Occupy Wall Street vs. The Tea Party

Manhattan Tea Party

Image by ajagendorf25 via Flickr

Anyone who has followed my blog for any length of time knows that I am a Tea Party girl. However, one cannot ignore this Occupy Wall Street movement that is the Left’s equivalent of the Tea Party. When the Tea Party first started growing the Left tried their inane beverage parties as if the people joining the movement were all enamored and obsessed with tea or something. You had the Coffee Party, there was a Beer Party and I am sure if  you looked hard enough you could’ve found a Diet Fanta party for anorexic Hispanics or some other such nonsense. 
         With the failure of those parties, they finally hit upon an idea-re-create Woodstock with its sex, drugs and non-existent bathing and boom the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement was born. OWS is basically Woodstock on speed. There is a vast difference between the two movements and it can best be summed up in this “photo” I recieved in my email:

 There is a reason the two parties cannot get along besides the whole  rape thing. The reason is because the two movements fundamentally disagree on how this country should be. The tea party thinks people should be responsible for creating and carrying out their own destiny. While the OWS group thinks government should be involved every time you take a breath.  While the government does a role in the lives of its citizens it is not supposed to be a nanny. The purpose of government is to protect its citizens and provide infrastructure to society in order that its citizens can then live their lives according to their own beliefs and ideals. So long as those ideals don’t cause undue harm to others.

The only thing these two movements have in common are that they are both grassroots based. Beyond that, the movements are like night and day. The Tea Party wants to reign in the government and hold them accountable for their actions. The OWS blames Wall Street for the woes the nation is facing while they are carrying around laptops,  IPODs and wearing FUBU. It is pretty clear they have no understanding of what they are fighting, whereas the Tea Party is very clear in what it wants to see take place. Ask anyone at a Tea Party about the Constitution and they will most likely whip out their own little pocket copy. People at a Tea Party have an understanding of what the Constitution and why it should be followed. The OWS crowd seems far less educated about their own cause. Which only makes them look foolish.

What is worse is the government is actually behind this movement. You have both Obama and Nancy Pelosi encouraging and supporting the protesters. Rule number one of a protest: Never have the government back your cause! No protester worth their salt would ever have the government endorse them! I know you OWS people dropped a lot of acid during Woodstock but even with your limited brain cells left you must at least remember that from your protest days!

In closing, all I can say is if it comes down to a showdown between the Tea Party and the OWS crowd  you better hope and pray the Tea Party wins or else you won’t have a country, job or freedom left.

4 thoughts on “Occupy Wall Street vs. The Tea Party

  1. Pingback: Freedom of assembly « All Tied Up and Nowhere to Go

  2. Pingback: Occupy Wall Street vs. Tea Party: Similarities & Differences | American Freedom

  3. Pingback: Where OWS and the Tea Party are coming from (Salon) | Occupy USA Today

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