes him or not! Then there is all this indignation that North Korea went against UN resolutions.  Yeah because we all know how honorable nutjob tyrants are!

A special UN sesssion has been called for Sunday and it is being called for stronger sanctions against North Korea.  I can understand why, they have done a bang up job so far quelling that North Korean threat haven’t they?  The two hold outs they are most worried about is Russia and China-North Korea’s closest ally.  Surprise, surprise-Russia and China-because we all know just what a bedrock of democracy those two countries are.

The whole thing is unsettling.  Armageddon is fast approaching and people are not paying attention. Welcome to the new world order people, the demise of human liberty is very immient.