Unhappy Voters, Happy Country?


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With the growing discontent among voters, especially with the two party system that seems to mirror each other, how can we turn that around and become a happy country? First of all, what are we? Are we happy, upset, discontent, and just out all angry? What is the pulse of the American voter

While I am not a liberal and don’t go around speaking for everybody, I will say the growing frustration among the American populus doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can actually be a catalyst to making improvements within our country. Some of the improvements I would like to see are the following.

1) Education becoming more valued. I think Americans take their education for granted. It is time we start realizing while we were being apathetic, our children were being dumbed down. We need to empower parents (after we educate–not indoctrinate–them, of course) to make decisions regarding their child’s future. By letting the state have control over where our children go to school, what they learn and how rapidly they can advance, we have severely damaged our children.  There needs to be more done in the way of school choice. Whether it is vouchers, promotion of homeschooling and creating a competitive environment in which schools compete for students to better serve the children, we need to stop looking to the same old liberal doctrine that has created this mess to begin with. We need to eliminate the Department of Education and get the federal government out of the education business. At least in terms of K-12, for postsecondary colleges we need to do better to make sure people are learning the courses they need to be gainfully employed. We need to abolish the No Child Left Behind Act and really get together on a local level to get rid of bad teachers and court good ones.

2.  We need to protect human life from conception to natural death. Nothing we can do is more important than this. If we don’t protect life at all stages, it is up for grabs at any stage. By making sure this fundamental right is granted and that all people have the right to be born, we secure the rest of our rights as well. There can be no rights without the right to life. We must continually press on and fight for the rights of the unborn, disabled and elderly who are often the target of a hateful Leftist regime who sees no innate value in their lives. This is not a political issue, it is a human issue and anyone who cannot understand that doesn’t deserve to be called a human being since they see fit to strip that title from others.

3) We need to secure marriage.  Marriage, in and of itself, is very equitable. It says one man HAS to marry one woman and both parties are entitled to the full rights and benefits of such union. There is no discrimination in marriage as it currently stands. In fact, it is the gay community who wishes to discriminate and make marriage unequal and who promote inequality, not equality. We need to secure marriage because it offers the best hope to families. It is the safest place for women and children. By working to make sure marriage stands between one man and one woman we are actually producing a benefit to everyone in society, even gays, for when societies are stable and not fraught with contention, everyone is more free.

These are the things that inspire me to continue to speak out and try to make a difference. We each need to recognize if there are overwhelming ills in our society, it is because we have allowed them to go unchecked and have neglected our responsibility to correct them. Right now, everyone seems to be divided and fighting amongst themselves. However, if we are wise we can use that unhappiness we feel to motivate us into action and to help move America forward. We  need not settle for what the Republicans and Democrats says are the best and the brightest. The time has come to make a difference. The way you do that is by starting small. Get involved in your local community by volunteering at schools, churches, and local neighborhood councils. You can write letters to your representatives, better yet if their office is near you, drop in for a visit. You can sign petitions or do a 101 other things that will make an impact on your life.  I think we are at this point, where people are seeking out ways to make this a happy country once again. If enough people get involved and start being of service, we won’t need the politician’s paltry band-aids for our ills, for we will have the medicine that can save our lives. That medicine is called Unity. You know as in the UNITED States of America!

Election Day

The White House at night

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It is Election Day and soon it will be found out if conservatives did indeed claim the White House back from the commie hijackers that stole it in November 2008.  This is not so much about party but about what kind of country we want to leave for our children (Yes, pro-aborts some of us still think having children is a good thing and want to leave the world better than we found it! ) For too long now, we have followed the Pied Pipers of Liberalism to our own detriment.

Meg Whitman

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 As of right now, I don’t  know who the governor of California is.  Is it Meg Whitman? Is another round of Jerry Brown (hello! You did a crappy job the first time around, some of us actually remember that!)? Neither one really appeals to me, which is why I will be voting for Chelene Nightingale.  Whether she wins or not, the important thing is to continue to fight for the values we hold dear:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ~Declaration of Independence

Our future is on the line. We will either continue as a nation forged in liberty or we will become the slaves of the government who thinks they know better than we do. In each generation, there is a time to stand up, stand tall and raise your voice in freedom.  This is our time! I belong to Generation Me. I grew up in a generation devoted to hedonism, feminism and where corruption became the norm. I grew up in the day of AIDS, sexual depravity and moral relevancy. All these things seeking to lay claim to our shared humanity. I had to make a decision.  I could continue down this path of destruction or I could turn my life around and help others to do the same. My generation more than any other has done more to damage the social fabric of society and it is time that we clean up our mess!  If we can destroy it then we can rebuild it! And it all starts with one election! This election!

We will either continue to do what we have always done-exploit greed. Or we take back our Constitution and our right to govern ourselves. So when you go out and vote this Election Day, remember that we are one vote away from becoming Communist China. One vote away from allowing the government to have total control over every aspect of our lives. One vote away from a media run only by the state. One vote away from being silenced. Will you be silenced? I hope not. Get out and vote!

America’s Independent Women

"The Third-Term Panic", by Thomas Na...

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I have been asked to speak on Chelene Nightingale’s behalf at Los Angeles City College during their Voter Ed seminar that they will be presenting on November 1st at 1pm. Chelene Nightingale is the American Independent Party gubernatorial candidate (Note: What a funny word-gubneratorial. Does that make all our governors-goobers? LOL) I have been officially allowed by her campaign to speak on her behalf, so it is just not me going out there as a supporter but it is in a somewhat official capacity as well.

If you look closely at this race, you will see a large number of women running for public office. We have two women running for governor and neither one is a Democrat. We have two women running for the Senate seat. Men seem almost non-existent in this race. Women and minorities have come to realize that the Democratic policies –which were supposed to make their lives better and provide equality–have failed miserably. Because of this those who were before beholden to the Democratic Party are beginning to reject it.

This has led women (and men) to leave the failing two party system and seek out other alternative third parties. While the Dems and GOP continue to fight among themselves, people are looking towards creating and promoting already established third parties. Let the Dems and Republicans mock this growing movement. As Mahatma Ghandi once said:  “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” We are going to win and it will be those “independent” breed of women and men that bring it to pass.

It has been an honor to work with Chelene’s campaign manager, Dani. She has been quite a  help as I try to promote Chelene as the best candidate we have for governor. Why is she the best candidate you ask? In my opinion she is the best candidate she has the best vision for California and has a plan on how to get us there. She wants to give homeschooling parents, a tax credit.  She wants to bring jobs back to California by giving small businesses tax incentives and tax breaks. She wants to halt illegal immigration by attrition. By forcing illegals to go back home, there will be more needed services for those who are in this country legally and its citizens. These reforms are needed to get this state back on its feet again.

I think it is imperative that we stop looking to the broken two party system, which is really the one party system, and start coming up with new ways to impact our government. Whether Chelene wins or loses she is taking a stand and putting the politicians on notice. We don’t need politicians, we need public servants and I feel that is what Chelene Nightingale brings to the table, more so than her rivals.

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